Search results

  1. Trialkiller

    Poking Around

    Something looms in the doorway, breathing heavily. A sweaty, try-hard twink from ages past. Sup kids. It's me, I've returned. (Not really) Your Puglord and savior. Don't worry, I'm not here to play WoW anymore and smash you in BG's. I'm just sifting through the ashes and dust of this old forum...
  2. Trialkiller

    Hello Again, and Merry Christmas + Happy New Year (US)

    I'm back once more and I come in search of comrades (no peasants) for twinking on Horde (almost certainly horde, op racials) and a good group for endgame. Currently I can be found on Elysium because apparently they recovered my characters after a year or so of shenanigans, I might be persuaded...
  3. Trialkiller

    US peasants

    just a reminder in case you all forgot: you're all peasants, this game is now exclusively for peasants, and the only hope there was for you peasants is long gone. the pug lord has left, the flock of peasants is now without a god, and any of you peasants who are still playing are wasting your...
  4. Trialkiller

    US Top 10: Peasants

    So I haven't seen a top "_____" list in a while. The title is pretty straightforward. Who are the top 10 peasants in the bracket? COUNT DOWN PLEASE (P.s. Who is your least favorite from my list? VOTE) 10. Livingforce Dude does nothing but roll with premades and still manages to fvck up...
  5. Trialkiller

    US Goodbye

    taking a break for awhile, bracket isnt enjoyable to me anymore. wish everyone luck who still dedicates a lot of time into the bracket and try to make it better even though it isnt. going to be playing a lot of minecraft with my clan if anyone wants to play hmu Kane#1182. you might catch me on a...
  6. Trialkiller

    US How's the bracket?

    Sup. Hi, hello, how's it going? Pug Lord here. Some of you may have noticed I haven't been playing for a bit and I'm not sure if I'd like to come back so thought I'd ask the trusty twink community. As well as say I'm unimpressed with the lack of drama and entertainment value on these forums...
  7. Trialkiller

    US #MakeThisBracketGreatAgain!

    This bracket used to be great, and now it's not. Why? Because too many of you scumbags and peasants are playing FotM and ruining games, and too many ungeared Jaja's are dragging teams down. We need to build a wall, and by build a wall I mean we need to report shitters AFK from games to prevent...
  8. Trialkiller


    The future of watching videos on youtube!
  9. Trialkiller

    US Group Photo

    I think it could be fun, yes I know there's another thread but Pug Lord is taking control with a poll. Also, would anyone be able to summon / portal people? p.s. Dalaran Sewers is good for duelling as well. p.p.s. This is for both 20s and 29s New Strawpoll: Where should the next picture be...
  10. Trialkiller

    US Fastest Wrecking Ball?

    So I recently levelled my old vet priest, didn't like it much cause disc is just too faceroll @ any level, and went shadow at 29. FIRST EotS I did @ 29 with exp off looked like this. So as you can see the game lasted less than 6 minutes with the flurry achieve (Win an EotS in less than 6...
  11. Trialkiller

    Fan Made Fiction / Art!

    @Lluyd 's depiction of our Pug Lord as a fisherman.
  12. Trialkiller

    EU+US Most Respectable Class?

    So pretty much the opposite of the last thread. What class do you respect people for playing the most? Whether because the class / spec is pretty unrepresented or underpowered and far from easy to play. In my opinion it's a little too vague to respect a class in general when a lot of people...
  13. Trialkiller

    EU+US Least Respectable Class?

    What do you think? I'd say rogues are overall since they have such a single minded style of gameplay and the least amount of versatility, not to mention a large portion of the twink pop. plays these because of how mindless it is to ambush for big numbers. Hunters are definitely a close second...
  14. Trialkiller

    US Top 5 Best / Top 5 Worst Players in the bracket

    This is a US thread, so all you EU swine take your drama somewhere else. I feel like the forums are very tame lately and could use a little flavor, so who (in your opinion) are the top 5 BEST players and top 5 WORST players in the bracket? In no particular order here's mine. Best: Idiote (on...
  15. Trialkiller

    US Battle for Gilneas

    Would 29s like to Q for this some time soon? It's a level 25+ 10 vs. 10 Battleground so there would be NO F2P / Vets. 20 Yes / Maybe's and there will likely be a follow up thread, potentially try to get 25 - 29 to Q for it on the weekend.
  16. Trialkiller

    EU+US 29 Brew Monks

    Are they good? Or total dog shit? Just so you know, they're total dog shit. EVERY non-vet / f2p brew monk in the bracket = automatic dog shit.
  17. Trialkiller

    US Broken Rating

    So... I just came back on thursday after a few weeks break and was banging out all kinds of arena wins and was at 2040 when I lost a couple games and stopped gaining points all together... This is the SS of the Eliteguilds site, since TI's doesn't actually show progression / regression on...
  18. Trialkiller

    US Who Da Best?

  19. Trialkiller

    Do Rankings Mean Anything?

    Just curious to see how much people value rankings on sites like twinkstats and eliteguilds , and if so which do you acknowledge as the most meaningful or accurate representation to skill?
  20. Trialkiller

    Faction Specific Items

    So one of the most common questions I see for twinking is "What should I get as ______ before I faction transfer to ______?" so here's a list for each item that is unique and only obtainable on Horde / Alliance and worth getting while on either side. Scaling / stats on the items will not be...