WoW Gametime - Less than $5 per month.


Guild Master
Selling Game Time.

Verified PayPal ONLY. Registered users older than 6 months ONLY.

A LOT cheaper than the $15/month you're paying Blizzard!

1 Month - $5 USD
3 Months - $13 USD ($6.66/month)
6 Months - $24 USD ($5.83/month)
12 Months - $45 USD ($4.58/month)

I ALSO TAKE GOLD! Prices fluctuate but below are the averages.

1 Month - 10k
3 Months - 25k (8.33k/month)
6 Months - 45k (7.50k/month)
12 Months - 80k (6.66k/month)

Add my Skype if you're interested: geokoder - PLEASE specify that you found this on TI.

If you want to sell your gold or buy game keys on the cheap, check this out.
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Iaccidentallytwink, can you please shortly describe how this works or if it's legal. I can't fathom why the company would set up something like this...
Iaccidentallytwink, can you please shortly describe how this works or if it's legal. I can't fathom why the company would set up something like this...
Phish credit cards
Sell gametime with RAF
Use Raf acc made to advertise gold selling

**I'm not sure if this is what iaccidentally does, but I know many people who do something like the above
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chinese guys using this way:
1-you send them RAF link
2-they use it and buy wow battle chest with their credit card
3-they add one month game time then you win one month coz of promo
(if they add two, you also win RAF mount)
4-they chargeback and get money back from blizzard
5-your free game time remains.

Blizzard dosent remove your game time unless you get too much with same way at the same time
so buy one month each month, you will be fine
so far I bought 10 months paid 2$ each and nothing happend

there is no ban risk, you arent buying gold or exploiting something ingame

note: I heard that if you have annual pass, this method wont work
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I went to bed, but I'm online now. Add me on Skype if you need anything.

The method is perfectly legal and you are completely safe. I have been using this on my own annual pass accounts for the past 4-6 months, and have had no issues. The only thing I recommend is not being obnoxious enough to have your account deeply investigated by GMs. So, don't do anything stupid like cheat or lag hack, etc. In the case that your account DOES get deeply investigated, the ONLY effect it will have is that your gametime would be removed. This has never happened to me or anyone I know, the people this happens to are the heavy cheaters that use this on multiple accounts at once to continuously bot, etc. If you're one of those, don't be surprised if your time DOES get removed. Barring that, the chance of removal is nearly nonexistent.
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Sold some time to TI twinks and still selling :)
Just curious, if the buyers paypal was verified and they haven't been around for 6 months would you still possibly consider selling? I might have a friend who might consider buying later on (still has gametime left) but he doesn't have an account on here since he doesn't twink much.
Just curious, if the buyers paypal was verified and they haven't been around for 6 months would you still possibly consider selling? I might have a friend who might consider buying later on (still has gametime left) but he doesn't have an account on here since he doesn't twink much.
Hmm. I might consider it, if there's some way he could verify his legitimacy.
Is this RAF method? If so, i don't recommend selling it atm.
Atm, huge removal wave on all sub, mines got removed too.

RAF from other sellers cost like 3$ without activation anyways, what's up with price (assuming it is RAF)
Is this RAF method? If so, i don't recommend selling it atm.
Atm, huge removal wave on all sub, mines got removed too.

RAF from other sellers cost like 3$ without activation anyways, what's up with price (assuming it is RAF)

I still have all the RaF game time I bought from him, and that was like a month ago.
yes there was a raf removal wave and i saw many people lost their raf, especially those that bought more than one month at a time.

I have 3 RAF month on my 3 account and still have them. And this is not related with seller because they all use same method for RAF. Because of the raf removal wave, many seller stopped selling it for a while. And what i know is this wave wasnt the first one.

Just buy one month every month. This is not a limited time offer. There is no point at buying 12 months at once.
if the wave hits you, you will only lose one month game time

Note: there is no ban risk for this raf method but you will get a warning if they catch you.
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The removal is actually related to how the gametime was acquired. As far as I'm aware my customers have not been affected at all yet.

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