Search results

  1. Deej

    US Exploiting 29s into Xp on Bgs

    If you see a "Deej" in the battleground and you dont want to be reported you might want to afk. Its so unfair that you guys want to play your 29s vs people in this bracket.. Vet accounts are already extremely powerful. Reroll a fotm 20 vet like the rest of the 29s Ps. It wont just be me...
  2. Deej

    EU+US Rate my new xmog (;

    Hey guys, So proud of my new xmog I just couldn't resist posting it here <3
  3. Deej

    Get Your Fine Pilgrims Hat Cosmetic Helm Mog ^^

    Hi there, Im sure most of you know that you can get a cosmetic helm mog as of last year with the event that is going on currently (Pilgrims Bounty). But for those who dont this is the helm mog: Fine Pilgrim's Hat - Item - World of Warcraft It comes from daily quests so I would suggest you...
  4. Deej

    Rate my drood

    Deej @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft Can i get a feral/10? :cool:
  5. Deej

    WTS Touch of the void on AP

    Selling the void-shrouded satchel on Aerie peak, looking for 25k
  6. Deej

    Get your Furbolg Medicine Pouch! ^.^

    Just found out f2ps can get them now! Im pretty sure you need to be honored with timbermaw hold. You will need a p2p to grind winterspring mobs for this. Gl farming ^.^