Twink banner thingies

hato and bragh

hato!!! i had no idea palagiggle was you lol, its endonyx, Draxis is my new hunter, been in a few bg's with you but had no idea who it was. just wanted to give you a shout out. im thinking about xfering to BH.

@bragh, im not sure if you remember me bragh but i had that BE pally Myranos i wanted to xfer to AYGAT but never got around to doing it. (i was that pesky lvl 1 hanging around in TB every now and again :p) just thought id say hai

O, and btw, if anyone else who knows how to make those awesome sigs, feel free to make one for me (encorebroz the one you made was pretty badass, um bragh i think u made one).

thanks in advance
Eurys said:
Hey Pezin, I liked that 2nd SS you posted, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hope you don't mind Fred. ;-P

I made two versions, because I'm not sure if I like the blue.




Firetruckk said:
Go wild docterfred!

Can you have it say

"More snares than a percussion class"

Haha, sure, nice text idea btw.

Restoshaman said:
ahhhh! thanks HEAPS dude.

the picture you did for me looks AWSOME!.

your sooo good at this bro.

cheers :)

Np, bro anytime! :D

BSurv said:
man these look awsome!

Thanks. :D

cellulite said:
Hey Fred you're really good at this, think you could make me something?

I want it cut out with my name like twinky's.

and can it have "three two one dead" on it plox.

Argh, I would love to but that is horrible image quality. I probably won't get to yours very soon so if you wan't you can get me a new image before hand.

If not I'll just make you one, but it just won't be as good. :(

BigHato said:
in leef we trust picture by unholydeath12 - Photobucket

I want it to b all freestyled like soy and make it say "HATO #1"


koncussion said:
hato!!! i had no idea palagiggle was you lol, its endonyx, Draxis is my new hunter, been in a few bg's with you but had no idea who it was. just wanted to give you a shout out. im thinking about xfering to BH.

@bragh, im not sure if you remember me bragh but i had that BE pally Myranos i wanted to xfer to AYGAT but never got around to doing it. (i was that pesky lvl 1 hanging around in TB every now and again :p) just thought id say hai

O, and btw, if anyone else who knows how to make those awesome sigs, feel free to make one for me (encorebroz the one you made was pretty badass, um bragh i think u made one).

thanks in advance

EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot about you're request I see the pics now.

Oh yea, and here is yours reessagny:

Docterfred said:
Sure I'll make one for you...

One thing though, I was wondering if you could get a better quality image of you're twink?

It will make the whole thing a lot better. <3

Yea i dont really know how to get high quality ones QQ
Love your sigs, keep up the good work =]
Argh, I would love to but that is horrible image quality. I probably won't get to yours very soon so if you wan't you can get me a new image before hand.

If not I'll just make you one, but it just won't be as good. :(

i made all my settings maxed before i took that, should i upload it to another site? how do i make the quality bettter? Im on an iMac too :d
cellulite said:
i made all my settings maxed before i took that, should i upload it to another site? how do i make the quality bettter? Im on an iMac too :d

Argh. Um, its ok man. It's not THAT bad. I'll make it look good still :p

koncussion said:
im hungry for my sig :p

Me too, but I gotsa few more people to take care of before you. :(
Hamcake said:
Nah, you don't want a picture of Jaxel.

Shut up.

Docterfred said:
I have a $hitty mac.. :S

Well, I'll make ya a deal. If you show me what people you need wow model edit pictures of, we can do a minor teamwork. Just send me the request in Private Messages.

What I'll need is:

Link to picture of thier char

What 'emote' you'd like them to do.

What angle (Explain the best you can) you want them shown from.

and what size~ the full char should be. How tall in pixels prefered.

PS: Can you open .psd documents? (Photoshop).

PPS: I'm going offline in 45 min~ prolly. (I'm EU, it's quiet late here :) )
koncussion said:
hato!!! i had no idea palagiggle was you lol, its endonyx, Draxis is my new hunter, been in a few bg's with you but had no idea who it was. just wanted to give you a shout out. im thinking about xfering to BH.

@bragh, im not sure if you remember me bragh but i had that BE pally Myranos i wanted to xfer to AYGAT but never got around to doing it. (i was that pesky lvl 1 hanging around in TB every now and again :p) just thought id say hai

O, and btw, if anyone else who knows how to make those awesome sigs, feel free to make one for me (encorebroz the one you made was pretty badass, um bragh i think u made one).

thanks in advance

what it do, saw you ask how MH was goin and was /boggled who it was
lindenkron said:
What I'll need is:

Link to picture of thier char

What 'emote' you'd like them to do.

What angle (Explain the best you can) you want them shown from.

and what size~ the full char should be. How tall in pixels prefered.

Just so you know, in WoWMV v0.5.08 you can just directly import a character from the Armory by simply pasting their URL. Options > Import Armory Character.
Eurys said:
Just so you know, in WoWMV v0.5.08 you can just directly import a character from the Armory by simply pasting their URL. Options > Import Armory Character.

Wait..has model viewer been updated? Last like 5 times I tried to DL it and get it to work, it just crashes every time I try to open it o_O
Hey there buddy :)

Mine should be very easy to do!!!!

I just want a decorative phrase.

The phrase is 'Golem of Lightning'

And below it pretty small i would love

'Trust but Verify'

Be as creative as you can!! I want something amazing!
Eurys said:
Just so you know, in WoWMV v0.5.08 you can just directly import a character from the Armory by simply pasting their URL. Options > Import Armory Character.

Ah, good to know mate.

Havn't used it really since... burning crusade? or earlier. Just DL'd it earlier to see if it still existed, and truely did. It did look abit different though, interface wise. Havn't checked any of the new features :)

Edit: Still need to know things like tabard, hair colours etc. So a picture would still be very supportive! :)

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