Personal Legendary Achievements


in 2011 when I was very frustrated with the direction the game had taken, I decided to create a human pally and just grind up thunderfury and perhaps sulfuras and maybe someday my rogue would see warglaives and my mage would just be used to farm for Ashes of Al'ar.

After about 8 weeks my pally had completed Thunderfury so I decided to run my mage and rogue in there too. Within 3 weeks both of their Thunderfuries were done too. It took me I believe 9 weeks to get a pair of warglaives for my rogue so that was good luck. However, it took me 69 weeks to finally see the eye of sulfuras drop (which resulted on me having to leave 9 complete pairs of bindings and 7 single bindings on their bosses)

My rogue moved on to get legendary daggers to go with the dual glaives + thunderfury.

My mage moved on to get dragonwrath.

I created a DK and decided to get glaives on it which took about 12 weeks. Then I decided it would be fun to get Shadowmourne on my pally and DK. After 18 kills on my DK, I obtained Invincible which I never thought I'd get. The following week on the same day my mage finished Dragonwrath, my rogue finished Fangs of the Father, my DK and pally both finished Shadowmourne and it was a pretty great day.

I had obtained onyxian drake after about 30 weeks way back so that was crossed off the list.

I created a hunter who's still in progress of getting Thori.

About 5 weeks ago I accidentally got Time-lost Proto-Drake which was a complete shock because I logged on to do IC tournament dailies and accidentally was gone from the screen too long with auto run on in flight. When I came back I saw it... after DAYS of trying back in WOTLK.

A few weeks later I traded 8 defias belts and a goblin screwdriver for a swift spectral tiger (THE mount that I've wanted since I started playing the game and was the only reason why I ever tried to farm gold)

Today after 189 kills I finally got Ashes of Al'ar thanks to PSN being down.

So I finally have a Swift Spectral Tiger, Invincible, Ashes of Al'ar, Dragonwrath, 2 pairs of Warglaives, 3 Thunderfuries, Sulfuras, 2 Shadowmourne, Fangs of the Father and I'm really only waiting on Thori on my new hunter and then I'll be completed with just about anything I'd ever want in the game. With being able to casually farm the gold for WoW tokens every month it's pretty satisfying knowing that I don't have to worry about getting any of these items ever again (like I said, with touring and not being able to play consistently, I've farmed for these items when I was able to since 2011 and to finally have them done is absolutely great)

I'm now feeling this "well we can finally play the game" now feeling. Which is nice since I know I won't be losing money through not being very active.

I know some people may have more than what I've got, but it's not a matter of competition or comparing, it's the idea that 5 years ago I sat down and thought it would be cool to obtain something specific and super rare from the game someday, and to now finally have finished the initial mission I was on while also obtaining everything else I've really actually wanted in the game.

Kind of crazy and wanted to share my story
I'll trade all four of my Thori's for a single matching Binding. I've got four toons that each have a left, and one that has a right. Feels bad man.
as long as you aren't farming Thunder Furries
I would like to have an Ony mount. Saw one the BMAH a couple weeks ago. It still had a few hours left on it.
The bid...


I already have more than enough mounts. I probably would not even use the damn thing because it does not fit through doors. I prefer my X-51 for that very reason. But it really is a nice looking mount. I like it and the Twighlight Drake.
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