While 29s lay dormant

As I said, RBGs are a PITA to set up. Usually it's something like 9-10 PM three nights a week. I would rather not be on a tight schedule. If 80-84 could be galvanized into an objective minded bracket, it would undoubdtedly be the most balanced (as it's closest to 85). Additionally, it wouldn't have the enormous gear disparities you see in the 85 random bracket. That is, people in greens and blues going against grouped relentless geared players.

All around I think its win. If all 29s would be interested in rolling in the 80-84s, we could have a lot of fun.
Pretty funny to see people criticizing the 80-84 bracket without any knowledge of it. What I find most interesting about this bracket is that you can be competive at ANY level 80-84. For example, as a frost mage at 80 your haste and other secondary stats are MUCH MUCH more beneficial than at 84. But put it the other way around, and you can say that you get more spell power, new spells, and a better hp pool. Then the debate could become about resil and how much damage mitiagation you can get at level 80 from a full PVP set. Even past THOSE arguments, many people level only to 81 to gain access to certain skills while maintaining most of their secondary stat gains (SEE: warriors at 81 for Colossus Smash).

What makes a twink bracket good in my opinion?


Quality of games

Class/burst balance

And yes, in that order.


Get at me bros, I'll be waiting with Recklessness+Death Wish+12000 AP self buffed (no procs)
A lot of this drew me to try out the 80-84 bracket. I'm thorough in my research, and I've worked through difficult gearing/stats problems before in other brackets. 10-14 had the greatest complexity, 70-74 has some interesting intricacies, followed by 60-64 with a couple of options. With all my experience figuring out brackets, I still can't wrap my head around the multidimensional gearing options available for 80-84, and I love the potential behind that. While the brackets I listed may lack the challenge of the midbrackets, I'm intrigued enough by what the 80-84 bracket has to offer that I want to give it a go.
Pretty funny to see people criticizing the 80-84 bracket without any knowledge of it.

Love the hostility. BTW, I have leved 7 characters to 85 since Cata launch. Every single one of them has been played in BGs between 80-85, including a few characters with full Wrathful gear/gems/enchants from wotlk. Granted I didn't spend much time there, I have spent enough to know what the combat is like. It is about as lopsided as it can get, and that's why I made it a point to state that it seems more appealing to just go to 85, if you're going to come that far.

However, that's just my opinion, and you can do whatever you please. GLHF
90% dungeon gear

5% reputation gear

5% BOE gear

i know the sources, im just a nerd that likes building chardevs, my biggest hold back will be the profs since this toon is already 525/515 skins/lw
Not sure there's much of a difference tbh.

It's like your entire mission in life is to troll me. You know nothing about it, so why make a claim either way? It's a twink community with PVP goals, not grinding, griefing, afking, or leveling ones. You stupidity is unconscionable.
figured out a chardev for my hunter at 84, doesnt look to bad i think im actually going to give this a shot..

self quote becuase i compared my chardev in ilvl 333 gear at 84 to an 80 hunter...i lose about 40% crit and 10% haste. while only gaining 5k ap and 50k health.....kind of sad that an 80 can stack almost 75% crit
how about you both calm the fuck down and stop arguing like you do in every thread, i guess willy dont knock the bracket till you try it.

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