Hi there! I’d be willing to pay 5k for someone to help me obtain the Spires of Arak rare item for my 19 rogue. You need a high level character, preferably with WoD flying. That agi ring would be nice also, I’m up for trading boosts if you need anything.
On an unrelated note, how do you queue for Classic dungeons now? There’s a few items that would make good placeholders, like the Soulrender Greatcloak, Seal of Rivendare, Electrocutioner’ Lagnut etc (scarlet tabard and master builder’s shirt too).
On an unrelated note, how do you queue for Classic dungeons now? There’s a few items that would make good placeholders, like the Soulrender Greatcloak, Seal of Rivendare, Electrocutioner’ Lagnut etc (scarlet tabard and master builder’s shirt too).
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