What should I do?


The Euphoric
So i doubt many of you have taken notice but i have been inactive for some time now (about 2 weeks before 5.4). I have since returned to a dead bracket.

I have noticed that a large majority of players have moved on to the 20-24 bracket, and in the interest of games i cannot help but consider making the move, myself.

The question i have is this: I am and always have been an FC..However, since getting AGM nowadays is near impossible on Bleeding Hollow ( especially 2), should i level my 19 druid to 24 or is it viable to be a dependable FC (Guardian) without AGM?
With all the new enchants AGM isn't that necessary tbh. I'm sure you could reach a nice HP mark without agm and still be plenty viable.
I feel that you should:

Here is why I feel that way:
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Don't level your 19, you'll regret it when 19s start popping again. It's slow right now, but I still have faith that it will pick up. Just make a new 24, it takes like an hour tops to level a character to 24 with heirlooms. You can put a Heavy Borean Armor Kit on something like Bristlebark Gloves, Woodworking Gloves or some other slot BOE item and make up the stam from not getting an AGM. No amount of hp is going to save you from the ridiculous burst in 24s anyway though.
Altho AGM is a bonus, it's not something that should make you stop playing 19s. Battle Fatigue makes it drop 55% of off its shield, but the +12 stamina could come in handy, but again, not a reason to quit. Just go with Colossus and with what [MENTION=10751]Gliiese[/MENTION] said, it really helps if you FC.
So i doubt many of you have taken notice but i have been inactive for some time now (about 2 weeks before 5.4). I have since returned to a dead bracket.

I have noticed that a large majority of players have moved on to the 20-24 bracket, and in the interest of games i cannot help but consider making the move, myself.

The question i have is this: I am and always have been an FC..However, since getting AGM nowadays is near impossible on Bleeding Hollow ( especially 2), should i level my 19 druid to 24 or is it viable to be a dependable FC (Guardian) without AGM?

You'll be fine it is far from a deal breaker. Try for it, but I would say movement speed is more important as an FC. If you get hit with a few rogues your close to dead if not dead so movement speed is a big plus.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
Here's what's going on.

Alliance 20-24 is in need of healers and FCs. Horde is littered with 24 hunter/spriest guilds who steamroll.

Do not level your 19. Absolutely never level a twink.

Level 20 is amazing for nearly every class / spec except 24 hunter and 24 spriest is what you want to be (so I am told)

I am / have been / am going to be playing 20s except for scheduled queue times for 19s.

The 20-24 bracket is not nearly as balanced as 19s in my opinion. 19 rogues need to be nerfed, 20-24 rogues, spriests, hunters need to be nerfed which to me is very unbalanced. Very Rock beats Paper and Scissors to me.

Hold in there buddy. I would suggest making a new druid on Ally and FCing. Gear doesn't really matter because you'll be playing with f2ps anyways, most of them may have whites / unviable gear for their class.
24 speed potting resto druid with boot enchant for speed is hard to beat. Hpallies are good to, the armor is very helpful vs. Rogues

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
Just make a new druid for 24s. The lack of AGM will not really be noticeable.
Altho AGM is a bonus, it's not something that should make you stop playing 19s. Battle Fatigue makes it drop 55% of off its shield, but the +12 stamina could come in handy, but again, not a reason to quit. Just go with Colossus and with what Gliiese said, it really helps if you FC.

Agreed with the mention of Colossus, it's absolutely absurd at this level. Curley and I were doing rogue vs rogue duels at 24 for lulz, he was in normal gear with 2x Colossus weapons and gave me the opener every time. I could not beat him because the enchant absorbed so much damage and all of my poison ticks. I have some Colossus enchanted maces for emergency flag carrying as well, and I can just mongo straight across with the flag absorbing like 3-4 players' damage at a time.
Agreed with the mention of Colossus, it's absolutely absurd at this level. Curley and I were doing rogue vs rogue duels at 24 for lulz, he was in normal gear with 2x Colossus weapons and gave me the opener every time. I could not beat him because the enchant absorbed so much damage and all of my poison ticks. I have some Colossus enchanted maces for emergency flag carrying as well, and I can just mongo straight across with the flag absorbing like 3-4 players' damage at a time.

I did some testing with Mesi, and I should say that, even with +55% battle fatigue applied to Colossus on the BG, it still gives you nearly a FULL amount equal to an AGM pop, every minute (6RPPM, 3sec CD), for a LvL19.
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Okay, thanks guys! I think i will roll a Resto FC if everything is as OP as it seems, with colossus ofc..

If anyone knows of a decent 24 Resto Druid FC an armory would be greatly appreciated!
You're asking in the wrong place.

Go look at the armory thread in the 24s forum, could be some applicable armories in there.
Don't level a new one, AGM is no biggie anymore. 12stam is nice but other trink slot will go for pvp trinket anyways, and the battlemaster loom one is good enough for a p2p in 20-24, really. Go 24 for defensive dispel and cat sprint, and for more gear to choose from. It's easy to gear a very effective p2p 20-24 if you put a little bit of effort, time and money on it, unless you're a perfectionist. Hotshots, gnomer loot etc take a shitload of time to farm but they are not necessary unless you really want 100% out of your character.

Make an armory request thread on 20-24 forums or just search the armory threads for examples, or just use wowhead, gearing at this level isn't very complicated.
Do what feels ​right.

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