aeria peak reputation.

The vast majority of us on AP do not support botting in anyway. People tend to categorize us as "botters and "GY farmers". They do this because they saw someone on our server bot and then somehow think everyone bots. It's a common misconception that AP players bot and GY farm. If someone blames you for doing either, when you haven't, you can employ a coupe of tactics.
  1. Respond with a simple "I do bot, and most of us on AP do not support botting."
  2. Ignore them.

I suggest doing the first as acting in a respectable manner will help better our communities name, which is tarnished by only a few. Try to separate yourself from the negative stereotypes and create new positive ones.

I hope those who bot and GY farm realize while you may get away with it, it ruins the experience for everyone else. That might not matter so much to you, however realize you're not going to be making many friends if you keep on doing so.

i'm sorry, i just can't take any of this discussion seriously. nobody who plays in the level 20 bracket thinks like this. most of these people have trouble forming complete sentences, turning with their mouse, or using an ability once every 3-4 GCDs

we've been doing a lot of WSG lately because it's faster honor, and i'd estimate that there is an average of about 1 person on each team who is actually a competent player in each game (not counting us). you're basically telling us that we need to take a bracket seriously that has 1/10th of its players know what's going on

my friends and i play this bracket to have fun. we do not care about what you or anyone else thinks. i know this sounds harsh, but the players here just suck, most of the people on this forum are legitimately clueless, and quite frankly the only reason why we play here is because it's free and you guys are really, really easy to troll

people who are posting stuff like the above ^^ know exactly what they're looking for (drumroll): a paid MMO - something that avoids all of these problems - possibly even just a regular subscription to WoW. so why don't you go ahead and reactivate your WoW subscriptions and leave this admittedly pretty crappy bracket behind? no one is stopping you!
and another thing, on a helpful note:

virtually ALL of the above problems are solved by QUEUING AS A GROUP WITH OTHERS. botters? queue as a group, votekick them. too many hunters/lame class balance? queue as a group, beat them. don't want to GY farm or get GY farmed? queue as a group. 24s? queue as a group, beat them.

you guys act like you know what you're doing, but you post about the SAMEEEEE PROBLEMS here over and over and over again incessantly and complain about them in-game without ever making aaaaaaaaaaaannnyy effort to fix them. literally, all it takes is to QUEUE AS A GROUP to make this bracket fun for you. that's IT.

whenever i pvp on aerie peak, i always ask in chat if anyone wants to play. sometimes people join, we win, we have fun. but most of the time, no one ever responds, then 5 minutes later i'll look at chat and a couple people will be whining about getting farmed, hunters, etc. do yourselves a favor and start to stick up for yourself. you'll enjoy life a lot more
Cotus, I understand your point of view. I don't feel that what we are discussing is a "problem" it is more of a misconception. I don't see the relevance in you stating how bad everyone is, it is irrelevant. My post simply made some suggestions on how we can grow into a more positive bracket, therefore attracting more players. Nobody wants to play in a bracket with a bunch of botters, when in reality there are only a few.

I have met many good players in this bracket and your description of us, as far as I've seen, is untrue and a bit ridiculous. I have yet to meet anyone who cannot form a complete sentence. Once again try not stereotype us; when in reality I guarantee that more than 1/10 players know what they're doing.
Cotus, I understand your point of view. I don't feel that what we are discussing is a "problem" it is more of a misconception. I don't see the relevance in you stating how bad everyone is, it is irrelevant. My post simply made some suggestions on how we can grow into a more positive bracket, therefore attracting more players. Nobody wants to play in a bracket with a bunch of botters, when in reality there are only a few.

I have met many good players in this bracket and your description of us, as far as I've seen, is untrue and a bit ridiculous. I have yet to meet anyone who cannot form a complete sentence. Once again try not stereotype us; when in reality I guarantee that more than 1/10 players know what they're doing.

i've met lots of good players, too. but that doesn't mean that everyone else isn't painfully bad. the ratio is probably more like 1.5/10, yes. it's not worth my time to organize anything in this bracket because these people are, in fact, ridiculously bad and ridiculously stupid.

it's not that i have a problem with it, it's just that it makes no sense to court these players - they just have no idea what's going on!

i'd like to note that i've *never* seen you in a 20 game, ever, not even i'm not sure where you're getting your information unless you have alts. the character in your signature has a grand total of 926 HKs.
i'd like to note that i've *never* seen you in a 20 game, ever, not even i'm not sure where you're getting your information unless you have alts. the character in your signature has a grand total of 926 HKs.

The character in my signature is indeed my only 20. It is still fairly new, but I have played quite a few BG's so far. Most of my information is based on the people I have played with on AP; who haven't been stupid or bad. I understand your point of view, but I'm not going to agree with it. I was simply posting what I thought would help some people in my original post.
I got the impression that Cotus was not referring to the people in our F2P community on AP, but the rest of the people in the bracket from other servers etc. On Alliance side, everyone knows to group up or to simulqueue if you can't find a P2P to group you. No one on our community runs alone unless there is no other alternative, or they just haven't been initiated yet. So my assumption is that Cotus is not referring to us as being the bads, but everyone else.
indeed, *most* players on AP on both factions are at least decent/know what they're doing. but the people on AP are the ones most guilty of refusing to queue as a group. we just 5-capped three ABs in a row as a 5 man party on AP horde with no 24s (then won another one that wasn't a 5 cap)

there's just no excuse not to be queuing as group. i can only imagine how much this bracket would suck if you were solo queuing
AP probably has more f2ps than all the other servers combined, why would it be surprising to also find a larger number of bads/botters/assholes from AP than any other server? It's just a fact of a large community.
AP probably has more f2ps than all the other servers combined, why would it be surprising to also find a larger number of bads/botters/assholes from AP than any other server? It's just a fact of a large community.

I tried to tell people this, there are "bad" people in communities wherever you go in life. No matter how many "good" people. Its a fact of life. Get over it and realize that we dont associate ourselves with them. ("bad" and "good" has to do with skill, and also with personality)
I agree wholeheartedly with the last three posts.
The only part I hate is when there is a botter in with us from AP. You can tell that they are using the mods, because they are in the friend's list. Unlike Goldendays, they don't give anything to the community. They do give us a bad name.
"bad" and "good" has to do with skill, and also with personality

No it doesn't

Bad people is everyone who is mediocre at the game and can't defend themselves.

Good is everyone who pretends it's highschool and polls to be the most popular regardless of positive or negative fame.

This is also why 'just play a paid MMO' is silly, you'll find the same kind of people there as well, some people just revel in being a-holes because of the anonimity of the internet.

for sure, but if you pay for a game like WoW, there are ways to avoid these problems, as people have pointed out above (guilds so you only play with people like you, pvping as a group so you only have to deal with people like you (wait, we have this one too....), matchmaking system so you only go up against people your same skill level, etc)

you guys are just singing the same tune over and over and over again: "we have problems, but we're not willing to solve them ourselves, even when the solution is incredibly easy and sitting right in front of us." you know how many times i've watched people like (the one who can't be named) cry and whine in /f2p chat about hunters and WSG being unfair? and the guy still just keeps queuing by himself, over and over and over again, raging about the shitty bracket and how everything is stacked against him

the sad part is that i do more to help this bracket by queuing people in my groups than 99% of the rest of you guys, even as complain about my trolling
COTUS, I think you should just leave the F2P forums if all you ever do is complain and whine about how terrible everyone is. Go to your 'paid MMO' and leave us be, it seems like you're only here to spread your negativity. You've already been warned by the mods about your rude and offensive behavior and I for one would not be sad if you took a 'leave of absence' for a while. Also, here's a link to the Ti Code of Conduct...

Code of Conduct

Take care.
Cotus if you want people to understand your argument atleast take some effort to lay your argument out in a polite way for us "bads". You are never going to convince anyone that your right by using derogatory/offensive language.
i'm never gonna convince any of you guys that i'm right, period. you're well set in your ways of self-pity and victimhood

you're welcome to ask me for an invite whenever i'm pvping on aerie peak or arranging simul-queue groups. that's really all i can do for you, sorry

This is also why 'just play a paid MMO' is silly, you'll find the same kind of people there as well, some people just revel in being a-holes because of the anonimity of the internet.

This is a great read of a layman interpretation of problems of this nature, and very close to my research in modeling human behavior and decisions in artificial intelligence.

... you know how many times i've watched people like deadvulcano cry and whine in /f2p chat about hunters and WSG being unfair? ...

the sad part is that i do more to help this bracket by queuing people in my groups than 99% of the rest of you guys, even as complain about my trolling

You need a bite to feel big? Here you go: I complain in chat about the number of hunters even though they still lose. I did troll the chat on a weekend once while "drunk" about it, only 1-2 ppl seemed to know it though. Hell, I made a thread titled "Enjoy your bracket huntards." Except for my premades with Çer, maybe 10-15 games, all of my other games are pugs. This gives me a 64% pug win rate playing a horde mage in wsg.

You already know the quality of the individuals in this bracket. I get no enjoyment rolling noobs in a Horde premade, I get no enjoyment rolling noobs in an Alliance premade. The only things worth while in the bgs here is overcoming a geared alliance team with a bunch of random horde, or fighting off 24s as alliance.

I feel sorry for you that you can't understand that ppl value things differently than you. You enjoy rolling noobs ("1.5/10 ppl are bads") thats fine and it works for you. You enjoy grouping with 24s to premade, as if it wasn't already an easy win in a premade vs "bads". Play the game you want to play imo.

And finally,

(...pvping as a group so you only have to deal with people like you (wait, we have this one too....)

Someone is still paying your way to even form the group. On horde side the numbers are small enough that you can simul queue and group that way though (this is improved by Yasueh's addon.) More to the point, I have no intention of grouping with you nor anyone that supports/groups with you.

Enjoy your ignorance "C O T U S" and good luck in real life.
The only part I hate is when there is a botter in with us from AP. You can tell that they are using the mods, because they are in the friend's list. Unlike Goldendays, they don't give anything to the community. They do give us a bad name.

I've helped plenty of people in this community with AGM, running stocks on my 85, making groups etc.

Goldendays isn't the only botter who's helped this community.

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