Queueing Is The Best Bit Guild Recruitment

haha that is a point Ginger, hopefully some horde guilds will fire up again and we can get some games ruining.

and thx for the complements, anyone and Poket, if you link me one of your characters, and everything checks out,

you are welcome too ^-^
haha that is a point Ginger, hopefully some horde guilds will fire up again and we can get some games ruining.

and thx for the complements, anyone and Poket, if you link me one of your characters, and everything checks out,

you are welcome too ^-^

poket is copyhat silly ^^
haha i dident know...my bad, just talked to him in a bg and he is most welcome to come to our guild. I i cant keep up with all these name changes/alts
best of luck guys but eu premades aint gonna happen soon,
one guild gets active has one seems to die.

i blame the dark side.
Bump this a bit. We managed to have 10 ppl online for 5v5 arenas. Doing semi premade BGs (4-6 ppl) lot last days. Using mumble as vioce chat, bank full of rums and common stuff like that.. Still short of 1 priest at least. Every application will be considered tho. Active skilled players are welcome anytime :)
Another day of 5man grouping for wsg earlier today, i can see the activity increasing in our guild. Sadly theres not many horde queuing recently.

Just pointing out we arent THE BEST OF THE BEST players, but we definitely are the friendliest guild. If anyone needs more info about us and / or our guild (Queueing Is the Best Bit) hit flyfly, vicak, or me with a PM.

And while im at this......BUMP
they should implement that you can pay character transfers with paypal
Hey ive got a 19 priest on dreanor, started playing wow again. Hes fully geared got multiple sets, lucky fishing hat and 2 AGMS just havent got any BIS, Im considering moving to you guys.
Hey ive got a 19 priest on dreanor, started playing wow again. Hes fully geared got multiple sets, lucky fishing hat and 2 AGMS just havent got any BIS, Im considering moving to you guys.

glad to see you here.

GUYS, i'm pimpin' up the first post. times are changed, we are better than the rest now.
Some new players have joined, even one guy with "Of the Alliance" title. We have about 8-10 active players online daily and increasing.

?? sheeeeeeeet must be skilled GUAY

GL WITH GUILD xoxo ( i know u all love me )
If your in need of a skilled hunter (Im aware of how hilarious that sounds) I'd be happy to come over for some fun wargames etc. I probably wouldn't join wsg premades for obvious reasons, unless I'm the only hunter there (wouldn't want other guilds upset about too many hunters). Just PM me if your interested (btw, spoke with Twinx online already). Armory is in SIG, have some offset pieces inluding GTOJ, a haste set, and I'm working on a hp/fc set. Thanks in advance!

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