Twentified Patch 10.0.05 PTR Notes




A new feature is making its way to World of Warcraft — the Trading Post! Complete monthly activities to earn currency toward decking out your characters in cosmetic transmogs, pets, and mounts— with new items and activities introduced every month.

  • Introduction Quest: The Introduction quest rewards 500 Trader’s Tender once per account only.
  • Monthly Chest: Just by logging in and heading to the Trading Post, you can collect 500 Trader’s Tender every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache.
  • Monthly activities (Traveler's Log): A monthly set of activities provides the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender.
  • Owning Dragonflight: In a bid to boost Dragonflight sales, the fact that you have bought the Dragonflight expansion will give you 500 extra tender.
**F2P Players will not have access to the Trading Post, but there will be lots of non-max level activities in the Log for subbed players.**

    • Class
      • All Druids now learn Swipe at level 10.
      • Swipe and Brutal slash damage reduced by 50%.
      • Killer Instinct changed to 2 points, granting 3/6% physical damage and armor.
      • Nurturing Instinct changed to 2 points, granting 3/6% magical damage and healing.
      • New Talent: Improved Swipe – Increases Swipe and Brutal Slash damage by 100%.
      • New connection between Rake and Rip.
      • New connection between Verdant Heart and Ironfur.
      • Wild Growth moved up and Remove Curse moved to the side.
      • Sunfire moved up and Starsurge moved to the side.
      • Feral druids now start with Rip instead of Thrash.
    • Balance
      • The Balance Druid tree has been redesigned.
      • Lunar Eclipse no longer increases the critical strike chance of Starfire.
      • Lunar Eclipse now increases the damage Starfire deals to nearby enemies by 50%.
    • Guardian
      • The Guardian Druid tree has been redesigned.
      • Ursine Adept is now baseline.
      • Front of the Pack moved to row 3. (Stampeding Roar not available at 20).
    • Feral
      • Infected Wounds bonus to Rake damage reduced to 25% (was 30%).
      • Lunar Inspiration damage increased by 66%.

  • HUNTER (29s get nerfed!!)
    • Marksmanship
      • Double Tap has been removed and has been replaced by Steady Focus in the Talent tree.

  • MONK
    • Mistweaver
      • Revival healing now increased by 100% while not in a raid.

    • Class
      • New Talent: Petrifying Scream – Psychic Scream causes enemies to tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.
      • The root effect of Void Tendrils is now displayed on enemy nameplates.
    • Discipline
      • Pain Transformation now causes Pain Suppression to heal your target for 25% of maximum health (was 12%).
      • Protector of the Frail now also grants Pain Suppression an additional charge.
      • Power Word: Solace damage reduced by 15%.
      • Mind Blast now costs 1.6% of base mana (was 2.5%).
      • Painful Punishment now increases the duration of Shadow Word: Pain by 1.5 seconds (was 0.7 seconds).
      • Atonement heals for 10%/20% more when activated by Shadow spells.
    • Holy
      • Searing Light is now a 1-point talent. Smite and Holy Nova to deal 25% increased damage to targets affected by Holy Fire. (unchanged)

    • Restoration
      • Healing Tide Totem healing now increased by 100% while not in a raid.

    • Arms
      • Defensive Stance is now talented by default.
      • Sweeping Strikes is now baseline.
      • Ignore Pain has been added to the Arms tree.

    • Class
      • Feint is now baseline for all Rogue specs, learned at level 12.
      • Elusiveness/Cheat Death - This choice node has moved up to row 2, taking the position where Feint used to be.


  • The newly trained Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Orc, Tauren, and Highmountain Tauren that now specialize in rogue, mage, and priest classes are now located in major capital cities (Stormwind and Orgrimmar) and in their racial cities (Thunder Bluff and the Exodar). Additionally, a Tauren rogue found their way into the Rogue class hall.
  • Common (white) and Poor (grey) quality equipment can now be used for transmogrification. These items will now become bind-on-equip.
  • Enchant illusions can now be applied on Artifact weapons.
  • New Toy: Reusable Oversized Bobber – Acquired from catching 100 fish with the Oversized Bobber. The toy version supports all bobbers in your toy collection and will automatically work with new bobber additions.
  • Former new character starter equipment has been added back to vendors in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Pay a visit to a local shop relevant to your armor type and see what they have in stock!
  • Polearms from Shadowlands and Dragonflight have been adjusted to sit lower on the player’s back when sheathed. We’ll be looking into adjusting additional polearms from previous expansions in a future update.
  • Precognition duration increased to 5 seconds and now also prevents cast pushback.
  • Warlords of Draenor crafted item appearances have returned. You can purchase recipes for Optional Reagents for each relevant profession from the vendors in your garrison or in Ashran that cost Secrets of [Profession] tomes that are the old daily cooldown craft. Use the Optional Reagents when crafting Warlords of Draenor crafted gear to convert them into the new appearance.
  • Profession requirements for many transmog-eligible pieces have been adjusted or removed entirely.
    • Most items that previously required a profession other than Engineering no longer have a requirement.
    • Engineering items have had their skill requirement reduced to 1 of their appropriate expansion.
    • Gnomish and Goblin engineering are no longer required to transmog any Engineering appearances.
    • Acquisition method for all of these items remains unchanged.
  • Legacy leatherworking patterns for Heavy Scorpid gear that were lost to the Cataclysm can once again drop from Blackrock Orcs in the Burning Steppes.
  • Pattern: Raptor Hide Harness and Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt can now both be learned by players of either faction.
  • The legacy recipe for delicious Goldthorn Tea can once again be acquired by observant adventurers in Razorfen Downs.
    • Added more cosmetics to Transmogrifier vendors.

    • Added XP Bars
    • Added Bags
    • Added Micro Button Bar
  • Bank bags background color has been adjusted to be different from inventory bags.
  • Minimap target icon border will be suppressed while in combat.
  • Audio Channels and Audio Cache Size options have been moved down in the Options -> Audio menu.
    • The Reset Talents button now lets you reset one tree at a time.
    • You can now copy someone’s build when inspecting their talents.
    • History nodes have a more visually distinct outline.
    • Hidden action bars are now shown when the talents pane or spellbook is open.
    • The “Missing from action bar” search now specifies talents that are on a hidden or disabled action bar, or on a different stance.
    • When UI Colorblind Mode is enabled under Accessibility options, a plus icon appears on all learnable nodes.
    • The loadout slash commands (/loadoutname, /loadoutindex, /specname, /specindex) are now localized.
    • Fixed an issue where talent tooltips were appearing above the PvP talents flyout.
    • Fixed an issue where unlearning a talent would clear active searches.
TL: DR :
  • Trading Post added. 500 Tokens for introduction quest. 1000 Tokens per month. Requires active sub. 500 for having Dragonflight.
  • White/Grey transmogs now available. White/greys are now BOE. (My post on some interesting ones)
  • Artifact weapons can now be transmogged with illusions.
  • Old Starter Sets are now being sold in SW/ORG.
  • New Items and Transmogs are now earnable in the Trial of Style.
  • New Toy: Reusable Oversized Bobber – Acquired from catching 100 fish with the Oversized Bobber. Works with other bobbers.
  • Engineering item requirements decreased to 1 or removed.
  • 29s MM Hunters nerfed with removal of Double Tap talent.

The PTR is now active for testing, but Trading post has been disabled. Release is slated for January 24th.
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Updated the thread with more relevant information regarding the Upcoming PTR:
  • Old Starter Sets (Previously GFed) are now being sold in SW/ORG.
  • New Items and Transmogs are now earnable in the Trial of Style.
  • Engineering item requirements decreased to 1 or removed.
In addition, many GFed recipes are being restored:
  • Legacy leatherworking patterns for Heavy Scorpid gear that were lost to the Cataclysm can once again drop from Blackrock Orcs in the Burning Steppes.
  • Pattern: Raptor Hide Harness and Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt can now both be learned by players of either faction.
  • The legacy recipe for delicious Goldthorn Tea can once again be acquired by observant adventurers in Razorfen Downs.
PTR is planned for a Jan. 24th release date.
Hey I'am just curious, do they planning to increase the crafted items Ilvl to near the current dungeon or quest revard Ilvl or just add new optional reagents to crafting which can give you better Ilvl.
Hey I'am just curious, do they planning to increase the crafted items Ilvl to near the current dungeon or quest revard Ilvl or just add new optional reagents to crafting which can give you better Ilvl.

That is unclear so far, the item levels on the PTR are kinda out of whack, so we'll just have to wait until release
  • God-King Skovald
    • Is now less verbose when stating his claim to the Aegis of Aggramar.

what?!? unplayable.
ya sure ubetcha.
Ignore Pain has been added to the Arms tree.

well, my warrior will be arms and tanky as hell.

although i need to generate rage somehow.
Confirmed now that patch has dropped that Trading Post + Traveler's Log requires *active* game time to access, so no trading post for us F2Ps sadface.
It had to be. At this point I am 100% sure they want to kill <20 lvl twinking or F2P.

They could have made it so you get 500 chicken tenders or w/e they are called by having an active sub, but to be able to get a part of the other 500 by doing what quests are possible and accessible. I mean, seeing the way they implemented stuff like Island Expeditions and the Class Halls, it clearly was possible to offer the F2P player base a fraction of the content, no matter how little, without going an extra mile or compromising the line between F2P and Subs.
Confirmed now that patch has dropped that Trading Post + Traveler's Log requires *active* game time to access, so no trading post for us F2Ps sadface.

Thanks! Will update the thread to reflect that information

It had to be. At this point I am 100% sure they want to kill <20 lvl twinking or F2P.

They could have made it so you get 500 chicken tenders or w/e they are called by having an active sub, but to be able to get a part of the other 500 by doing what quests are possible and accessible. I mean, seeing the way they implemented stuff like Island Expeditions and the Class Halls, it clearly was possible to offer the F2P player base a fraction of the content, no matter how little, without going an extra mile or compromising the line between F2P and Subs.

I disagree that Blizz devs is intentionally trying to "kill" twinking or F2P. One of the prime metrics of game growth is MAU and average player time. It would make no sense to "kill" F2Ps, but there is no reason to incentivize players playing for free. Removing 20s from XPon is a logical choice because players who can't gain experience shouldn't be able to play in a bracket full of levelers. Making the Warforged grind the meta for 20s is an unintentional change because of how item level scaling has been re-worked. Both changes are largely undocumented and it would be semi-outrageous to think that Blizzard cares about F2P twinking at all outside of a few game-breaking bugs that might affect end-game players. F2P and unsubbed vet play has been nothing but expanded over the years (1,000 gold cap, addition of Shadowlands, all BFA dungeons added, etc.), but unless Blizzard decides to change their business model and actually monetize their F2P playerbase, I doubt they would ever give current content to non-paying players.
They could have made it so you get 500 chicken tenders or w/e they are called by having an active sub, but to be able to get a part of the other 500 by doing what quests are possible and accessible. I mean, seeing the way they implemented stuff like Island Expeditions and the Class Halls, it clearly was possible to offer the F2P player base a fraction of the content, no matter how little, without going an extra mile or compromising the line between F2P and Subs.
The entire point of the trading post is to incentivize maintaining an active account even during content down times. Just look at how its built. "here's a monthly treat and once you turn in 12 months of treats, here's a special treat for being such a good little boy"

Allowing people to acquire those treats w/o game time (even if its grindy or even not as fast) would defeat the whole purpose.
It had to be. At this point I am 100% sure they want to kill <20 lvl twinking or F2P.

They could have made it so you get 500 chicken tenders or w/e they are called by having an active sub, but to be able to get a part of the other 500 by doing what quests are possible and accessible. I mean, seeing the way they implemented stuff like Island Expeditions and the Class Halls, it clearly was possible to offer the F2P player base a fraction of the content, no matter how little, without going an extra mile or compromising the line between F2P and Subs.

twinks have damaged twinking using mains, alts, and in rare cases their twinks to get changes that drasticlly affected the play style.

- in WOTLK, the XP off split was championed by twink 19's on the previous forum, some may still be here under different names now. twinks did the holier than thou..."levelers should not be facing twinks". seeing the forums posts blizzard reacted, did the split, and by seeing the examples that were provided did what was referred to as the great twink nerf when it came to leg/shoulder and etc enchancements/enchants.

- in CATA, it was 19's again who championed that F2P19s aren't twinks and blizzard removed XP off option from them. 19s went from near 24hr pops to certain times then certain nights

- it was twinks highlighting the power difference, abilities, etc in the x0-x9 brackets with examples that resulted in brackets being split x0-x4 and x5-9. this pretty much canceled all x9. several expacs latter in Legion they were remerged with template BGs

- at the very start of BFA and SL, blizzard had XP on/off again merged, it was the Vet20 twinks this time championing the split. poster had a thread on this site with link to WOW forum. along with posting bugs reports citing previous expacs. blizzard redid the split, somehow F/V20s stayed in XP on.

- twinks in Classic van-WOW complained about ZG enchants, mostly because if you did not have a higher level main that raided, got rep, bought tokens, you would not be able to get them. Blizzard reacted and over reacted nerfing these to require level 60. this in return shanked those with higher level twinks going into Classic TBC.

- in SL again twinks did the holier than thou..."levelers should not be facing twinks" tactic was used, with examples, etc, and blizzard reacted near the end of SL. now 20-29 is in same state that 10/15-19 went into years ago.

Blizzard has given F/V20s what was just quests and seven dungeons from van-wow (cata) along with BG satchels, etc. to...since SL having access to dungeons/quests/zones spanning from van wow (cata) to BFA. everything that has occurred to twinks, was a reaction by Blizzard to complaints by twinks

at max level they call level-70s with 400+ gear trouncing ill geared players in SS, BGs as geared because they are maxxed in the current expac. yet any players that are 60 without DF that were on the same status during SL are instantly called twinks because they are not upgrading to twink till next expac. Vet20s mostly are intentionally unsubbing (only sub when needed for upgrades etc). F2P20 are not subbing to upgrade their game and are more limited with less options a Vet has. either way 20's don't have the scaling like 10s do, causing a huge decline in XPoff 20-29 as previously mentioned

the worst example of a Blizzard injustice in gearing and scaling is during the Korak AV BG. if any Blizzard BG system warranted a complaint this BG even more than SS, even though it's time is limited.
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