EU+US An Open Dialog: Are Arms Warriors Good Enough Anymore?


So most of the dust from 7.1 has seemed to settle, with many bugs being resolved, it seems like all the work and love I put into my Arms Warrior was just time wasted.

Survival Hunters basically have everything Arms Warrior has and more without the hindrance of Rage:
Harpoon: 5-40 yd, 3 second root, 30s CD. Charge: 8-25 yd, 1.5 second root, 20s CD
Wing Clip: 50% reduce target speed for 15s, 30 Focus. Hamstring: (lvl 32), 5% physical damage, 50% reduce target speed for 15s, 10 Rage.

From here the comparisons are not as direct, but I will explain my reasoning for the coupling
Raptor Strike v Slam: A stronger attack with no other properties that consumes resources.
Raptor Strike: 5 yd, 25 Focus, deals 300% damage. Slam: Melee Range, 20 Rage, deals 226% damage
Mongoose Bite v Mortal Strike: While they do not provide the same effect, I would argue that these abilities both represent the most damage outside of a talent ability. When your Axe Throw/Flanking Strike or Overpower isn't ready, this is the ability you're more likely to favor.
Mongoose Bite: 5yd, No Focus, 3 Charges, successive strikes' damage increased by 50%, stacking up to 6 times, 11.9s recharge. Mortal Strike: Melee Range, 20 Rage, 1 Charge, strikes reduce effectiveness of healing by 25%, 6s recharge.
Flanking Strike v Execute: Both are the hardest hitting abilities and have some sort of condition: Pet being nearby and alive, target being below a certain HP.
Flanking Strike: 5yd, 50 Focus, 6s CD. Exceute: Melee Range, 10 Rage (can consume up to 20 rage for more damage), 162%, only usable on enemies that have less than 20% HP.
Throwing Axes v Overpower: This comparison is of the two talent abilities for each of these specializations. It is an automatic pick, with no real argument for the other two talents. These are powerful abilities that both classes rely on heavily and where most of their damage will come from.
Throwing Axes: 30 yd, 15 Focus, 2 charges, throws 3 axes, each dealing (312.5% Attack Power) damage, 15s recharge. Overpower: Melee Range, 10 Rage, causes 375% damage, cannot be blocked, dodged or parried and has a 60% increased chance to critically chance, must be activated by a melee attack.
Freezing Trap: Nothing to compare to for warrior.
Hatchet Toss: 5-30 Yards, no CD, still useless. Heroic Throw: 8-30 Yards, 6s CD, also useless (Except maybe procing Overpower)

Overall, their abilities are comparable, but with the flexibility of 5yds vs melee range and not having to build up Rage there is no instance where survival hunter does not have the advantage over warrior.

With stunlock rogues, kiting boomkins, and huge DPS monsters hunters and monks is there any room for Arms Warriors? If so, do you have any recommendations or

I do have a few questions of my own for anyone who fancies themself an expert:
  • Are there methods to maintain rage? Seems like I have to spend it faster than I can generate it to deal with just about anyone. Also seems like the gaps between combat means I'm basically starting every fight with 0 rage.
  • Anyone having good success with Prot? I tried it for a bit, but the dream of 3 Stacks of Focused Rage into a Shield Slam seemed foolish at best with auto-attack not generating rage. Only means for rage was Charge or Shield slam, which Devastate no longer resets the CD for?
  • Are you playing your Arms Warrior? If not, what have you taken up instead?
Fury is going to be the stronger variant of Warrior in Battlegrounds most of the time.

You have more health, do roughly the same amount of damage over time (you will need to get the rotation down and choose the Bloodthirst Critical Strike talent), and have a defensive cooldown.

Warriors just got buffed pretty massively (+10% Strength and Stamina for Fury/Arms), so both DPS Warrior specs should be worth playing now.
Fury is going to be the stronger variant of Warrior in Battlegrounds most of the time.

You have more health, do roughly the same amount of damage over time (you will need to get the rotation down and choose the Bloodthirst Critical Strike talent), and have a defensive cooldown.

Warriors just got buffed pretty massively (+10% Strength and Stamina for Fury/Arms), so both DPS Warrior specs should be worth playing now.

I was unaware of that. I will try out fury. I did try it out, but couldn't get too into it. Might need to force myself to play it a bit more, though.
I'm still playing my arms warr, but I'm playing my ww more.
Arms is still my favorite class but I find it frustrating that we lose our slow and now 2 important passives in 7.1
Arms is still viable to play, but if you will meet a surv hunter or Boomkin in a1vs1 you will lose. The dmg of a surv hunter is just ridiculous and makes you feel to weak.
Mages and Disc are much more easier to kill in 7.1.
Sometimes you will feel rage starved as prot war I find it even worse. You will have to pick the right targets in fights to get a fast killing blow as healers a rare in BGS atm. I think execute hits even harder then before.
Also, I noticed that sometimes execute will use up 40 rage to deal the same damage as the baseline execute damage at 20
Arms is still viable to play, but if you will meet a surv hunter or Boomkin in a1vs1 you will lose. The dmg of a surv hunter is just ridiculous and makes you feel to weak.
Mages and Disc are much more easier to kill in 7.1.
Sometimes you will feel rage starved as prot war I find it even worse. You will have to pick the right targets in fights to get a fast killing blow as healers a rare in BGS atm. I think execute hits even harder then before.
an arms warrior can beat a surv Hunter actually, unless the surv Hunter wing clips you and runs away to kite with throwing axes ( very effective I tell you)
Yeah execute got buffed by 15%
Fury is going to be the stronger variant of Warrior in Battlegrounds most of the time.

You have more health, do roughly the same amount of damage over time (you will need to get the rotation down and choose the Bloodthirst Critical Strike talent), and have a defensive cooldown.

Warriors just got buffed pretty massively (+10% Strength and Stamina for Fury/Arms), so both DPS Warrior specs should be worth playing now.

Doesn't fury take increased damage though, due to how the enrage mechanic works? Or is that not in play in the lower levels?
Doesn't fury take increased damage though, due to how the enrage mechanic works? Or is that not in play in the lower levels?

It does, but if you're enraged you will be doing a very large amount of damage to your target with Raging Blow.

If the target gets distance and kites you after you enrage, then you can simply use a cancelaura macro to stop the enrage. I'd recommend binding that to a Shield Equip macro, since you won't be dealing any damage to a kiting target until charge is back up anyways.

Also, the damage reduction and healing that comes from Enraged Regen more than makes up for the occasional enrage, in my opinion.
You have more health, do roughly the same amount of damage over time (you will need to get the rotation down and choose the Bloodthirst Critical Strike talent), and have a defensive cooldown.

It's only good as an opener or if the target has healed up since Fresh Meat talent gives the 40% Crit boost on targets above 80% health. :( All three Fury 1st tier talents are kind of meh IMO.
It's only good as an opener or if the target has healed up since Fresh Meat talent gives the 40% Crit boost on targets above 80% health. :( All three Fury 1st tier talents are kind of meh IMO.

Yeah, this is true. But there are some reasons why Fresh Meat is better than the alternatives.

To quote some from Oldspike, a pretty well known and experienced Warrior in 20s:

"Fresh Meat allows you to instantly switch from using Furious Slash more often to using Raging Blow more often. If you have to use Furious Slash at all, it is inherently wasted time, because by comparison to Raging Blow, it does less damage, and also generates less rage. It does seem at first glance like a bad talent, but the ability to start off within the first few seconds of being on the target and being able to Rampage very soon generates a lot of pressure. Not to mention its uses are not as limited as it seems, because healers tend to want to keep their allies at full health, making your overall dps with Fresh Meat much higher than Endless Rage."
When 7.1 dropped, fury was buffed by 8% across the board for It's main abilities as well as an 8% buff to baseline dmg iirc. With the new 10% buff, fury has basically received an 18% buff in PvP.........I think...
Heroic Throw with "interrupt", Rend or Harmstring; one of those could be a good solution to arms warriors. Melee hunter burst crashes bracket balance completly.
Heroic Throw with "interrupt", Rend or Harmstring; one of those could be a good solution to arms warriors. Melee hunter burst crashes bracket balance completly.
I would settle for Heroic Throw granting rage or a temporary damage buff. Just something to make it worth the 6s CD. It's genuinely not even worth putting on the bar right now because of the fact that it has a minimum range. Meaning that it will not help even if you are being kited (which is half the time)
As long as you're having fun! Play whatever you desire!
While I agree that's the positive mindset one should have when selecting their class and playing the game, this is was never a thread asking, "should I play warrior?" but "how does warrior play now?"
I believe the best warrior spec is Survival Hunter.
Yeah, this is true. But there are some reasons why Fresh Meat is better than the alternatives.

To quote some from Oldspike, a pretty well known and experienced Warrior in 20s:

"Fresh Meat allows you to instantly switch from using Furious Slash more often to using Raging Blow more often. If you have to use Furious Slash at all, it is inherently wasted time, because by comparison to Raging Blow, it does less damage, and also generates less rage. It does seem at first glance like a bad talent, but the ability to start off within the first few seconds of being on the target and being able to Rampage very soon generates a lot of pressure. Not to mention its uses are not as limited as it seems, because healers tend to want to keep their allies at full health, making your overall dps with Fresh Meat much higher than Endless Rage."

Yeah that could be the case. I'd sat my Fury for awhile but have been on it lately, switching talents around.
Fury is actually pretty ok atm, I go for war machine :D
If I recall, it triggers on a hk so anyone who dies nearby would give you the buff
Fury is actually pretty ok atm, I go for war machine :D
If I recall, it triggers on a hk so anyone who dies nearby would give you the buff

An HK or a KB?:

"Killing a target grants you..." Big difference between your killing the target or just an HK, Haven't tried it in so long I forgot.

I'll see if I can find some...test subjects. ;)

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