P2P and F2Ps - do they mix?


<The Awesome>
I want to try this bracket out when I can get back to WoW, but since I try to take WoW in moderation I'll be taking a shortcut and will create a 20 on my P2P account. Anything I should know?

The givens I assumed were that I am limited to certain laaaaame enchants, no loom cape / helm, and MUST stay at 20

Anything else?

Woot for 1k posts
Grats on 1k, and I'd look at the [post=333802]xp thread[/post] before you invent too much time into the p2p 20
[font=times new roman,times,serif]The 20-24 bracket is a sensitive topic. Most threads involving the subject get locked and deleted quickly. But not after a lot of sanctimony and rhetoric from trolls and people who feel persecuted for their views. For now the two don't mix very well, and it's a subject to stay away from at the very least.[/font]
While you can buy BoEs of the AH, and collect consumables that are both available to F2Ps, do bear in mind that it could take a very considerable time for them to farm them.

eg. Rumsey Rum Black Label. You buy a single stack for 40 silver, and can carry enough for weeks of BGs. To get just a single stack an F2P will likely have to spend several hours fishing.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]The 20-24 bracket is a sensitive topic. Most threads involving the subject get locked and deleted quickly. But not after a lot of sanctimony and rhetoric from trolls and people who feel persecuted for their views. For now the two don't mix very well, and it's a subject to stay away from at the very least.[/font]

The question was about P2Ps and F2Ps mixing, and had nothing to do with 20s and 24s mixing.

The reality is, a decent number of the 20s that get lump-trolled with the F2Ps are, in fact, P2Ps who feel they have something to contribute to the F2P community by way of helping to form groups. These kind and generous people make level 20 characters and adhere to the limitations faced by a F2P, such as no guild looms, no products of tradeskills over 100 skill, etc.
I sometimes question the value of attempting to communicate via forums at all.

But then again, maybe they saw the OP's sig and then decided "what" to post.
Enough is enough. I have it with these mother fucking noobs in this mother fucking thread.

That aside, anything available to F2P is classed as F2P. At this point there doesn't seem to be any problem with XP off 20s being in the same bracket as F2P 20s, and Blizz have certainly not announced anything about removing 20s from XP off BGs and putting them in XP on or their own bracket. While this may change, if it does, and you still want to play, you can always level up a F2P 20 yourself.
The easiest way to avoid giving in to temptation is to make sure you never have the opportunity to do so.

That and you can multibox, so we could all have a laugh multiboxing war games
[font=times new roman,times,serif]The 20-24 bracket is a sensitive topic. Most threads involving the subject get locked and deleted quickly. But not after a lot of sanctimony and rhetoric from trolls and people who feel persecuted for their views. For now the two don't mix very well, and it's a subject to stay away from at the very least.[/font]

The question was about P2Ps and F2Ps mixing, and had nothing to do with 20s and 24s mixing.

Indeed, this thread is fine as long as it stays roughly as it is at the moment.
I rolled a P2P 20 and only had 1 instance where anyone even suspected that I was P2P (of course I wasn't guilded, wasn't using OP enchants, etc.). I just had 2 rare BoE items and they suspected that I might be P2P. So in most cases people won't even realize you're P2P.

There's many sides to the argument on whether you should roll a P2P 20 or not but I personally don't see a problem with it as there is a benefit to being P2P in a community that is largely F2P (easier communication and party invites). I think most people that are against it are really against it because they're afraid that P2P 20s will go for OP enchants, max lvl profs, BoA helm/cloaks, etc. Ofc you can do what you want but if you want to invest in the F2P community as a P2P player you'll want to make sure you don't obtain/get/use things they can't.

We have quite a few P2P 20s. If anything, you'll be welcomed for your ability to put people in groups, kill stuff with a ready-made DK, and summon people around using the guild perk.

I imagine that might get annoying though, which is why I try not to ask for favors from our P2Ps.

Some people might get touchy about buying BoEs and mailing yourself the legal heirlooms, but that's the sort of thing that people won't notice unless you specifically mention where they came from. Personally I could care less.
I play just fine with my p2p. Make one join the apchat and get in the war. No one should care about someone else's gear. Life's too short for such nonsense.

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