warlocks at 70


Hey guys I am in some desperate need for some help, i just got an old 70 warlock toon that got deleted with all my brutal gear(that i actually earned in BC). so I decided to cap the xp and twink him in arenas and BGs. annnnnnnd im getting MURDERED!! i cant stay alive for 2 seconds to get a cast off and when i do my damage is so weak they just run around with all my dots and then come and murder me. I tryed destro and that a little better with the burst dmg, but still same thing, get 2 shotted or not enough damage to get through mage bubbles or plate. sooo are locks just THAT bad or am i doing somthing wrong, please ppl help me out here.
There are warlocks who do well,soulbug,blackmagic,dotslol,daveyx,
spose it's all down to practice,and a lot of resilience :) gl
Was healing my brothers warlock last night and he was doing fine with badly gemmed gear (wrath blues lol). He was demo specced since he says destro is harder to stay alive and the chain cc'ing doesn't do him much good when he's getting attacked by multiple people. As demo he has more survivability but still maintains great damage.

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