
  1. Apash

    Any project 45 / Legion Twinking?

    I've wondered whether to create a separate thread for his or not, but I think this way my question is more visible for people who might be interested in the same thing. Basically, I've seen that there are different guilds doing different 'projects' based on level capping to certain expansion so...
  2. WTS Leystone Lockboxes (Legion lockboxes) on Ravencrest EU

    Price is negotiable. My Discord is Artemis.#7481 if you'd like to add me. Discord ID 1004002543996768266. Please confirm it's me you're speaking to before trading anyone any gold. (Sorry if this is the wrong section - Please move the post if so)
  3. Razien

    WTB lv25 Legion Epic BoE's with Tertiary+Socket slot - EU Realms

    Hi! I've never created a buy/sell thread before but I figured I'd give it a shot. Since everyone is hardcore farming lv20 greens nowadays and getting epic lv25 drops as a by-product that nobody actually needs but which I can actually use, I've decided to contact as many farmers as I know, which...
  4. Ivo

    Fastest killed in Legion BoE farming?

    I was wondering which spec is the most efficient in killing packs in Legion farming. I can think of Arcane, Fury and Mistweaver. Arcane dmg is crazy high but runs out of mana rather quickly. The other two do very good dmg and never run out of resources. Not asking about a lurer like hunter. What...
  5. Apash

    Legion Order Hall - available and worthwhile stuff to get

    This is inspired by the Garrison thread, so I want to ask the same question. What are we able to get trough the Order Hall as level 20's, and are the Order Mission worth it? Sofar I have only 2 'champions' and all the missions either give xp, or the legendary item currency which is useless for a...
  6. Relic Quest Chains

    So I've been trying to finish my artifact weapon. I'm at ilvl 32(f2p account) and doing the last quest I can to try for an epic proc when the option for the life relic didn't show up! The quest is Lieutenant of the Tower. I made a ticket about it and got told it was a bug and posted it here...
  7. Brilliant

    Hi there ! A lil' heads up rep wise!

    Hi thought i'd just give someone a headsup rep wise about the faction: "The Wardens" There is a way to get reputation with them on low level aswell. AFAIK you can get rep from doing elite Invasion mobs that has WQ's tied to them. (Haven't tested this myself, wowhead comments. Might not work on...
  8. Brilliant

    WTS Savant Highmountain Ring! ilevel 28 with socket

    Got a Savant Thunder Totem ring with socket on Draenor! (Horde) EU iLevel 28. 26 mastery + socket. req 19. Thunder Totem Band of the Savant.
  9. DeLindsay

    Obliterum upgrades bugged at LvL 14 items

    I believe someone else had mentioned they started the process and didn't see any results, well I finished all the way to 10/10 (getting 20 Bloods at Level 15 without World Quests is brutal). I'm hoping Blizz fixes this because there's no reason at all to have it fully functioning (as in you can...
  10. Brilliant

    What level for level 20 BOEs ?

    What level do you need to be to get 20 BoE Epics from Legion ? and also BoE Greens from Legion/BFA ? and whatnot. anyone have screenshots or any info on this ?
  11. pixistx

    Pixi's Most Loved Twinks List <3

    These "Best of" twinks lists are causing a negative feedback loop of pointless argument between adorably dorky low bracket PvP players. Really, everyone is just listing their friends and themselves. It is actually kind of cute. So I have decided to make my own list of twinks. It doesn't matter...
  12. Wallhack

    Xfer to Bfa=>Legion possible?

    Hello ! Someone know if it's STILL possible to transfert a character from bfa account to a Legion account? And if i fusionned a new account with my bfa account, it's gonna be a Bfa account or Legion? Thanks !
  13. BFA twink transfer to Legion account

    If you transfer your 110 twink to a legion only.account will you be able to equip your bfa stuff still or are you stuck with legion only stuff? I have alot of time into my prot paladin twink and want to battleground with him even if there is longer ques for 110s on legion accounts or not because...
  14. US Best gear to my fire mage.

    How can I improve my fire mage gear (pvp and pve)? I don't have BfA. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/azralon/lothaeron
  15. Ieatsqirrels

    Where to farm Legion BoE's?

    During Legion I met someone who played a 99 paladin and was totally into farming for fun and possible epics. We did a few battlegrounds, he disappeared a few times, and I just went back to gathering and spamming dungeons. As a 98 I farmed all the Legion BoE epics I have, since there were...
  16. Magdalena

    EU Anyone up for create a tournament?

  17. 7.3 and beyond: hidden boss, spoilers and speculation...

    Ion Hazzikostas' comments from the Fatboss interview regarding the final boss of 7.3 have actually made me excited for the lore of this game again. It's looking like we will actually see Sargeras whether he be a raid boss or not. If there's anything else lore-related for the end of Legion...
  18. The Peak of Twinking

    Which expansion(s) were the best for twinking during? Every voice counts and all answers are valid because everyone has a different set of expectations when it comes to twinking. You can make up to three selections. Thanks for your input. Lets get some discussion going!
  19. Heavy of Metal

    US [Video] Twinkzerker: lvl 20-29 Bracket Warrior PvP

    Hello friends, After viewing a particularly disgusting lvl 19 Arms Warrior video on these forums, I thought I'd post a video of mine. Seeing as it couldn't do worse than the hot steaming pile of garbage I just watched. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it.
  20. CloudeStrife

    US Legion Assault is UP

    Looks the the assaults have begun. (at least on US servers... assault is currently up on Darkspear in Azsuna)!! Any twinks on US wanna unite and conquer? HOLY CRAP@@@@@@@ YOU GET ARTIFACT POWER FOR THESE LOL (sorry for screaming, just psyked)