WTS LVL 10 EPIC FOAMSPITTLE! wheres my lvl 10 twinks at!


title says it all.

on Bleeding hollow US

my name is Babi and my btag is Lidders#11452

HMU for best offers

lvl 20 staff goes for about 350k if that's an idea for ya!
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Looks like useless crap =)
I think it would be only one Foamspittle Staff for 10th lvl ingame
not useless to lvl 10 twinks :) bis actually
had a post up the other day when i saw a bunch of lvl10s standing around me in the castle at the npc where you stop your exp gain, every one of them having 1 of this lvl10 staff .. i had manage to collect 3 of them from the AH so far, just to keep inside my guild bank, no idea what i am gonna do with them

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