healing twink at 49

While resto druids seem to suffer a bit, the other three healing classes do very well. I play a resto shaman myself, and holy paladins and disc priests make for difficult adversaries. Someone who knows more about resto druids than I do can elaborate on that class.
They are very good in general, great on-field, and can watch out for a large amount of people in a big brawl, but a takes a little more skill to stay alive under concentrated damage done to the druid.
Don't even bother with a Druid, they are so subpar now. Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, and Disc (and Holy believe it or not) Priests are all extremely viable and all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I don't really think there is a "better" choice, but at least in my opinion Priests are the way to go right now. Power Word: Shield is sooo good and although you might have a little bit harder time with Rogues you'll get scream + mind control which are exceptional if you're going to be sitting on D or if you ever have some room to CC on O.
Can somone post some decent Armory profiles/Chardev links for 49 Priests? I used to play 49's a few years ago and would like to get back into things as a healing class (likely as a Disc Priest).
Ehawther said:
Can somone post some decent Armory profiles/Chardev links for 49 Priests? I used to play 49's a few years ago and would like to get back into things as a healing class (likely as a Disc Priest).

dont know anything about priest gear in this bracket but all clothies tend to go for full The Postmaster - Item Set - World of Warcraft

[item]Rainbow Generator[/item] is allso really good cus of the high stam.

pvp bracers (or satchel bracers for more haste)

satchel boots allso tend to be verry good but i think there is some verry good alternatives out there.

mining is a must have imo bcus of the high stam bonus it gives ya.

thats about the best i can do for ya right now, and im shure there will be ppl able to link a full settup later on.

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