EU+US Just a couple of questions


I'm needing a lil help guys. I stopped playing near the end of Cata and I just recently started back. I have a few questions I can't seem to get solid information on. I realize chants don't work in ipvp but I still want them to get that good 'ol twinky feeling.

1. Where/how do I get shoulder enchants for my 29s? What about head, necklace, and ring enchants? Assuming they are still available, do they only work on BoAs?

2. Weapon speed appears to be normalized now. Is this correct? If so, is dps the only defining characteristic (apart from stats of course)?

3. I would also like to know the consensus on stat weights for the following class/spec combos:
Ret Pally - str>has>crit>ver ?
Holy Pally - int>crit>has>ver ?
Mental Shaman - int>has>crit>ver ?
In general is versatility just a garbage "filler" stat?

Thanks in advance for any relevant information you can offer.
I'm needing a lil help guys. I stopped playing near the end of Cata and I just recently started back. I have a few questions I can't seem to get solid information on. I realize chants don't work in ipvp but I still want them to get that good 'ol twinky feeling.

1. Where/how do I get shoulder enchants for my 29s? What about head, necklace, and ring enchants? Assuming they are still available, do they only work on BoAs?

The easiest shoulder enchants are from BC scryer/aldors IIRC. Has to be on BoAs. The head enchants are now grandfathered.

Neck enchant is from legion and is called "mark of the hidden satyr" - should be easily found in the AH, though not necessarily cheap.

Ring enchants are from MoP I think. "Gift of X" and pick your favorite secondary. Verse is common since enchants are usually for wpvp/duels/pve and the damage reduction is nice there.

2. Weapon speed appears to be normalized now. Is this correct? If so, is dps the only defining characteristic (apart from stats of course)?

Partially right. For wpvp/pve - they did a big sweep of changes to make most weapons have the same speed. So most weapons of the same type will have the same speed. There might be a few outliers, and different weapon types will have different speed. DPS is a function of the speed and damage - and its the damage that generally contributes to skills (on rogues, warriors, hunters, ret/prot pallies, enhance shamans). So a dagger is going to still be slower than a sword usually, and therefore have less damage even with the same dps.

In instanced pvp - things follow a template. So no stats from the weapon contribute and all weapons of the same category have the same speed and damage (and therefore DPS). So a green 2H axe that is ilvl 15 will have the same damage as a blue 2H axe that is ilvl 35. You might get extra stats out of raising your ilvl though - so the highest ilvl is used.

3. I would also like to know the consensus on stat weights for the following class/spec combos:
Ret Pally - str>has>crit>ver ?
Holy Pally - int>crit>has>ver ?
Mental Shaman - int>has>crit>ver ?
In general is versatility just a garbage "filler" stat?

I don't know the stat weights for each class and I generally play 19s - but verse is usually picked over haste/crit unless theres a specific mechanic in play. Verse is a straight damage increase and also comes with a damage decrease - so it does double duty with keeping you alive. At 29 there are more skills/mechanics in play so theres prob less classes that stack verse. Hopefully someone who plays those classes/specs can tell you something more accurate.

Also I've never heard of ele shamans referred to as mental shamans - thats great lol.
Shoulder enchants can come from all sorts of sources. If you are enchanting heirloom shoulders you can enchant with inscription enchants as well or even one bought with marks of honor.

The cloak, neck and ring enchants really depend on your class/spec. I usually go with the “gift of” enchants.

I'm needing a lil help guys. I stopped playing near the end of Cata and I just recently started back. I have a few questions I can't seem to get solid information on. I realize chants don't work in ipvp but I still want them to get that good 'ol twinky feeling.

1. Where/how do I get shoulder enchants for my 29s? What about head, necklace, and ring enchants? Assuming they are still available, do they only work on BoAs?

2. Weapon speed appears to be normalized now. Is this correct? If so, is dps the only defining characteristic (apart from stats of course)?

3. I would also like to know the consensus on stat weights for the following class/spec combos:
Ret Pally - str>has>crit>ver ?
Holy Pally - int>crit>has>ver ?
Mental Shaman - int>has>crit>ver ?
In general is versatility just a garbage "filler" stat?

Thanks in advance for any relevant information you can offer.
Versa a garbage filler stat... what the *censorship because of xpoff nazi's*.
When it comes to spec stat priorities, read your passives and abilities.
Thanks for the input.
@necroaqua, @Allybeboba: I'll be checking out the Wrath shoulder enchants tonight. Apparently my enchanter already has the required rep. Really helpful stuff, guys.
@Zuro: I did read the passives. My math says I'm getting 0.15% damage increase per point of versa. That seems fairly paltry to me. If I get say 100 versa overall then that's just a 15% increase. Like I said, I haven't played in so long that when I played before I don't think versatility was even a stat. Does it scale exponentially, i.e. the more you get the better it becomes? I'm all ears to any advice. Fwiw, I think getting enough haste to get CS down to 4s (roughly 70ish) is my top priority. Then it's just down to whether I stack versa or crit.
@Donor: deja stats, I'm on it.

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