Concerned about 19's


Greatest of all Time
Hey all.

You may have or may not have heard of me before or know me, but i feel like i wanna make an input and possibly a difference to the 19 scene these days.
I am going to try and do this by sharing my thoughts, saying why people should agree with me and what motives to doing what i am about to say.

First of all, my thoughts. I feel like this bracket has alot of problems these days and it is looking in no shape at the moment where anyone is even interested in fixing it.
The problems that i see are the lack of people playing the bracket anymore this being due to the changes brought by Cataclysm expanion such as the insane damage and burst classes now have,
the amount of rivalry being formed and taken waaaayy too seriously to be healthy, people playing in unethical ways and some people a combination of all of the above.

I think that this bracket is in a state where it is revivable, but its going to take co-operation for all whom play in it. First off, people need to lower the amount of egotism that is being flaunted in this bracket, especially by players who have no recognition currently and are causing drama and making huge claims just so that people recognise their name when they enter a battleground. Doing that has alot more aftermath than you may think when you go around shouting the odds and insulting other players for what is either extremely petty or just for down and out no reason. I also think that if the people who are not in the battleground to play objectively and are in there to rack up their kill points need to have a little more conscience and think "wait a minute, if i keep killing these same people for 25 minutes straight in their own graveyard, 3 WSG's in a row they actually MIGHT stop queueing, or actually MIGHT not enter BG anymore?" It doesnt take a steven hawking to figure that out, but sometimes when its been put into black and white people can make more sense of it. Be a little more kind hearted, and atleast let them leave the graveyard and allow them to be competetive, you will find that you yourself will have alot more fun when it actually took more effort and skill and maybe even CC co-ordination to drop your target and also feel alot more satisfied with your kill. What im trying to say here, is that if you wanna just spam arcane shot or sinister strike on something, do it on a target dummy or even better run around killing mobs - you might even get a rare loot as a reward.

Finally, the Cataclysm changes that people hate oh so much. I do feel like even within this cataclysm expansion there is quite some depth to the bracket, if each player didnt complain about something happening to them, and tried to step up their game instead to reach the mark where they are playing their way out of these former problems the skill cap in this bracket will increase dramatically and it will become alot more competative. But always remember, try and do the objectives in the battleground you are in - that alone makes a game much more fun and intense!

In a nut shell ive basically said:

Stop complaining about the mechanics and suck it up and try harder to improve at the game.
Cut out the ego, the best way to gain respect and recognised as a good or the best is by other people bigging you up, not bigging yourself up.
Stop being selfish and keeping 10 people who had to queue for WSG just like you, for as long as you in the graveyard for 25 minutes every game otherwise you're gonna kill your own joy by BG's not popping for you anymore due to those people no longer queueing.

Those who agree with me and wanna try and promote good, healthy and fun play once again comment on this post or even like it if you agree with me enough.

Faithfully, Sergeant Bláckóut
God damn it, dude. This is why twinkinfo had its own guild, and understandably so! We need to get all you people in 1 big group so we know what we can expect.
this would be awesome, except the people who are farming are in it for the titles and such, rather than the competition. This was a really good read, though.
Problem is, no matter what you do, you can't police the bracket and there will always be a few jokers in the deck that are gonna farm/complain etc.
I agree with you Blackout.

There are far to many disinterested atm in my guild and around 19s atm for me to continue putting in effort when no premades are happening. We get setup and group que 4 groups of 5 to get in same game gets old when it takes hours to get in a game or two. I do have hope that the expansion will bring about much needed changes to create a good pvp environment again. Until then real life and other brackets and or Rated Battlegrounds are keeping myself and others busy.

Good to see you are still around Blackout. Talk to you later.
i agree with the points you have made and think that it will help to create a much better bracket, however i feel like the majority of people who have stopped queuing have done so because the game has grown stale, games are not competitive and right now 19's are just boring as hell. I know the majority of SSDD feel the same way, really hoping for a miracle come MoP.
I totally agree with you blackout, the games always seem one-sided now a days, meaning like, one team always kills the other team with no competition.
I totally agree with you blackout, the games always seem one-sided now a days, meaning like, one team always kills the other team with no competition.

That's because no one gives a flying fcuk anymore. That's exactly why yesterday, Alliance ques were 30 min and horde were probably 5 min or less. Pathetic to say the least.
Aww horde can't win! *transfers alliance*

(2 weeks later)

Alliance can't win! *transfers horde*

It's the circle of life.
i agree with the points you have made and think that it will help to create a much better bracket, however i feel like the majority of people who have stopped queuing have done so because the game has grown stale, games are not competitive and right now 19's are just boring as hell. I know the majority of SSDD feel the same way, really hoping for a miracle come MoP.


i been playing 24s, way i look at it is, i queue 25mins + for a crappy one sided game (19s), or i can queue less than 5mins for a crappy one sided game (24s), it dont take a genius to figure out where i'm gonna queue.

on the subject of drama, there's always been drama, people shouldn't take it serious its a game ffs, it's the attitude of all the captain sensible's that takes the fun out of it (imo), that and the ones that cant take a loss so they insta log to the other faction, there's the biggest ego ploblem.

oh and, there's no such thing as gy farming anymore, since cata its "containment"
so the question is, how many of these threads will it take to make a lasting impact on the few people causing all the unrest... When will people realize that these threads are springing up so frequently because the vast majority of our player base does not enjoy being farmed in their own graveyard... It is as simple as that. Since one after another "GY Farming" thread fades as the weeks drag by, I myself am losing faith for whether this is even a realistic argument. As for the egotistical pricks running rampant around the gulch, they will never simply 'cease' to exist. Unfortunately we must endure their immaturity while praying for the best on the "GY Farming" front.

Sorry for the pessimism, I'm just trying to be straight up.
Until Pizza and his group of social misfits get lives and realize that nobody in the real world gives two shits about their 19 twink HK count, we're going to have to endure this as long as there is a 19 bracket. Pizza and those like him are the lowest form of competitors, they show no semblance of good sportsmanship in competition, and they're what's wrong with this bracket. They care nothing for the players around them, and care only for their own statistics. It's been a well known fact for years before I was in this bracket, so I'm sure it's not news to anyone.

Friend will rush to each others' sides, armed with the thread and comment delete button to defend the people I'm calling out. Cronies will surely follow up that "containing the graveyard" is a legitimate strategy. We're all here for the same reason. Well most of us anyway. This bracket offers us something that the other communities in the game don't offer, and these people are budding sociopaths that derive enjoyment from ruining it for everyone else.
Until Pizza and his group of social misfits get lives and realize that nobody in the real world gives two shits about their 19 twink HK count, we're going to have to endure this as long as there is a 19 bracket. Pizza and those like him are the lowest form of competitors, they show no semblance of good sportsmanship in competition, and they're what's wrong with this bracket. They care nothing for the players around them, and care only for their own statistics. It's been a well known fact for years before I was in this bracket, so I'm sure it's not news to anyone.

Friend will rush to each others' sides, armed with the thread and comment delete button to defend the people I'm calling out. Cronies will surely follow up that "containing the graveyard" is a legitimate strategy. We're all here for the same reason. Well most of us anyway. This bracket offers us something that the other communities in the game don't offer, and these people are budding sociopaths that derive enjoyment from ruining it for everyone else.

Shhh.... they have video game egos. We will never understand.
Apnea, you just made me cringe harder than when you played your rogue in our real ID premades.
Apnea, you just made me cringe harder than when you played your rogue in our real ID premades.

Honestly Beau, you are just like Pizza. You don't care about others and just want to win or farm HKs which I see you do often.

Everyone needs to let newer players just learn. All people do is call them scrubs and idiots and say they shouldn't play.

Let the new FCs get the flag. The bracket needs good FCs and they cant get better if you or others take the flag from them.

Anyways thats my 2 cents

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