US Upending Popular Vet Wisdom


Hey gang! I've been lurking here for a month or so and I've noticed a couple consistent pieces of wisdom about ubsubbed expectations that are in contrast with my experience. Namely, the claim that you're unable to re-enable XP while unsubbed appears to no longer be accurate. I personally enabled my XP while unsubbed at the beginning of February.

Secondly, I need to perform further testing, but it appears as though you can only use enchantment scrolls that were created by one of your own characters -- scrolls purchased off the AH while subbed are unusable once unsubbed.

My sub will be up again in a couple of days, so I'll be able to retest these post-8.1.5 to confirm they have not been reverted to previous standards.

This information probably doesn't change much for established Vets, but I think it's worth taking into account if you're also new and looking to learn more about Vet twinking.
Secondly, I need to perform further testing, but it appears as though you can only use enchantment scrolls that were created by one of your own characters -- scrolls purchased off the AH while subbed are unusable once unsubbed.
This much, at least, is inaccurate. I was able to put coastal surge (a recipe my toons do not know) on a weapon just this weekend.
So I had a ton of enchants banked around my toons, I've tested a few...

Able to use:

Elemental Force
Bracer- Major Stamina
Bracer- Greater Assault
Chest- Glorious Stats
Cloak- Shadow Armor
Cloak- Superior Intellect
Cloak- Intellect

Unable to use:
Weapon - Healing Power
Boots - Minor Speed

I feel 100% confident that I do not have Healing Power on my enchanter, and maybe 80% confident that I made my own minor speed enchants. No way to check because the toon isn't in a guild. Also, fwiw, the two enchants were unusable on two different toons.

They're the only two vanilla enchants, so perhaps it's connected to that. Maybe vets can't use enchant scrolls past level 100 of classic enchanting? Very weird thing to implement on purpose, so it's probably some dumb systems accident.
I could imagine that being the case. Since you're never going to reach the level required to learn Outlands Enchanting or later, they never bothered to make it strictly off-limits.

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