Warrior gear questions.

I recently rolled a troll warrior and would like some critique on my gearset.

Polished Helm of Valor

Scout's Medallion

Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons

Tumultuous Cloak of the Soldier

Stained Shadowcraft Tunic

Bracers of the Most Trusted

Thorbia's Gauntlets

Earthbound Girdle of the Soldier

Foreman's Leggings

Savage Trodders

Band of Argas

Band of Foul Strength


Inherited Insignia of the Horde

Legionnaire's Sword

Razor's Edge

Thick Bronze darts



Was wondering if hitstacking with dual crusader pay off more than a more balanced set with Crusader MH and +15 Str OH.

Items im considering if I go dual crusader:

Dividend Leggings

Demon Band

Deathstalker Pauldrens

Foreman's Gloves.

Thats a solid gear list. Has much more hit than required to cap specials, though, however I'm assuming you picked those heirlooms because you don't have access to Valor chestpiece/shoulders.

Not sure on dual crusader with a hit set, haven't looked into that yet, planning too once 4.1 hits, however. You can hit the hard cap with the use of minor accuracy pots.
Also how do the BoA swords compare to the blue sword i currently have?

And the item Ironpatch Sword as opposed to Razor's Edge for OH?
Even though you are over the hit cap, the 2 hit from razor's edge is superior to 2 stam on Ironpatch.

Dal rend's doesn't have strength on it, stick with WSG sword.
Dont forget to abuse rage potions, it might seem costly, but it will make it much more enjoyable to play.

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