EU Twink Or Riot (RavenCrest)



Our Guild Twink or Riot, Is looking for active members To start hosting plebmades and guild events, If your looking for a guild with activity, and friendly people then i suggest you pop round and see how you like the guild, ( No Toxicity Will be allowed will follow suit with Guild Kick)
So we farmedyou in Gy, Pretty sure when you join as full russian premade that thats your plan please take your shit somewhere else :)
There is no ''skill'' in level 19, if you're looking for skill i suggest you level to 110 mate, also if you wasn't up agaisnt us it would be different from the other team you would face while you'd gy camp them don't say you wouldn't because you would because you're after Hks just like we are instead of crying about it on here ask me for e premade 10v10
You guys even on 19 have LtP issue. Ask your huntards to learn how to play.
After this they, maybe, can stand vs single mage in levelers group.

And my comment not for your butthurted answers, but just for ppl, who looking for a guild.
For example, DexaQT Outland guild plays much better without stacking OP class. I have fun when playing against they, even if i lose game.
we had 3 survs right i understand that but it was just people who wanted to que bg wasn't purposely done just to be a dick was just guildys who wanted to bg
Also i wouldn't do this shit in a premade but this isn't a premade it's a pug, so i see no point about you whining about it when it's nothing to do with anything important, and i'm the butthurt one? You're the one posting meaningless shit about my guild on xp off cos you got gy camped grow up you child
6+ ppl from one guild - this is more that half-premade. Stacking survs - its like stacking ferals in WoD, even worse. If you don't understand that - then sorry, you're dumb.
Newcomers to brackets, some tinks see that and then choose survs as their main tinks.
Ppl like you and your "guild" ruins game exp for random ppl.
We didn't just decide to stack surv, there was 3 people weho wanted to come bgs which so happened to be survs, Man can u just drop it You sound more butthurt ever time u message
AHhh Haha now i feel daft , and if you did then good on you, it's like not likes all setup and going proffesional we don't try hard in bgs we just do them for fun, if we lose then we lose, it's not important to us we are there to have fun :)
Can we queue 5 man survival? I feel like when I queue with 2-3 of us we find it hard to kill people and if we added another 2 of us it would make for much more fun games! :)
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