What am I missing?


New Member
Hey all!

I've recently put together a 11 fury warrior (I know, very much the flavor of the month)
I feel like I'm getting close to finished, but I wonder if I'm still missing something to really min/max this.

I've been farming for a Helm of the Constructor with a socket proc (got one with a speed proc in my bags, but no sockets yet)

What else should I be looking to pickup?
There are a few TW cloaks with 8 2ndary stats instead of 7, you should get that
You can also get a socket proc on Waist
I also like the Rivendare Sword + Hatebringer
Is the weapon damage lost on Hatebringer noticeable? I've been trying to come up with a build that uses Rivendare's weapon to drop a Shadowlands gem from a socket.

Time to work on Mechagon rings!
I've seen a few folks talking about that, How long is the grind for the rings?

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