The Twink Tourist

Because we got banned from BG we have a lot of free time... to travel :).

i saw some nelf hunter you were attacking that was going for the S key olympics, but i thought that was it.

Then you started doing it too, and you sir are a freaking S key artist. You slap that key so hard and so often while talking about being a twink that art is the ONLY thing it could be.

Then you misspelled "territory", and i was pretty much done.
ssssssssssssssssssss click click click click sssssssssssss click s click ssssssssssssss
Unbind your S key and learn how to strife, its not that hard, takes a lot of practice...
What is this crap about you saying twinks got "banned from bg?" It makes no sense whatsoever.
canihascookie said:
its not that hard, takes a lot of practice...

lolwut .























Rapt0R said:
you guys are fucking harsh

l2beniceperhaps on some people?

Its like being nice to a corn grinder, it just makes no sense at all ! Perhaps if RC was not quite so retarded people would not post things like they do :p
Are the majority of members on TI litteral douchebags? Give the guy a fucking break, obviously wasnt meant to be serious.

RC no offence, but the whole video was kind of.. - errr, pointless. You didnt really do much besides get Stockades achievement. Perhaps make a video with more Gurubashi arena tries/failures, was probably the best part of the film. Though yes, as people have said; unbind your S key and Strafe side to side, hell of alot better, especially for running away.

This was supposed to be constructive criticism; i hope for you it was anyway.
Llare said:
Are the majority of members on TI litteral douchebags?

lit⋅er⋅al  /ˈlɪtərəl/ Pronunciation [lit-er-uhl]


1. in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical

to call someone a "Literal douchebag" would require that they are actually a small syringe having detachable nozzles for fluid injections, used chiefly for vaginal lavage and for enemas.

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