Worst Revival I've Ever Seen

Well go ahead then.
I`ll tell you now, tho, it`s about as futile as it can get. You`re better off sticking to the patented revival system that`s been field-tested and proven times and times again, or go back to 29s.
LOL just cause [MENTION=3042]Donteventrii[/MENTION] pissed me off, letting this bracket die. Not gonna organize shit. Get rekt nerd. Blame retard Nastay for no more queues. What a moron.
The 39s bracket has been pretty wretched and unplayable ever since the Cata pre-patch hit.

Let sleeping dogs lie.
Hi willy I`m pretty sure starter accounts weren`t introduced in 2k15

I usually try and not correct someone on these forums because it is downright rude, however since you are correcting someone I will make an exception.
Trials started with Vanilla. Unlimited Starters began in Cataclysm. I believe you may be referring to Veteran accounts that did not get introduced until 2015. Starters and veterans are two totally different animals all together. Just ask any "pure" starter account holder.

Just because it is exam season does not mean a thing. It is not as if every WoW player is a college student. Just because you are a student does not mean everyone is like you. Even if every WoW player was an 18-24 year old college student, do you seriously think that all of them would be studying for exams on Friday nights? WoW's demographic base is a lot broader than a mere 18-24 year old college student, trust me.

LOL just cause [MENTION=3042]Donteventrii[/MENTION] pissed me off, letting this bracket die. Not gonna organize shit. Get rekt nerd. Blame retard Nastay for no more queues. What a moron.

The 39s bracket has been pretty wretched and unplayable ever since the Cata pre-patch hit.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Do what you will, one person does not make or break an entire bracket. It takes an entire community to come together to get games going. I for one like playing 39s as opposed to 19s. I am not going let some negative ninnie change my mind or someone use that person as an excuse to give up.
Attitudes like the one above are why other brackets are better than what is perceived as the "competitive" bracket.

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I usually try and not correct someone on these forums because it is downright rude, however since you are correcting someone I will make an exception.
Trials started with Vanilla. Unlimited Starters began in Cataclysm. I believe you may be referring to Veteran accounts that did not get introduced until 2015. Starters and veterans are two totally different animals all together. Just ask any "pure" starter account holder.


The Vanilla `till mid Cata Trials were basically useless for all our intents and purposes.
The Starters beginning mid Cata are the deal, and yes I`m referring to those. And I guess to Veterans as well, and contrary to your belief, these two are pretty much very similar, actually.

Anyways, my point is, willy`s point is simply nothing new, that`s been the state of the art for 4 years and counting.

Oh, and double posting is, in fact pretty rude either.
LOL just cause Donteventrii pissed me off, letting this bracket die. Not gonna organize shit. Get rekt nerd. Blame retard Nastay for no more queues. What a moron.

Well, you're pretty easily riled if you let Dont get to you that hard. Have a cup of tea, chamomile with a touch of honey, perhaps.
The Vanilla `till mid Cata Trials were basically useless for all our intents and purposes.
The Starters beginning mid Cata are the deal, and yes I`m referring to those. And I guess to Veterans as well, and contrary to your belief, these two are pretty much very similar, actually.

Anyways, my point is, willy`s point is simply nothing new, that`s been the state of the art for 4 years and counting.

Oh, and double posting is, in fact pretty rude either.
All prior to 2015 whether you agree with or not. Just because you do not agree with something does not mean it did not exist.
Double post? Where?

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It's pretty unfair to attack a person that tried to drum up some business for a dead bracket. That's all I am saying.
LOL just cause [MENTION=3042]Donteventrii[/MENTION] pissed me off, letting this bracket die. Not gonna organize shit. Get rekt nerd. Blame retard Nastay for no more queues. What a moron.

I mean, no offense, but besides the starter thread it doesn't look like you have really done much to organize anything. It's understandable since you must be really busy with work and school and that should always be the top priority! It was just a bit of poor planning on your part to try and revive the bracket when you were about to get so busy, but you had never been in the core of a revival to know the amount of work and organization it has required in the past so I don't really blame you.

It's pretty unfair to attack a person that tried to drum up some business for a dead bracket. That's all I am saying.

This is just coming because of the expectation that 39s have on their "bracketmasters". Yoube and Rise actually touched on this point on the podcast that he linked on the first page. Every bracket has a way they do things, and they all function very differently. The attitude that I see from a lot of players in this thread reminds of 19s where if they want games they just q up and Fuck it. However, having been part of basically ever 39 revival I can say that, this attitude has never been that case at 39s. This bracket required copious amount of networking, organization, promotion, and communication to ensure games happened every week. Because of this, this bracket "appointed" bracketmaster to have someone that would lead that charge and ensure a swift ride for the month/s of games that would ensue. While every revival thrives or falls on the community as a whole, the decision of making a revival has always been given a lot of thought to ensure that people won't waste their time in a Q that would never pop. Unfortunately, I don't think people realize what has always gone behind the scenes of 39s and at some point 29s to ensure that games did happen. This is why people always brought up the "core" of players when making any decision, and especially when deciding when to Q up.

All of that aside, I barely have any 39s that get on my Bnet as it stands, so this bracket is working with a lot of new blood. Additionally, every revival has a unique twist, so I am curious to see if they will make it work. I wish you guys the best of luck!
All prior to 2015 whether you agree with or not. Just because you do not agree with something does not mean it did not exist.
Double post? Where?


I never said nor intended any disagreement, actually.
What I tried to say that it`s kinda idiotic to bring up something that`s basically been like this, stayed the same and thus more or less known for four whopping years, and trying to make a notion for a change, when again there`s been four whopping years of pretty much the same business-of-usual with nothing meaningful changing at all. Because, you know, if there`s been little to none change for the past four years under the same or very similar premises, there`s about zero chance that there`ll be a change right now, under the very same premise.
Anyways, this argument is going nowhere, kek
I never said nor intended any disagreement, actually.
What I tried to say that it`s kinda idiotic to bring up something that`s basically been like this, stayed the same and thus more or less known for four whopping years, and trying to make a notion for a change, when again there`s been four whopping years of pretty much the same business-of-usual with nothing meaningful changing at all. Because, you know, if there`s been little to none change for the past four years under the same or very similar premises, there`s about zero chance that there`ll be a change right now, under the very same premise.
Anyways, this argument is going nowhere, kek

You're right. We should just do nothing because respectable twinking is a lost cause.
Well, if you consider doing the same thing that we`ve been doing the past few years /doing nothing/, well yes then there you have it.
LOL just cause Donteventrii pissed me off, letting this bracket die. Not gonna organize shit. Get rekt nerd. Blame retard Nastay for no more queues. What a moron.
Let's not kid ourselves, you weren't suddenly going to start organizing anything, regardless of me calling you out on a piss-poor bracket management. However, I do admit I provided you an easy scapegoat that the lemmings may believe. The amusing part of this reaction from you is that you didn't need to lash out at all. You could just have easily said, "Sorry guys, I chose a poor time to start up the bracket, as I didn't consider the effort it would require from me when I'm getting busy IRL", and left it at that. I'm glad we get to see a glimpse of your true character.

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