Which Class Would You Rather Have Healing You?

Which Class Would You Rather Have Healing You?

  • Paladin

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Priest

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Monk

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Druid

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
I was able to observe some healers today and I switched over to some of mine to check them out. Shammy was fun for me to play, especially with the utility such as purging, dotting, interrupting etc but with 19s being quite bursty, I found Shammy to be a bit too slow on the healing considering the burst my team was taking. It felt a little too ADHD for my liking. Not that purging and interrupting etc isn't important, but our team was getting rocked and I was really hoping to counter as much of that damage as I could.

Priest was okay. I saw a lot of other priests just bubbling everyone which would debuff our entire team for when they really need the shields. That was not so bueno. Healing wise, I enjoyed this more than shammy and it felt more effective at reducing incoming DPS burst. However, the limited mobility was kind of a drag and it was rather frustrating going to bubble someone and seeing him debuffed. With Priests being a huge favorite right now, I feel as though this issue will really hinder teams where priests are just bubbling everything in sight.

I noticed a few MW monks who were absolutely tearing up the healing meters. Like outhealing everyone by a mile. This seems like this could be the best fit for me having instant channeled heals that are quite powerful.

The only hpally I saw was Myrm and it was hard to tell how effective hpally was.

I don't recall seeing a resto druid although Pizza as bal still performed well on the healing meters.

I was checking some of the data of the healing meters on recount and I'm aware it's not the most accurate which is why I disregard everything unless I have a large pool of data accumulated. In my most recent game on my shammy, I found that I was at about 140 HPS. The priest on our team according to my data was roughly 150 HPS. His overall healing was not much higher than mine at all. Now as for the MW monk we had on our team, his hips was 302.
When it comes to healing only, monk is my no1 choice by far. That singletarget healing is no joke. For teamhealing I would prob choose disc.
i'm not sure how to answer this because i think a disc is most important to have, but having more than 1 is absolutely pointless. so i guess i'm gonna have to go with priest, but mw and rsham are both really close (mw for raw healing, and rsham for crazy utility) and it's never bad to have multiples of those.
I had to vote MW. I mean technically I don't really count as another class healing myself, but with blurz and I in the same game the healing was kinda crazy. And come on, who doesn't like seeing green beams shooting all over the place?
All you really need is a MW monk and Disc priest in any situation. A shaman is just there for purge's/shear's, and a druid for escorting the FC and going for 5 bites on the EFC.

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