This was one of Pizza's most guarded treasures during the time and he made sure that only a few individuals were ever made aware of its existence.
This blog is what stemmed to Pizza's most infamous method within the community, earning the disgust of a majority of people.
It wasn't long before Pizza had coined the new phrase 'gy containment'.
Most would say that our guilds methods were still considered gy farming, despite the fact that Pizza had argued that it was no longer farming, it was containment if you were consistently grabbing the flag.
These methods are still used today not only by Skill Ratio, but most guilds within the community as it has been recognized as an acceptable and viable strat in the bracket. Following the reproduction of the method, many have now come to terms with Pizza and his guilds tactics.
Anyways, even though it is now outdated, I leave you with this information below.
This blog is what stemmed to Pizza's most infamous method within the community, earning the disgust of a majority of people.
It wasn't long before Pizza had coined the new phrase 'gy containment'.
Most would say that our guilds methods were still considered gy farming, despite the fact that Pizza had argued that it was no longer farming, it was containment if you were consistently grabbing the flag.
These methods are still used today not only by Skill Ratio, but most guilds within the community as it has been recognized as an acceptable and viable strat in the bracket. Following the reproduction of the method, many have now come to terms with Pizza and his guilds tactics.
Anyways, even though it is now outdated, I leave you with this information below.