EU+US Relic Quests


DK Twink (80 / 85 / 101)
Made a spreadsheet of all the quests that give relics which are higher (potential) ilvl than the dungeon drops:

And macros to check which ones you have completed:

/run for _,i in ipairs({37470,39579,39855,40005,38721,42756,39426,38857,39322,39652,38377,38687,37449,39487,39597}) do print("\124cffffff00\124Hquest:"..i..":-1\124h[Click]\124h\124r "..(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i) and "Complete" or "Incomplete")) end

/run for _,i in ipairs({37470,39579,39855,40005,38721,42756,39426,38857,39322,39652,38377,41763,37449,39487,39597}) do print("\124cffffff00\124Hquest:"..i..":-1\124h[Click]\124h\124r "..(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i) and "Complete" or "Incomplete")) end
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So I was looking at this and see you have the dungeon drops listed as +0, can they not warforge/titanforge? I can't find any info on it but I haven't seen anything warforge/titanforge either. So I was just curious if there was any official blue post on it.
After 175 full dungeons across all my 99 and 101 twinks (plus some runs where I just farmed individual bosses), I think I can confidently say that the dungeon drops can't warforge at those levels since I didn't see a single one :p
i havent tried this, but would it be possible to use the battlenet api to find out if an item can proc warforged? or any other variation for that matter

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