EU+US Class trinkets


are they still obtainable at 101? I've run at least 10-15 raids without seeing a single drop for anybody in the raid
If somebody can confirm they've seen a trinket drop from archimonde since legion hit please post, and if possible list any conditions such as no 110s in group, off a bonus roll etc
Not sure they even drop right now, or the drop rate is extremely low. Did about 5 runs in a raid group of 20 ppl - zero trinkets dropped so far to anyone.
Not sure they even drop right now, or the drop rate is extremely low. Did about 5 runs in a raid group of 20 ppl - zero trinkets dropped so far to anyone.
While that is certainly bad luck, it's not actually unreasonable if Blizz nerfed the drop rate to <2%. There are Mounts in Game with ~1% drop rate that Players have farmed for 7+ years, weekly, and never once seen drop.
Ok so I was poking around Wowhead just to see what shows as still available and what doesn't. I'd bet anything that what Blizzard removed (or no longer drops above 100) is the "Badge" that you created a Trinket from. Those had/have an ~18% drop rate. However, if you look at the actual Trinket it shows the drop rate from Archimonde to be between 0.08% and 0.2%. This may be why nobody has seen one drop yet on a 101+. For clarification:

Badge > HERE
Trinket > HERE

While I may be wrong, this is certainly in line with what Blizzard has done in previous XPac's final Raid Boss's loot.
Just did heroic and mythic HFC and nobody in the group got trinkets. It was on personal loot so maybe that has to do with something? Can you even set loot as ml crossrealm so instead of getting a trinket you'd get Badge of something something that you could assign to somebody?
Just did heroic and mythic HFC and nobody in the group got trinkets. It was on personal loot so maybe that has to do with something? Can you even set loot as ml crossrealm so instead of getting a trinket you'd get Badge of something something that you could assign to somebody?
To set as ML now you have to be in a Guild run. For 10 man that's at least 7 Guild Members, for 25 man that's 20 or 21 iirc. I'm uncertain if Mythic 20 man has a minimum but if it does it'd likely be 16 Guild Members.
I spoke with a GM earlier today who had the following information:

TL:DR; No shaman or paladin trinkets have dropped at all recently, so its likely they are not dropping at all. Message the Dev twitter if possible; GM will follow up as well.

you: 1 last question, and hopefully you can help me figure this out as either a bug, intended, or wrong info
you: in HFC, the class trinkets used to drop from Archimonde as tokens, in Legion, they were updated to only allow level 109 and lower. But it doesn't appear they drop anymore, either as tokens, or direct loot
you: The enhancement one (Core of the Primal Elements) is one such trinket
you: are they supposed to not drop, or do they just have a hilariously low drop rate (ive done 15+ runs, and not seen a single class trinket for any class), or would that be a bug that they are not dropping?
Powencis: I know for a fact the heirloom ones were removed with 7.0
you: they aren't heirloom
you: just normal epics
Powencis: ahh the heirlooms were also from mythic dungeons not archi
Powencis: checking to see if i can find the otehrs
you: but I'm worried they might have got caught up in that same removal, either by accident, or intentionally without being noted anywhere
Powencis: Checking still, may take a bit
you: no worries, figured id ask since its something literally almost every 101 character on xpoff has been wondering and farming for haha
Powencis: per the patch notes it should've just been a change to the mount drop rate from mythic archi, and removal of the heirloom trinkets from mythic dungeons
Powencis: but you may be right and there may have either been a ninja change or an unintended side effect
Powencis: so I'm looking further to see if any have been found recently, it may take a while lol
you: has to be, I've not seen any drop in almost 2 months for any class, and the xpoff forums have similar statements
you: ill grab you a link, sec
Powencis: Hmm I'm not finding any confirmation from devs one way or the other, but I'm also not seeing any dropping recently.
Powencis: I'd recommend you try asking on the Dev Twitter :3
you: what is that link again?
Powencis: Especially if you get your friends who twink to comment there with you, it'll get noticed very quickly there
you: thank you, and do you mind if I cross-post the relevant part of this conversation to the xpoff forum?
Powencis: That should be fine
you: appreciated, thank you for at least trying to find something!
you: and thanks again for solving the other issues!~
Powencis: I did only look for the Paladin and Shaman ones, but it's a good indication lol
Powencis: You're very welcome!
Powencis: Hopefully you get an answer, and I'll be following too :D
Regardless of how many 101+ Twinks here have cleared Archi weekly since 7.0, the fact is that at less than 1%, and as low as 0.12% drop rate, it may take years.
^ pretty much, it's like hunting for your legendary TBC mount, it can drop in a week, but it can take years.

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