Best Bracket Choice?


Heya guys.
Kinda new to the twink experience and was wondering: are there any brackets outside of 20/29 that are worth exploring at the moment? Perhaps 70/79? Curious. I play a hunter and honestly am a little bored of my ability options at the level hehe.
Depends on what you want to do,
In the 60 and 70 bracket arena is the only thing that pops, (and then primarily 2s).
^ Legion will change this however.

Not quite sure how hunters fare at 70 atm. But looking at the ladder, they seem to struggle abit.
60s they are really strong, top tier and nearly the only viable ranged class @60.
Pretty sure hunters at 60 > hunters at 70 (for arena).

If you want to do bgs tho (and not wait for legion) 19 is the only other bracket that pops w/o wargames.
Thank you guys!
Seems to me that the only thing keeping Twink BGs around are the F2P accounts. No wonder I was told that I should make a 39 twink "if I want some alone time." =D
Legion will definitely be changing the twink scene, though. Can''t wait.
Thank you guys!
Seems to me that the only thing keeping tink BGs around are the F2P accounts. No wonder I was told that I should make a 39 tink "if I want some alone time." =D
Legion will definitely be changing the tink scene, though. Can''t wait.
I wouldnt say F2Ps are the majority, atleast not on EU. If we go by F2P, vets and 29s : )

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