Recent content by Magic815

  1. Magic815

    vote wow classic realm US

    Ally 29 going Herod! Let's GO!
  2. Magic815

    vote wow classic realm US

    I just cast my vote for Faerlina. Anyone who voted Thalnos - did you do so knowing that fact that brazilian players have decided it's going to be the 'unofficial' brazilian server? Check out their strawpoll: And this is a good idea of what the servers are...
  3. Magic815

    Any good Vanilla 29 rogue guides out there?

    Shanker - I appreciate the reply. When you say "rogue stealth is not what it is now," what do you mean exactly? That stealth back in Vanilla was worse than TBC? Or that Vanilla stealth is not as good as retail? I've only played Vanilla and TBC, and stopped after that. So that's all I have to go...
  4. Magic815

    Any good Vanilla 29 rogue guides out there?

    So I haven't played WoW in close to 9 years, but the announcement of Classic has made me want to come back - but this time just focus on twinking since I don't have enough free time to end game raid anymore. My Vanilla days were spent end game raiding with my 60 rogue, and I didn't really get...
  5. Magic815

    US I still have a 29 twink from Vanilla/Burning Crusade days. How would it stand up now?

    Sorry, when I had the account reclaimed, it got linked to a BattleNet account.
  6. Magic815

    US I still have a 29 twink from Vanilla/Burning Crusade days. How would it stand up now?

    I appreciate all the responses! You've helped give me clarity on the state of things all these years later. You've all helped set the stage as I attempt to get back into the swing of things.
  7. Magic815

    (american) Football anyone?

    Yea... I was at that game actually. But let me tell you, the way we played for the first three quarters was more embarrassing than the onside kick, in my opinion.
  8. Magic815

    US I still have a 29 twink from Vanilla/Burning Crusade days. How would it stand up now?

    Yea, I had heard about the F2P 20's. I don't mind paying for the sub if it allows me to keep my 29 twink - I ended up putting 14 days played on it, and would love to salvage it if I could. Is iPVP like battlegrounds, as opposed to world PVP? I wouldn't mind getting into both, since I can have...
  9. Magic815

    US I still have a 29 twink from Vanilla/Burning Crusade days. How would it stand up now?

    Oh wow, that's very generous of you. I haven't yet re-subbed, but plan to in the next few days. Whats the best way to get a hold of you? Through here, or on BH? And are you horde or alliance? I don't mind switching factions, if needed.
  10. Magic815

    US I still have a 29 twink from Vanilla/Burning Crusade days. How would it stand up now?

    Hi all, So I was a pretty heavy player back in the 'vanilla' days of WoW. I played a little bit of The Burning Crusade, and then let the subscription go when Wrath of the Lich King hit. Towards the end there, I started spending less and less time on my main, and instead poured all of my effort...
  11. Magic815

    Implications of a Trump Presidency

    I'm less concerned with his plan forward (I believe he'll end up being more centered and mild than his campaign persona), but more concerned with the subset of Trump supporters that come from more racist and xenophobic backgrounds. Those supporters of his that were coming from the angle of...
  12. Magic815

    (american) Football anyone?

    Steelers! My dad is from Pittsburgh, so I was raised on watching their games, even though I've never lived there. We started strong this year, but have been collapsing here at the mid-season mark. Sadness.