EU+US Splitting the forum 3-way has helped ruin our community


This game is so dead now. I can only occasionally get into a battleground after a few hour queue. What the hell has happened.

Why do we have three forums for an inactive bracket?
f2p, veteran, 20-29?
Really, just merge them together, they should never have been split up. We are the same bracket, so therefore the same community.

Why has this bracket become such a ghost town...
Our first approach to the 20-29 bracket was to have everyone under the same roof, but this was met with outrage from multiple community members, and we ultimately decided to split them. We're always open to feedback, and we do listen, but a big change like this will require a lot of discussion among the community and the staff members before potentially going through with it.
Our first approach to the 20-29 bracket was to have everyone under the same roof, but this was met with outrage from multiple community members, and we ultimately decided to split them. We're always open to feedback, and we do listen, but a big change like this will require a lot of discussion among the community and the staff members before potentially going through with it.
Chap try to set up public Vote page and see how everybody feels. I personally think we should join in again but it is nice to have separated for when I am researching stuff for specific characters .
I know it's not the forum's fault, but it did help having everyone communicating in the same location. Even the 24's posted in the f2p section because it's just better having a localized community. Putting it down to a vote caused this fracturing in the first place. I commend your democracy, but sometimes some dictatorship is best for simplifying communication and creating community. Seperate locations for guides I could understand.

This bracket needs a revival, and Blizzard ain't going to help.
Its split because 29 info doesn't pertain to 20s.

Prepatch is a month away and everything is going to change.

You aren't getting qs because you are qing random. Do specific ab and wsg.

Good luck!
Its 20-29 so anyone in the bracket can post related stuff here, the other two subsets are for the 20s only
Its split because 29 info doesn't pertain to 20s.

Prepatch is a month away and everything is going to change.

You aren't getting qs because you are qing random. Do specific ab and wsg.

Good luck!
Slightly off topic, but does Gilneas pop for 29s? I recently started gearing a 29 but I don't want to farm 20s in WSG...
Blizzard introducing TBfG (only 25-29s can queue) and AV (40v40 BG) to the bracket is what drastically incrrased queue times.

Having three separate subforums on TI/Xpoff has been a great thing for the bracket and it's community.
only 2 solutions to this:
1 make people understand that all autists in 19s are shit and their beloved bracket overrated(might still be funny plebs)
2 uninstall aka legion
Probably the time you queue. I'm still getting 5-20 min queues in the afternoon.
EU is dead right now. You can see it with the amount of EU on arena ladder. 20-29s section has only three pages combined for 2s ratings... 20-29s US have 11. If EU cant get 2's going ... then maybe their bracket might be dead ...
Legion is going to be huge for the bracket, basically a revival. Some of you may remember when blizzard first made starter editions, that was the big change to the then 20-24 bracket. Now think about that time period specifically and how it felt to those who were playing the game before the big f2p bang. To them the bracket was feeling how it feels now. We are now among the ones who are furthering our already amazing bracket and will witness massive activity with legion similiar to cata

:( but i do wish we never got the extra battlegrounds as they factually increased Q times

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