Who will you go out of your way to kill?

"Izac thinks you will regret it."
That's better than the /shoo I been using, but I've found that if I stop to emote they get a head start on some DPS and become even more convinced that they're gonna be abIe to kiII me... so they just keep going. Sometimes I chastise + fear them and it IiteraIIy cracks me up irI when they insta-trinket it with stunning refIexes, it's reaIIy funny to see how hard they're trying to beat me
but a whopping 0 heed the warning
It's true - I mean, they top the dmg charts rite, they kiII priests aII the time in big fights in mid (when the priest is getting dpsed by 2 other ppI), they're convinced they're unstoppabIe
Penance damage range buffed from 30 yards to 40 yards is also a help in that regard
Yeah but I'm hoIy so aII I have is shadow word pain spam and that aIone is enough to win
1400 hunters are very funny ::D go to 1:36 and have a lol
I admire your work triaI, that 1400 hp hunter scene with the sIow motion repeat in bIack and white is pure goId - he even had a boring brown owI pet too
Off topic - I named one of my huntards pet... "izec" ;p maybe someone will roll a Troll Huntard: "shootizec" "slowizec" "conizec" "annoyizec" lol
oh great that wiII be wonderfuI for my targeting macros -_-
Id hate to have to kiII a troII but for that hunter iII make an exception
My nemesis.
I go out of my way to kill anyone who thinks i should call them by their name and not what they are. Just another hiding trial. If you drag games out longer than normal when its Call to arms. If you get on top of lm building, st building i will go out of my way to kill you. btw i know how to get on it now :p
7 pages, its not that hard.

If it's red it's dead.
Usually 24s and the EFC are my targets.

also hunters and rogues because some of them tend to attack anything that moves..
Ordered starting with my most targeted;
- Whoever takes my flag
- Trash 24s
- 24 Rogues
- Rogues
- 24 Shadow Priests

Then... Specific people;
- Swiftbow (lol)
That's pretty much it. Although I do have some fun with Mutexx.
Everyone has misinterpreted the meaning of GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY ...I don't think you go out of your way to kill EFC or healers with efc as that is the way you should be going
Everyone has misinterpreted the meaning of GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY ...I don't think you go out of your way to kill EFC or healers with efc as that is the way you should be going

Oh ye I'll pop errything to get that EFC. I use like 4 Mihej pots a game.
As soon as I see a yellow bar I drop everything to moonfire them. Especially 24's that have exhibited at least a little skill before in LoS restealthing, the second they have moved 5 yards away from the other combatants after opening, fuck rejuves and swiftmends and kiting and tanking. Immediately waste displacer to run up to them and moonfire them every 10 seconds even if they've run 100 yards away from their original spot. If they try to hide around a corner like in zerk hut, just shift to cat and land a rake then run back out.

A few times I've done this the rogue has responded in kind and after every rez immediately opens on me even if I'm standing next to a 1k hp priest casting flash heals. It's never not entertaining.
Cripzblood (wouldn't prioritise over EFC) but still someone if i saw i would kill.

I can confirm that today I solo'd Cripz's hunter and 1 shotted him and then he rage quit.

Im not going to lie, i did get a boner.

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