Worst Revival I've Ever Seen

This revival has been a joke compared to the other 7 that I've been a part of.

When someone takes it upon themselves to revive a bracket, that person needs to be committed to bracket mastering. They need to communicate with the rest of the bracket, informing thru Btag and the forums as to whether a game is going to happen, which faction needs more, which voice program will be used.

It's a lot of effort. I and several others have refrained from starting the bracket this xpac because we know what is required.

bigmoran time to step up. Either convince someone to take up the torch or put this dog out of its misery.
As far as I know it is exam season for most university students. By the end of the month the majority should be done. You will probably have a better chance at a revival then.
And before anyone tries to claim that any games are better than no games:

We were asked to reach out to past 39s, friends, etc to recruit them back for this revival. Sticking our word on the line that it would be worth it for them. I don't like to be a disappointment to friends.
That's not how revivals work, except the 29s MoP of last fall.

Normally, there is a huge surge of interest. Everyone clamors for extra nights. The bracket master cautions that extra nights are unsustainable, and that the focus should be on consistency and faction balance in order to grow.

Eventually activity settles, and usually two nights a week is sustained for a few months before interest peters out.
Jesus you are the most obnoxious person I have ever seen on this forum.
I don't have the networking powers (BTag space) to add every 39 in the bracket. As mentioned, I have been very busy with work and school so it is hard for me to coordinate anything. I have had to miss the very own days I have scheduled. It shouldn't be a one man show trying to get shit going. Just queue up pussies.
But unfortunately it is. (A one man show, that is)
Unless you manage to convince someone else to be your helper, `tis all on your head. Everything will stand - and fall - with you. I`d advise you to have someone backing you up, especially if you`re on a busy schedule (which is totally understandable), but having no-show nights (because nobody was giving a flying fuck, apparently) is frustrating for everyone and is probably the best way to kill the revival off before it`s even really started.

That`d be my take, anyways.
let the bracket die, all we had was a bunch of organized "f2p/20-29" pug quality games with longer que and less players/diversity

it was worth a try last 39s revival was some of the funnest twink games ive played but this time around its really not worth it
let the bracket die, all we had was a bunch of organized "f2p/20-29" pug quality games with longer que and less players/diversity

it was worth a try last 39s revival was some of the funnest twink games ive played but this time around its really not worth it
Describe "20-29 quality" games.
Do you mean games where people do not /afk at the first sign of a loss? Or do you mean games where there are actually healers present? Or is it where there are teams that there are players that actually come out of stealth every once in while?
Have fun fooling yourself whatever bracket is "competitive".that you choose to play. Whatever it is, it is NOT a lower WoW bracket, that is for sure. Lower brackets are purely for fun, nothing else. Maybe they once were, not any more.

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I don't have the networking powers (BTag space) to add every 39 in the bracket. As mentioned, I have been very busy with work and school so it is hard for me to coordinate anything. I have had to miss the very own days I have scheduled. It shouldn't be a one man show trying to get shit going. Just queue up pussies.

Seriously, just q up on Friday @ 9 est, as was previously discussed and decided upon as a community. It doesn't require the logistical prowess of an air traffic tower to get this going. Moran shouldn't need to hold everyone's hand to queue up.
I think the best bet is to keep trying to play on Fridays. Its towards the end of the school year and people are dealing with that, I would very much like to play 39s but don't have time atm because of school. As summer starts it will be easier to get more people. The best bet is to keep advertising 39s and not let go of any momentum that has been gained. I don't think its its fair to expect this bracket to immediately be amazing it will take time and effort, so don't give up!!
Incoming Wall o Text.

The primary problem with twinking in 2015 is not the bracket being chosen, it's the attitude that has spawned since the implementation of starter accounts. What do I mean by this? Simply put, post 3.2 everyone had to re evaluate what they valued in twinking. Every single bracket had to figure out how to make games happen within the new rules of bracket segregation which resulted in twinks spread around on separate battle groups. Most people recognized two basic values: the want for games and the need for community.

The sudden paradigm shift in low level pvp meant that in order for there to be activity in a bracket, people had to consolidate on one battle group and put the community above all else. This worked for several brackets who saw quite a few revivals since 3.2 and the 'death of twinking.' Fast forward to 2015, and we've seen a staggering amount of paradigm shifting changes happen to the part of the game we hold so dear:

- Battle group merges.
- Bracket splits to reduce the gap in power between players.
- New pvp formats (war games, skirmishes).
- New BGs made accessible to lower brackets.
- Gear, enchant, and player scaling.
- Bracket merges to increase pool sizes for the queue system to draw from.
- Account wide heirlooms.
- Significant class design changes.
- Merge of older expansions into the battle chest.
- The displacement of naturally capped accounts into XP off BGs.

I'm sure I'm missing some. One I intentionally left off the list was the creation of starter accounts. This change was the single worst change this game has ever seen for twinks. Why do I say that? I say that because now all of a sudden twinks got to have their cake and eat it too. No longer did they have to make a conscious choice between beating up on noobs or having their XP disabled. They got to have both. What's worse, is that instead of having to prioritize things like community and quality games, they could completely ignore both of those things and just roflstomp new players in a bracket that continuously fed unsuspecting players into XP off games like cattle down a cute in a slaughter house.

The result? Attitude. Egos. Players who are so threatened by any change in their 'way of life,' they talk down to everyone they deem unfit to be in 'their bracket.' Gone are the days of community. Dead are the movements that led to pure, unadulterated twinking activity. Everyone and their mom plays the 'free to play' bracket. Who is actually left to revive 39s, 49s, or any other bracket that used to have good players and great games? 29s might as well light the massive funeral pile built on the dead bodies of level 20s who shunned every other bracket so they can drink the kool-aid of 'I don't have to pay for the game anymore' starter account bullshit.

Video killed the radio star.
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Hi willy I`m pretty sure starter accounts weren`t introduced in 2k15
I don't have the networking powers (BTag space) to add every 39 in the bracket. As mentioned, I have been very busy with work and school so it is hard for me to coordinate anything. I have had to miss the very own days I have scheduled. It shouldn't be a one man show trying to get shit going. Just queue up pussies.
"Just queue up pussies" clearly doesn't work. As evidenced by the last couple of weeks. You may not have Btag space for EVERY 39, but you don't need EVERY 39. You need about 5 well connected 39s to tap into their network. On the first two game nights, I was constantly updating my Btag with H/A counts, naming the people on each side that I saw on their 39s.

I guess that's our bad for not telling you what you were getting yourself into when you decided to post a revival thread. If it was me, I'd be messaging all the original signers-up weekly to make sure they knew games were going down that Friday. That's how I had success in the past. All week I'd be contacting people to make sure they are prioritizing 29s/39s on game nights.
Hi willy I`m pretty sure starter accounts weren`t introduced in 2k15

I'm pretty sure my post doesn't say they were introduced in 2015, but that they led to the biggest problem we are facing in 2015.

Reading comprehension FTW.
Yes, what I`m trying to say is that these problems are as old as the starter accounts are, so what you`re telling us is hardly anything new.
I didn't claim these problems were new. Instead, I focused on these problems as they stand in 2015, because it doesn't really matter that they were problems before 2015. We can't jump in a time machine and go back to address them. We can address them now. In 2015.

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