Which twinks do you hate most?


Who's the most annoying 110 twink of the opposite faction that you hate playing against during your entire twink experiences?
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i vote myself most hated both factions. horde cant stand getting shit on by an undergeared ret paly and i put my own team on blast when they break cc/ fight on roads/ play like sheeeeit. im not here to make friends im here to ruin egos.
Prot War? Dont even bother
prot war is fine but druid ownz the tank world
man can u help me with twinking im not sure whether to go 110 or 111 or 119 im a prot warr
110 if you want to pvp and be able to use random dungeon finder for legion heroics. all the twinks you see in 111-119 are exploiting to play bg’s.

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