Will 74s rule in MoP?

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currently, some of the best DPS classes are 74's, for example, 74 ret, 74 hunter.

but most healers tend to stay at 70 to enjoy a better resilience scaling.

however in MoP this is going to change with the introduction of PVP power (which isn't implemented on PTR yet).

PVP power counters pvp resilience via SUBTRACTION. (as far as I know)
This means a huge difference!

look at it this way, currently, if you stay at 70, the benefit of scaling is contributed by ALL of the resilience that you have. 600, 700, whatever.

but in MoP, if you stay at 70, the benefit of scaling is only contributed by a portion of the resilience that you have, that is, the amount of resilience that doesn't get countered by your attacker's PvP power.

i am assuming that, at least, all the DPS classes will stack PvP power, so a big chunk of your resilience is gone, and what's left over(something like 100~200 resilience) probably doesn't justify staying at 70 and not being able to use abilities available to 74's, for example this one. (here is an incomplete list of all of the new abilities available to 71~74)

Also, if you level to 74, then the 70's will have a harder time hitting you, which by itself, could outweigh the benefit you get from a tiny amount of resilience scaling for staying at 70.

Last but not least, as i mentioned in my previous post, some weapons only available to 70+ players are getting buffed. Staff of the Sorrowful Chieftain will be BiS for a 74 feral (actually it already is) and Nifflevar Bearded Axe will hit harder than apolyn!

edit: i guess my post applies to both brackets where resilience plays an important rule: 70~74 and 80~84. to be honest, i don't even want to think about what will happen in 80-84 with the introduction of MoP 83~84 gears.
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74 niff hunter... oneshot with raptor strike!

jk raptor strike removed in mop ;(
i'm hoping praying begging doing mad voodoo chicken sacrifice rituals to appease the gods of blizz to please please make 70 a bracket of its own, and 71-74 a seperate bracket.

Will. Never. Happen. ..i know ._.
They just need to change the way that arena teams work, like in wotlk when you lvld it disbanded the team ;) wont fix them in bg's but ye idgaf about that
Surely as they are level 74 the pvp power they do get will be less then what someone @70 would get? Also forgetting the 50% base resilience people get in the beta. I played the beta for a bit on my mage the most i could get was about 40% pvp power with retard mode stacking pvp power gems which left me with about 1.1 SP from the usual 1.8. Its going to come down to finding a balance on which is needed more prime stats/pvp power. After all you can bypass someones resilience but if you have no strength/agility/intellect you'll hit just as shit as someone full prime stat gemmed against resilience.
thanks for the comments.

i personally would love to be able to level my druid to 74 for cyclone.
Ok, so i copied my 70 warrior to the mop beta, and upon inspecting the pvp brutal gear, i saw no "PVP power" stats on the equipment as like 80's or 85's have. i have the reason to beleive it may only be a high level stat. I'm honestly not sure if pvp power is a stat built in your character or not. However, as it stands, i dont think 70's obtain the pvp power. it also says 0.00% on the character screen. Theres still alot of time for change, so im sure they may implement it for 70's. if they dont, healers will be gods xD
23 spell pen gems are available to 70's at the moment, and with the crazy stacking of stats at 70 I don't think it would be too difficult for a dps to get high pvp power while maintaining good SP / AP.

but yes as you said, it looks like any healer stacking pure resi will be almost godmode come MOP.

personally, i have already dropped alot of resi, and have other items ready to drop even more if i feel it gets too high in the pre-patch + new expansion.
when will they implement PVP power on PTR? As of right now, ”74 is better in MoP“ is only an educated guess.
74 niff hunter... oneshot with raptor strike!

jk raptor strike removed in mop ;(

so i suppose you were JK in on the niff too, those are gone for hunters MOP too
currently there is no way to stack PVP power to overcome the amount of PVP-res at 70 for many classes.

those classes/specs (7) with essentially have to half their current AP to get PVP power, near all of those classes require predominantly red gems in their gear for item bonuses. PVP power gems are blue, even the ones JC have access to will gimp them there too

caster classes that used 20 int red gems, come MOP would add 20sp and some crit, so for a caster dropping 20int for 20 PVP-power which also works for there heals is not a sacrifice

healers in god mode was being talked about on beta/ptr when PVP gear was tested and changed even farther when gem/socket bonuses gave even more PVP-res. people were also and are still complaining about lack of PVP-pwr

prior to CATA blizz claimed that they were converting AP to stats based on the class that would use those items, as you know, this never happened fully and they missed tons of gear.

i expect them to do the same come MOP, they will more than likely miss converting AP to PVP-pwr and res to PVP-res on 70 and 80 PVP gear, and items that have the stats of PVP gear like that drop in SWP or are from JP vendors
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Why are they still not implementing PvP power on the ptr?

all i can tell is that currently pvp power weighs the same as any red/yellow stat.

so let's say with 18 sockets, one can only obtain 360 PvP power, even if they change the 2 piece bonus from 35 resil to 35 pvp power, it's still only around 400 pvp power, which is lower than 700~800 that a 74 healer can easily get.

with 300~400 resil and a 40% base reduction, a 74 druid that can cyclone will be pretty bad@ss...
I know this goes a little off topic. But are the brackets going to stay the same? Or is 71-74 going to be a separate bracket come MoP?
i can not see blizz doing that
Why are they still not implementing PvP power on the ptr?

all i can tell is that currently pvp power weighs the same as any red/yellow stat.

so let's say with 18 sockets, one can only obtain 360 PvP power, even if they change the 2 piece bonus from 35 resil to 35 pvp power, it's still only around 400 pvp power, which is lower than 700~800 that a 74 healer can easily get.

with 300~400 resil and a 40% base reduction, a 74 druid that can cyclone will be pretty bad@ss...

are you saying a 20 PVP-power gem will have 40 AP for a rogue as a 20 agi gem does?

plus PVP-power gems (blue) do not offer crit as i know of, infact will rob a rogue of it along with various set/gear bonuses which generally use most red with a occasional yellow

i have found some PVE things updated, but as for PVP gear for 70's, 80's, and 85's....no data base shows resilience as PVP-resilience, no PVP-power on weapons still AP, set bonuses are still old resilience, and gem bonuses are not changed either like on 90 PVP gear where correct gems add more PVP-res ot PVP-power

PVP BOAs are all still showing just resilience

this makes me wonder if blizz doesn't makes the changes will just "resilience" even work, will the 30% PVP-resil be all we have and will PVE gear loaded with blue +20PVP power gems be best way to go since it generally has most gem slots
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