EU - Where are you?

So I just made a new twink, and I was wondering what server has a lot of twinks (for wargame purposes), and which battlegroups are active? I might transfer if a guild is willing to have me!
culte de river noir (if you choose to play this realm makes you bad)

aggramar, draenor > zenedar, azjol nerub > bloodscalp (like a pro)
Battlegroups are merged.

Aszune is the best alliance realm.

Not sure about horde, probably draenor or zenedar.
Yes, but teams can't be split with half french or half europes, it's only a full alliance french team, or a full german horde team.
I see many twinks from Al'akir but don't think they have any organized activity at all. Listen to the two previous posters.

i have twinks left on al'akir, it kinda died when <saves the day> died.

Aszune is the most active server for alliance twinks. we will take your transfer, provided you have BiS gear, we'll help with AGM and such. for more info, check my thread in the recruitment part of the forum <3
Aszune is the most active server for alliance twinks. we will take your transfer, provided you have BiS gear, we'll help with AGM and such. for more info, check my thread in the recruitment part of the forum <3

Your name sounds awefully familiar, do you remember Vehemens or Vehemity from oldschool twinking? Won't need help with AGM, if I transfer, I'll be coming fully geared packed with boe's and consumables.
There is generally lack of horde last weeks. :-( Queue times are longer, usually stops popping around 10pm server time (remember having pops at 1-2am not so long time ago). It would be nice to see some competitive games and more activity. Havent seen 4+ horde players from same guild for ages in WSG. (ok, i dont count the frenchies)
Your name sounds awefully familiar, do you remember Vehemens or Vehemity from oldschool twinking? Won't need help with AGM, if I transfer, I'll be coming fully geared packed with boe's and consumables.

awwwwww yeah <3 HAI Vehem, ofc i remember you.. =)

edit: i was but a scrub then
(INB4 LOL ur still trash)

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