US WTB Shadowfang, need badly please.

WTB Shadowfang, need badly please.

Hi guys,

I am looking for a Shadowfang, I will transfer to Alliance or Horde on your server to get it if I must. I will also work something out with gold, rl money, or am willing to trade a Flag of Ownership Card for one.

You would be selling it to someone who would use it every day on a character he loves (my pally). It is a toon that is a team player, heals others, carries the flag, buffs other players, and plays hard & loves 19 twinking. If that is important to you that you give it to someone who will use it well and enjoy it.

Please leave a message here, pm me, or talk to Thew on Coilfang.

I really appreciate any replies, thank you.
Luka said:
>Paladin that heals


He's not made to be a healer Luka, but a support character that helps the team. I believe any good Shaman and Paladin should heal as well as buff, dps, and help his teamates.

That's what I try my best to do ;)

Still looking for the sword.
Thew123 said:
He's not made to be a healer Luka, but a support character that helps the team. I believe any good Shaman and Paladin should heal as well as buff, dps, and help his teamates.

That's what I try my best to do ;)

Still looking for the sword.

Answer my PM's, your inbox might be full.

Novascotia said:
Answer my PM's, your inbox might be full.


Hey Nova, please resend any I have not responded to sir, my inbox was not full and it says I have no unopened messages, but its showing a 7 instead of a 1 for yesterday and it won't open, sorry if I missed some.

Still in search of the sword guys :)
I'm in search for a Shadowfang too, EU
Thew123 said:
Hey Nova, please resend any I have not responded to sir, my inbox was not full and it says I have no unopened messages, but its showing a 7 instead of a 1 for yesterday and it won't open, sorry if I missed some.

Still in search of the sword guys :)

Get my message? If not lets make a talk thread.
It's almost like I keep posting in this thread just to move it up in the forums so every can see it.

Still looking guys.:rolleyes:
Twinkytoes said:
For a holy pally? Unworthy imo.

She's not holy...just cause she heals doesn't make her a healy pally, she just likes to heal people sometimes to be nice, would think that would make people happy. :confused:
I need one for my level 22 warlock.

I plan to put beastslayer on it.
orcgasm said:
i need one for my level 22 warlock.

I plan to put beastslayer on it.

l o l h a h a i n e v e r h e a r d t h a t j o k e b e f o r e d u d e y o u w i n!!"!$5we56gfcz
Actually, no lie, I got one on my 19 mage. I put demon slaying on it. I got it for 5 bucks from my friend, irl.
Locked said:
l o l h a h a i n e v e r h e a r d t h a t j o k e b e f o r e d u d e y o u w i n!!"!$5we56gfcz

Funny part is im not even joking. First thing I would do if I got one. What would I do with the money?
Thew123 said:
You would be selling it to someone who would use it every day on a character he loves (my pally).

or you could just get the boa mace which is actually better.

I'd not sell you a shadowfang. ;3
Omgimarogue said:
i will poop on your chest

I will stab him, cut a hole in his chest, poop in it. scoop it out and make his first born child eat it. ;3

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