Theclawer 14 | Last of the Warlords


F2P Community Leader
did those best f2ps just die before they could even bubble

The case for Bop - on stream he had just said he was getting ready to bubble and about .01 seconds after bite came. Things move very fast when you are dealing with really bursty comps. Cant remember who else didn't bubble and died but I know many rets don't like to bubble to avoid cc or damage they feel they can heal up. There is also the problem where ret can choose to bubble to stop the entire team from rotting stopping the arms pressure but this is all situational and can really make or break you. Worse thing a team can do is blow all their cds 20 seconds into the game.
Wow Final Countdown...that hurt! ;) Vid was nice to watch. Not many PvP-movies around nowadays so gj.

Shreadqt: "feral requires a brain, bommy is just derp"
Wow Final Countdown...that hurt! ;) Vid was nice to watch. Not many PvP-movies around nowadays so gj.

Shreadqt: "feral requires a brain, bommy is just derp"

Feral is disgustingly overpowered.

On the other hand abilities such as smeld, rake stun, feral charge, and predatory swiftness make for a much higher skill ceiling than balance. I mean come on, your eclipse bar moves for you. Albeit not as drastic, I would like to consider it similar to that of the state of hunters back in cata. They did an extreme amount of damage and as a result the class as a whole was hated. Nevertheless the tools that were offered to them at this low level allowed them to do some crazy shit.
Enjoyed watching it like the older vids, glad that there is someone making stuff like this, if it is a good example of good players is another thing. I noticed you are making progress too Trial if I compare this to your older vids :)
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did those best f2ps just die before they could even bubble

Unfortunately I can't bubble before he uses Tiger's Fury, or he can swap for CPs and then swap back with it and one shot me.

He bit before I could bubble - which if the Feral times correctly is essentially impossible to avoid, since TF is off of GCD.

While these games are (for the most part) excellent quality, it's important to realize that they are win reels. The obvious disclaimer being that losses happened and that they won't be shown in this particular video.

Also Ferals stronk :/ Those comps are not equivalent, unfortunately. Although Ret/Arms is really good - Feral is usually banned entirely or crippled by banning a specific spell when we do pick up games. You're welcome to join us by the way if you want to show me how it's done!
When did I say this? :D Was it in the video somewhere? I still agree with my comment, brov pretty much explained why :)

Yeah i completely do agree with what Brov said. But for an arena player, i'd go with Boomy being the hardest and most complicated choice as you can LoS his abilities, which means you need to know when to cast them and when to swap into cat form. A good boomy can make their healer LoS from their damage with wild charge then spamming roots on the healer, but a feral could do that too, but just because of the damage a feral is able to pull out, it is NOT needed, your target will still die, quick. And if you see it from my perspective, the LoS healer strategy is a 9-6 second "Stun" on the healer.

However, Feral is pretty OP though, which means, if you put your brain onto it, your enemy dies, if you go yolo, your enemy still dies... (GAWSH DUDE!, i already hope Legion comes quick, i want to play my feral again and have fun)!!!
Yeah i completely do agree with what Brov said. But for an arena player, i'd go with Boomy being the hardest and most complicated choice as you can LoS his abilities, which means you need to know when to cast them and when to swap into cat form. A good boomy can make their healer LoS from their damage with wild charge then spamming roots on the healer, but a feral could do that too, but just because of the damage a feral is able to pull out, it is NOT needed, your target will still die, quick. And if you see it from my perspective, the LoS healer strategy is a 9-6 second "Stun" on the healer.

However, Feral is pretty OP though, which means, if you put your brain onto it, your enemy dies, if you go yolo, your enemy still dies... (GAWSH DUDE!, i already hope Legion comes quick, i want to play my feral again and have fun)!!!

Why don't you guys use white weapons or something? Or just rock full stamina gear? It's what we did back in cata to take care of the hunter issue in arena.
Why don't you guys use white weapons or something? Or just rock full stamina gear? It's what we did back in cata to take care of the hunter issue in arena.

I suggest ferals use no gear at all then. And show us skill not damage. Edit : Because you are doing the exact thing i am doing, and what you threw there is a double edged knife for you.
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Yeah i completely do agree with what Brov said. But for an arena player, i'd go with Boomy being the hardest and most complicated choice as you can LoS his abilities, which means you need to know when to cast them and when to swap into cat form. A good boomy can make their healer LoS from their damage with wild charge then spamming roots on the healer, but a feral could do that too, but just because of the damage a feral is able to pull out, it is NOT needed, your target will still die, quick. And if you see it from my perspective, the LoS healer strategy is a 9-6 second "Stun" on the healer.

However, Feral is pretty OP though, which means, if you put your brain onto it, your enemy dies, if you go yolo, your enemy still dies... (GAWSH DUDE!, i already hope Legion comes quick, i want to play my feral again and have fun)!!!

Many ferals in this bracket cant last in 3v3 arena. Even the average feral cant beat a Top Tier 3v3 comp when played correct. Their bite combo is either negated or they take so much damage they die trying to get a valuable bite in. That other feral in the video was lost after he couldn't kill our priest and was basically done for on opener.

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