Rogues... nerf pls

i find this argument silly . most of it is based on the fact that rogues can hit big numbers. yet a feral can almost double the numbers....... confused

You hit for 2k? Cool beans
Rogues lost their mobility.In order to compensate for that they got more firepower. Tbh, more than a fair trade off.
HAAHAHAAHAH hahahahaahahaa... haha, No.

Rogue dont need nerfs, you just need to learn to play your class better.

Rogue have lost : Gouge,sprint,ShS = less utilitie

where as most class's now have some movement increasing abiltie while rogues dont get any.

You should of made a thread about nerfing boomkins and priests.
so cripzblood,inoobpro and lilhunter, guys who mained a huntard in cata, are whining about class imbalances? karma is a bitch
priests are fine, and i am absolutely unbiased

I love when people can atleast admit they are OP. can't tell if this is sarcasm or you really think you are fine.. 1k bubbles aren't fine

so cripzblood,inoobpro and lilhunter, guys who mained a huntard in cata, are whining about class imbalances? karma is a bitch

Karma? If you wanna compare cata hunts to currently OP classes there is no competition.. but ya atleast I'm still maining my hunt, how's your healer doing?
Karma? If you wanna compare cata hunts to currently OP classes there is no competition.. but ya atleast I'm still maining my hunt, how's your healer doing?

Not sure if serious...

I could focus dump and literally kill anyone in Cata. That is just as OP as the current *OP* classes.

We just traded DPS for heals. Are you feeling ineffective? Don't worry, we all are ^_^.
Not sure if serious...

I could focus dump and literally kill anyone in Cata. That is just as OP as the current *OP* classes.

We just traded DPS for heals. Are you feeling ieffective? Don't worry, we all are ^_^.

not sure what kind of people you are fighting.You couldnt burst alot of people down. In cata a 24 BiS hunter could NOT burst a BiS f2p priest (if he pops a bubble beforehand) or a BiS hpal.1vs1 that is.f2p hunters are out of question to begin with.
Theoretically speaking vs a 20 BiS hunter a hpal or even a intellect stacking prot the hpal will never even go OOM due to judgement regaining mana and holy shock/word of glory not costing almost any resources.Now would the fight take forever?Around 3-4 minutes I dueled my friend alot when I was f2p.

Now its like completely out of hand.From being a ''somewhat'' useful healer who almost always topped charts and kept retards alive I now feel completely useless and lost in a sea of rerolling healers.

tl;dr i hate paladins.And hate is a strong word. Especially hpals with infninite mana when they used to cast their ''holy judgement'' i used to call them ''things'' i have no idea why they just induce rage into me and now there is nothing to hold them on a leash.Probably alot of hate stems since D2 paladins but there is just no equivalent class in WoW that comes close to for priests.
Be4 hunters did alot more dmg and healers healed alot less and they still could beat hunters, now healers heal alot more and hunters do alot less dmg, now healers can do 2v1 or even 3v1 if thats the balance u guys were looking for... gz.

Just did some bgs agaisnt ramdom horde teams and aggramar premade, if they dont have half team rogues... they will have half team healers(or even more).

did one i especially liked horde had 7healers and 3rogues, i was playing on my lvl24ret pala there was so many healers to burst on, that i ended bg with 109K damage done, i think i took all berserker´s. btw we won 2-0.

In another bg wher they had 5rogues there was moment that i especially liked.(also on my ret pally-Cripzbloody) i was carrying FC chilling in my way to base when 4xrogues ambushed me... (2xlvl24´s and 2xlvl20´s none BiS) guess what happened... Auto-Death.
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Be4 hunters did alot more dmg and healers healed alot less and they still could beat hunters, now healers heal alot more and hunters do alot less dmg, now healers can do 2v1 or even 3v1 if thats the balance u guys were looking for... gz.

Just did some bgs agaisnt ramdom horde teams and aggramar premade, if they dont have half team rogues... they will have half team healers(or even more).

did one i especially liked horde had 7healers and 3rogues, i was playing on my lvl24ret pala there was so many healers to burst on, that i ended bg with 109K damage done, i think i took all berserker´s. btw we won 2-0.

In another bg wher they had 5rogues there was moment that i especially liked.(also on my ret pally-Cripzbloody i was carrying FC chilling in my way to base when 4xrogues ambushed me... (2xlvl24´s and 2xlvl20´s) guess what happened... Auto-Death.

All im seeing here is what it was like in cata but hunters doing less dmg.

P.S nerfing rogue isnt a viable reason because hunters AND ret palas got nerfed to f#ck.
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Be4 hunters did alot more dmg and healers healed alot less and they still could beat hunters, now healers heal alot more and hunters do alot less dmg, now healers can do 2v1 or even 3v1 if thats the balance u guys were looking for... gz.

Just did some bgs agaisnt ramdom horde teams and aggramar premade, if they dont have half team rogues... they will have half team healers(or even more).

did one i especially liked horde had 7healers and 3rogues, i was playing on my lvl24ret pala there was so many healers to burst on, that i ended bg with 109K damage done, i think i took all berserker´s. btw we won 2-0.

In another bg wher they had 5rogues there was moment that i especially liked.(also on my ret pally-Cripzbloody) i was carrying FC chilling in my way to base when 4xrogues ambushed me... (2xlvl24´s and 2xlvl20´s none BiS) guess what happened... Auto-Death.
So now what?:confused:. look m8 rogues alrdy lost their mobility sprint, gouge,ss even backstab (its an offense spell ot tho:p) and they are just like cata warriors now except they can stealth and with more dmg yes i admit its kinda op but its just to go along with all the nerfing that happened to them.
And speaking of in b4 hunters bm specced hunter was the top class/spec in this bracket on cata u could solo every class (even healers) on it::rolleyes: and even survival hunters would crit like 150-300 per tick from explosive shot.
stopped reading there ;)

Im going to assume you are mature or ready enough for another wall of text.Just gonna explain to you why priests were OP in cata(Still are)
As you know i had a BiS f2p priest Demopan @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft and a non BiS horde priest cuz it was my friends account and he didnt want any gear for some reason. I mean.. i know in PuGs you cant change much and just get manhandled by 2-3 rogues or DPS ccing you I know i had it happen to me so many times, while your DPS (or even friendly healers!) stand by your side doing nothing. Sure we have like what..900 armor with inner fire, rogue bait

But this is assuming a above PuG cata gameplay. Were you are protected by 3-4 competent DPS and a friendly healer watching your back. As a priest you are the most prominent and dominant force on the battlefield. You are the Ace in a deck of cards, a queen in a game of chess, you are the #1 defense, we even had the most mana in cata, upwards to 2.3k compared to hpals 2k or shamans 1.7k, allowing us to do so much.

Say as a hunter(offensively) i can control 1 player with concussion/whatever/shot or as a resto shaman (defensively) i can control one player through healing surge/wave ..maybe up to two were i pop earth shield on one heal the other.But a priest can do that much more.

As a priest (defensively) you have complete control of your whole team.You die they die.As a shaman i had to be basically locked on one person..same witha druid(not so much with a hpaladin, they have HS/WoG easier to quickly keep multiple people alive) You dont just have one person to worry about ,you can pop shields on all your allies that increase the hp of your teamates by 1/3 or if multiple people are taking damage, renew one,other, penance/flash heal the third.You had so much micromanagement compared to other healers.

Even offensively speaking, we had the most control aswell compared to other healers. The dreaded 8 second AoE fear..nothing in the game comes close in this bracket.You basically bubble yourself and run into that group of people abusing your FC in mid fearing them so your teammates can quickly mop up the most dangerous opponents. And a 40 yard SW:pain to keep stealthers in check.Sure i have flame shock on my shaman but thats a 25 yard range which is dangerous since i have to get close.Even popping mind blast/penance/holy fire could finish someone off not costing any mana compared to exospam.

Sure now we lost alot of abilites in MoP like renew, but now we have Void Tendrils allowing us to keep the enemy team under even more control with more fears.Not to mention PW shield spam. As soon as the infinite mana bug is patched Rapture will come into play aswell

so cripzblood,inoobpro and lilhunter, guys who mained a huntard in cata, are whining about class imbalances? karma is a bitch

my main is a resto shaman.No it just feels cata i was a healer-the minority.Now im the majority.
Also what feels wrong-the big 3 DPS classes(rouges hunters, rets)two of them got a nerf,but rouges didnt?

And why can a rogue sap me?I understand polymorph.Its not insta cast i can see it coming i can wind shear,intuerrupt it.But a rogue can just sap me outta nowere and I never even knew he was there ready to sap.
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