The vast majority of us on AP do not support botting in anyway. People tend to categorize us as "botters and "GY farmers". They do this because they saw someone on our server bot and then somehow think everyone bots. It's a common misconception that AP players bot and GY farm. If someone blames you for doing either, when you haven't, you can employ a coupe of tactics.
- Respond with a simple "I do bot, and most of us on AP do not support botting."
- Ignore them.
I suggest doing the first as acting in a respectable manner will help better our communities name, which is tarnished by only a few. Try to separate yourself from the negative stereotypes and create new positive ones.
I hope those who bot and GY farm realize while you may get away with it, it ruins the experience for everyone else. That might not matter so much to you, however realize you're not going to be making many friends if you keep on doing so.
i'm sorry, i just can't take any of this discussion seriously. nobody who plays in the level 20 bracket thinks like this. most of these people have trouble forming complete sentences, turning with their mouse, or using an ability once every 3-4 GCDs
we've been doing a lot of WSG lately because it's faster honor, and i'd estimate that there is an average of about 1 person on each team who is actually a competent player in each game (not counting us). you're basically telling us that we need to take a bracket seriously that has 1/10th of its players know what's going on
my friends and i play this bracket to have fun. we do not care about what you or anyone else thinks. i know this sounds harsh, but the players here just suck, most of the people on this forum are legitimately clueless, and quite frankly the only reason why we play here is because it's free and you guys are really, really easy to troll
people who are posting stuff like the above ^^ know exactly what they're looking for (drumroll): a paid MMO - something that avoids all of these problems - possibly even just a regular subscription to WoW. so why don't you go ahead and reactivate your WoW subscriptions and leave this admittedly pretty crappy bracket behind? no one is stopping you!