R.I.P Hayven Games..


If any of you didn't know; Hayven Games, probably one of the biggest inspirations in many peoples lives, has passed away 18th of March, 2017.

''Hayven had fought epithelioid sarcoma, a rare and severe form of cancer that usually affects teenagers and young adults.''

We will miss you brother, the light will always be with you.

May he find peace at last.

probably one of the biggest inspirations in many peoples lives
All tho i've been subed to that guy pretty much from the beginning of his channel, i would say you got pretty low standards when it comes to inspiration. all he did is set up videos with content made by other people. basically your random youtube guy.

People die all the time. we all will.
There are much more "inspirational" deaths in the world.
He got lucky (to a degree) to meet his end doing what he and others enjoyed.
Placing monuments for his work however is too much "liberats" for my taste.
Bummer but on a side note if I would have cancer the absolute first thing I would do is create a gofundme account or some similar form of donation / funding to get my body or at the bare minimum my brain cryogenically frozen. (or if a life insurance exists make the cryogenics company the beneficiary and fund it that way)
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what if ur frozen brain is one of the failed test subjects they gonna use to see if its possible yet
All tho i've been subed to that guy pretty much from the beginning of his channel, i would say you got pretty low standards when it comes to inspiration. all he did is set up videos with content made by other people. basically your random youtube guy.

People die all the time. we all will.
There are much more "inspirational" deaths in the world.
He got lucky (to a degree) to meet his end doing what he and others enjoyed.
Placing monuments for his work however is too much "liberats" for my taste.

The inspiration he gave; Doing what he loves and wants, although his terrible conditions. He didn't only make people smile but was also an amazing person if you met him. He would be inspirational and always amazingly nice to anyone.
Are you one of the people "we should respect him, cos he died"?
Nah, but me actually for once being a genuine serious person *Making a serious thread* about something serious, and him commenting like that is just fucked.
Does your brain have rights after your body dies?
That's a weird question. Are you offended by people choosing science over w/e you believe in?

Anyway if I would drop 200k on getting my body cryogenically frozen I would make sure that the contract states that my body stays frozen until a proven and tested method becomes available.

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