F2P Tournament

Has anyone from US ever had a toon on EU servers and seen Visatorul play?
Thatkii vs Robert Tkatii winning
Vote! Winners move on to semi finals.
He would win due to me forfeiting (If you're doing Class vs Class, which I think you are)
Druid vs Druid is the most boring thing right now, in Battlegrounds I completely ignore every druid around me, if they hop on me I just travel form, rejuv, travel form, cat form when they root me, travel form, rejuv, et setra and focus on the flag because the few times I do go Druid v Druid it's five minutes of us both hitting half health and then Rejuving to full so I /yawn /bored /bye and travel form away. XD
Earl is so good that jsu8 couldn't find someone to match him against, so that's why he's not up there.

idc if people think im good xD gw2 > f2p
Guess by the sounds of it I will need to buy Guild Wars 2,
Do we have a designated realm for the WoW F2P bracket to play on?
Guess by the sounds of it I will need to buy Guild Wars 2,
Do we have a designated realm for the WoW F2P bracket to play on?

We're on Darkhaven atm. The guild includes members from other servers as well, such as Purse.

Only one may challenge the Earlwing!

The mighty Arknoodles!

Earlwing vs Arknoodle. Let's make it happen folks!

Arknoodle is also on Darkhaven.
I want to like Rhae's post but TI says I have clicked that button too many times in the past 24 hours.
Liked it for you.
Love the puppy! <3

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