Twink banner thingies

Hai. I'd like to request a banner in the "twinkytoes" style. Also, if it's not too much trouble, could you make it in both styles?

Thanks, love your work.

For Twinkytoes style:

1. Name is Thirkcast. Guild - <First Level Elites>

2. Emote: Casting on Self (Frost Armor)


For other style (Use the text "Thirk" somewhere):

Hey there, I think its wonderful that your making all these banners for so many people >.<. I know that there are many requests and that I might not get mine, but its worth a try any ways :D

1. Style One: Twinkytoes Style

2. Image:

3. Text Included: Agilitize Subtle Assassin

- "twinkytoes style":

1. Actual name is Agilitize

2. No emote needed, but if you need one gouge I guess

Guys I'll do all your stuff. But just remember Im on page 4-5 and you are on what, page 18?

Patience and it will happen EVENTUALLY.

But yeah, Im just gunna say it again. Dont request a n y m o r e for the time being.

I feel like y'all are digging my grave.
Hehe, i was gonna request but i can live without it tbh if you're swamped :)

You could ask for help with this job to anyone willing to help who wants graphics practise.
Tinymidget said:
I shall be patient :D

Thanks :)

Grabco said:
Maybe you should make a website and go into business.

Haha, I'm incredibly flattered, but im afraid no one would buy my service, that there will be no "business" at all. :[

Kore nametooshort said:
Hehe, i was gonna request but i can live without it tbh if you're swamped :)

You could ask for help with this job to anyone willing to help who wants graphics practise.

Yea, I will eventually come to yours, but thanks for being so considerate. :)

And I've already asked Eurys to officially join the thread, but I guess he'd rather randomly pop in and decide to do whatever requests he wants. I have a feeling he senses the boggeddownness (lolnewword) of being in this shop.
Pezin said:
firetruckk you're one sexy motherfucker

ps: I'm on Ruin now

welcome to the dark side brother

hope to see you soon!
Will all you people asking him to hurry the fuck up just chill.... He's doing this because he can not because he has to... He isn't on a schedule and doesn't have to make yours if he doesn't want to

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