Vent Your Frustrations II

Petroleum Engineering :)
well if you have any questions with anything thermodynamics/ basic combustion I might be able to help but I'm just a mechanical lol.

Petroleum is Big money though so if you make it through ur degree u got it easy from then on and start at about 15-20k more a year then me :) good luck and remember if it doesn't work out u can always be a stripper :)
I sent in two tickets telling Blizz that I was moving to China, so that when my account logged in from a China IP they wouldn't close it for "economy exploiting" like they did last time to my trial account (that's right, they banned a TRIAL for exploiting the ECONOMY).

In China for 2 days, ... wham account ban.

Apparently living in China while playing WoW is against the ToS.
I sent in two tickets telling Blizz that I was moving to China, so that when my account logged in from a China IP they wouldn't close it for "economy exploiting" like they did last time to my trial account (that's right, they banned a TRIAL for exploiting the ECONOMY).

In China for 2 days, ... wham account ban.

Apparently living in China while playing WoW is against the ToS.

Aww that must be hell, another reason to throw a big FUCK YOU to blizz, that is why i dont sub
Bad 24s and undergeared f2ps who do nothing but fight mid (and lose) while giving no contributions to winning. When you're one of the only ones in that BG who is trying to win, you tend to not have fun. Yeah, it's same complaint that I'm sure has been said many times before.
So it was you! Next time I see your cute little fluffy panda in a BG, I'm gonna farm you 'til you rage quit! :p
shhh not so loud you'll give it away :p and remember, my pandas can become 5 classes,you'll never know if i go in as mage or hunter :D muahahaha!
I hate when I have targeted teammate and try to LoH him on critical moments but he dies on last seconds before i could LoH him and I cast it on myself :mad:.
/endrant Haraf
I joined a wsg late and saw the alliance was up one. Being a demo lock you really have a few options, support, fear bot and burst. Seen two 24 healers and shook my head and pushed to the GY from the base. I seen a few people were being contained/camped. Instantly feared hunters back and fourth until DR ran out and we broke free! Suddenly, lol monk caps flag and someone rages, a priest joins, 24 shadow priest, hp barley over 1500 hp and started his attack. Team gets pushed to GY again, both e-heals 24s are pushing us in. Fear bombing healers, paladin/hunter target me. Disarm hunter and kite paladin (no hoj up), pushed my defensive CDs that announces literally "I'm peeling for healers and fearing e-heals/dps. Heal if you can!" No! The 24 shittow priest heals someone else and I die. When the healers and he die he starts bitching about bad team and shit. I facedesked my desk and watched as he called out people for being bad, people got mad and started bitching at him. All I had to say was...

"A 24 shittow priest with 1500~ hp, complaining about bad players. I am peeling, CCing and doing as much damage as I can but I'm focused without heals because I fear bot people. Go back to 90s if you can't stand PuGIng in this one".

Not saying all 24s are retarded but my lord....
A brief summary of one evening's play on two toons:

Played 5 WSG on Ally, 0 wins. Nothing but bitching and QQing in chat. Played 3 ABs, 3 wins.

Playing 6 WSG on Horde, 6 wins. Played 2 ABs, 0 Wins. Nothing but bitching and QQing in chat.

Both BGs have simple (but different strategies), why is it so hard to adapt to different objectives?

However, the most frustrating thing I have seen recently is Ally stealth classes (or any nelf) deciding early on that Horde is going to win and they go and hide in stealth somewhere, ruining any chance the Ally team had to compete. It sounds like something our favorite FPS player trying to play an MMO would do to grief people. Why else would you queue for 5-10 mins to sit there and do do nothing for another 10-20 mins?
However, the most frustrating thing I have seen recently is Ally stealth classes (or any nelf) deciding early on that Horde is going to win and they go and hide in stealth somewhere, ruining any chance the Ally team had to compete. It sounds like something our favorite FPS player trying to play an MMO would do to grief people. Why else would you queue for 5-10 mins to sit there and do do nothing for another 10-20 mins?

The stealthed players were doing their usual routine (such as doing nothing, or a total of 5000 damage) mr.will. If anything your battleground experience wouldnt have changed with 4 stealthers or 4 griefing characters .

And it wasnt me, If I were queing on my griefing characters, you best believe the whole team would actually participate ;) .
I'm frustrated that Carson Palmer is autistic.

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