EU+US Two rogue questions.


1. Which is better for a 19 twink rogue in world pvp Elemental Force or Dancing Steel?
2.Which is better for a 19 twink rogue in both world and bgs ShadowFang wep or just the boa wep?

Depends a lot on the situation, i prefer elemental force and Boa Wep is better (Shadowfang was Bis )
ele force is better, and for BGs shadowfang in the offhand is better for flash-factor. shadowfang and the heirloom both have ilvl 24. mainhand u want the 3.0 swing speed sword from a night elf quest
The 3.0 epic sword / axe from movie premier in mainhand is bis if you dont have sunstrider axe, for offhand just use anything that has high ilvl.

Edit: For bg
how much different is sunstrider? i have two rogues with it

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