Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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fuck scaling. messed things all up for me. had some gear that was worse back in the day, so I deleted it, now it is better. So I ether re-level to get those quest rewards etc, and farm AGM again, or stay gimped. Fuck you Blizz.
met a 24 premade from the french guild "twinks of vanilla" who camped the GY...
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Oh noes! All the drama in these threads! I am in my 7th year of playing this game, and I stopped posting in WOW forums many years ago, after, believe it or not, I caught Blizzard employees guiding/trolling threads on non-blue toons. Yes, I am 100% certain of this. That, along with all of the hate, it is not worth the time. Play the game how you want to, make friends, not stress. Personally, I have done very little farming over the years, but I don't really care to much if others do. Afk out and play another toon for the next bg, it really is not much trouble. Blizz gave up long ago in regards to "fixing" this game on any real level. It is all about selling expansions and letting 24's crush f2p's so that they pay to play... It is all about the scrilla yo. I don't play much anymore, though lately I have been running a bit now and then on a few free to play toons. Zwingley is now a parked female night elf on ED, Zweeny.

My rant? It would be how the game went downhill over the years. It was incredible during BC. They made an awesome game and it has only gotten worse over time. At some point decisions were made based on money and not based on making a great game anymore. Dumbed down is what it is really. The new money after a few years was not going to come from new adult gamers, they had already played and quit or were still playing. The new money was going to come from kids coming of age and into the market in mass everyday, so things were simplified. It is still a great game, but a shell of what it once was. Twinking used to be outstanding, every bracket had a huge following. Kids complaining ruined it. Ultimately, nothing has changed though, unfair advantages will always be there for those who work at it. In fact, they created the 20-24 bracket for this very reason. Blizz certainly does not give a crap about people who DON'T pay to play their game. It is unfair advantage by design, because they want your money. My advice would be to have fun while it lasts, because things are not even guaranteed to be this good forever.

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Some resto druid from AP who will not be named thought hes was hotshit. He was only going for flag and not helping break the farm that was happening by the 5 ally hunters and 3 rogues. So, finally with me being the only healer we broke the farm at the perfect time as the druid was bringing the flag back. We killed the efc at our tun, i returned flag, I healed our efc druid asshole as he was opened on by two rogues, I tstormed them and a pally away and got one more heal on the asshole as he went up our tun. All that effort and he was so stuck up that he got mad at people being in gy during the farm so he dropped the flag and let it return. These are the times I wish I had an ally toon so I could just target that individual over and over.
Bigdip,, there is nothing wrong with being a sacrificial sheep. You do not NEED to pvp, you are not allowed. Capping flags is the only thing you can and should do. If you are getting farmed and cannot complete your objective(aka get past mid and return the flag), you need to try harder, do not fight your opponents, get that EFC!
If you go into a bg and you know horde is a premade, just ride it out. When you quit, there was 3 of us. Needless to say we had mudholes put in us.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Solo queue. At 1-0 my team held flag and farmed gy. I just watched killing the occasional pissed off stealth who attacked me near stump. Well I guess most ally's quit and my team gy camped themselves into a 5 man 24 ally team that Rolf stomped us. We lost but justice was served.

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Maybe I'm weird, but when it's a premade 24 vs 24, it's so much fun. But on that note, when the whole dag on team jumps on me and my team whispers me "RUN", it's kinda hard with the stuns, fears, nature locks, hunter's pets and oh don't forget the fun charms, to who knows where they are moving me to because I already popped my trinket trying to get out of the other crap I was in. And just when I think I broke out of it, a rogue shows up. Needless to say, I was cussing everyone out lol. Oops :)
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Ironman achieves on hunters because all 19 people in your game are mid-zombies...
Watch out! They want your brains!
For the balance druid that came at me in the bg and decided to try not kill me, but dance for me, lol thanks :p
Last night ran AB and for 2 rounds, I was only healer. Ended up in groups where nobody spoke English again and the dag on Horde team decides to chase me all over the map. Granted I knew most of them, but still :mad:. When I asked for assistance, everyone was saying something, but I had no clue. LOL brushed up on some stuff I needed to work on though on that chase :p
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