Twink Warriors Are Destroying level 20-29

I am playing on US server (Zuluhed) Alliance as an f2p shaman/druid/mage having the best possible gear. Recently I started to notice that some super twink warriors (+ rogues probably) appearing in the lvl20-29 BGs that can kill anyone with 2-3 hits. It took just 2-3 of them + a decent healer to completely destroy our team with no chance of fighting back at all.

Some of those non-f2ps on our side started to do the same and created twink warriors too. The end result is that there is no more skills in BG. The side with more twink warriors always win by a large margin. So a BG win becomes whether your are lucky enough to queue with a team with twinks.

This is nonsense, I'm done with f2p BG.
if u were unable to kite 1(!) warrior dont even talk about "skills in BG"
twinks will allways abuse f2ps get used to it
29 bracket is dead
fury war twinks are mostly retarded
"kite" is useful only when u are doing 1v1. But in BG, u will bump into another player while kiting the other.

It is fair to say twinks can abuse f2p's. But I am talking about with just 2-3 twink warriors destroying the whole team where most of them are non-f2p's, just aren't twinks warriors.
Resto Shaman, Disc Priest, and Arcane Mage are way worse in pug BGs.

Rogues at 20-29 do high damage and are good at CC, but not really that OP overall.

As far as the "Comes down to be lucky to queue with more twinks"? That's not new, that's how it's been since day 1.

And that's why it's always a good idea to queue with friends, or do premades.
Only fury (mostly 29 with their crazy-range jump and kick) with double bugged crusaders can kill yours 2k HP for ~2sec.
Arms, prots (and trial-fury) are okey. But all chickens sit on fotm-fury today.
Some of those non-f2ps on our side started to do the same and created twink warriors too. The end result is that there is no more skills in BG. The side with more twink warriors always win by a large margin. So a BG win becomes whether your are lucky enough to queue with a team with twinks.

This is nonsense, I'm done with f2p BG.
enlighten me on when 20-29 bgs required skill, or when winning didn't boil down to what team had more twinks

pretty sure its always been that way

I would say play 120 if it was any better

Warriors have been strong for a very, very long time. This isn't some new phenomenon. If you haven't learned to counter them or kite them on three of the most mobile classes in the bracket, then that's a you problem, not a balance problem.
Anyone remember cata/mop surv hunters or brewmaster monks? I'd take fury warrior now over them any day.. at least you have a chance to get away.
Resto Shaman, Disc Priest, and Arcane Mage are way worse in pug BGs.

Rogues at 20-29 do high damage and are good at CC, but not really that OP overall.

As far as the "Comes down to be lucky to queue with more twinks"? That's not new, that's how it's been since day 1.

And that's why it's always a good idea to queue with friends, or do premades.

Balance Druid has been the strongest class in every patch since mists.
If you haven't learned to counter them or kite them on three of the most mobile classes in the bracket, then that's a you problem, not a balance problem.
29 fury:
- war mashine - 30% move speed for 8sec
- charge every 20sec
- heroic jump every 45 sec
- all abilities works on the run
- kick
- crazy burst
- 2.500-2.800hp
20 elem:
- slow totem 30sec CD
- wolf form +30% speed , but all ability will brake the form
- can use only fire shock on the run every 6sec (can't generete energy for earth shok)
- can't heal when move
- 1700-1900hp on trial
Teach us, please - how to kite in situation =)
Ingeniously. But our author asked about 20 elem vs (as I think) 29 fury
The answer is to respec.

You are a fully geared, fully enchanted vet elemental shaman. What a waste. Spec resto. Not only will you be tougher to kill (almost impossible!) but you'll actually do more damage. Elemental shaman are SO BAD in this bracket that yes, they get out damaged by resto shaman.

Your specific problem isnt gear or enchants or not knowing how to kite. Its choosing to play the worst spec in the bracket when you could be playing one of the best with a simple click of a button.
Man... author told us about disbalance and 29-OP-fury.
But you told him that is not banalce problem - just kite!
In reality you have no chances to kite 29fury on ftp-elem.
You told pespec from elem to restor. But restor is not elem - simple logic -> it's balance problem. It's all what about I wanted to said

What about me. I think that elem have fair dps for this bracket - in the middle of top and bottom. I don't like easy playing, and don't wanna reroll to fotm or 29 for killing this game.

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