The Mighty Healing Guide
Secrets from another dimension
All the tips and tricks making you the superior force between friends and foe.
Before you continue reading, you should know, that healing is not something that can be perfected, merely mastered.
You do not chose healing, healing choses you.
It's the unknowing grasp between your toes, and not the knowledge of a thousand soldiers. To heal... Is to feel.
Secrets from another dimension
All the tips and tricks making you the superior force between friends and foe.
Before you continue reading, you should know, that healing is not something that can be perfected, merely mastered.
You do not chose healing, healing choses you.
It's the unknowing grasp between your toes, and not the knowledge of a thousand soldiers. To heal... Is to feel.
First of, this will hopefully not only improve your senses ingame,
but hopefully teach you something you can carry alongsides with you in your lifespan. I'm not gonna tell you what gear to get, nor will I explain the common sense behind races and other rational decsisions you will figure out yourself. This is a guide, goodwillingly trying to make you come as close to heaven as humanly possible.
This is a big mouthful, so it is sugested that you digest bits of the information at a time to process it properly, and to not throw up along the way. Perhaps read which skill section you feel comfortable improving in.
If you're openminded, and have run out of things to learn in your wow experience, I suggest despite the tl:dr, that you give it a try.
Best of luck.
Predicting dmg
Avoiding dmg
Cooldown usage
Spell Priority
Trusting teammates
Mana conservant
Avoiding dmg
Cooldown usage
Spell Priority
Trusting teammates
Mana conservant
Everything I know about healing, I have learned from people and the surroundings throughout my life.
I was raised in a place what many would consider a "tough" neighbourhood. Being the place I grew up, your life was determined to go in a sertain direction. Gangs, gunshots and basketball - 3 words desribing my childhood pretty well. Despite being in this area, and being affected by this lifestyle, - 'cause of my genes (I assume?) I had the stupidity to fight back. Instead of giving in, I chose to take my own steps in life. Most importantly, the way you do this is not by fighting back, but keeping your head cool, and standing up for yourself.
Fighting back and not backing down are 2 completely different things...
The first advice I'd ever wanna share, and not just healer specific but in general. That nomatter how deep in the sea you are drowning, nomatter how dark it is, there will always be a way out. The bigger the whole, brigther the light shall be. Getting frustrated and panicking about it, is not gonna help the situation. Keep your eyes on the ball. Regardless of how big the obstacle is, panicking and giving in is never the way.
Keep your head cool.
As a healer you're the pussy on the playing field. But you keep order in the chaos, you keep the people alive.
I was a bad student in highschool. If it was 'cause of lacking interest in the material we recieved,
or not quite on the same page as my fellow classmates. I never payed attention, if I was even attending in school.
I'm at my final exam, psychology, a teached I actually respected.
I'm too lazy to prepare for the exam like every other class clown.
Either too proud - felt intellectually superior (clearly a joke), or I was just simply too lazy.
I get in there... Do what I gotta do. Went allright...
I get my verdict; decent grade, the mentor next to him seems pretty proud.
I'm out cheering with my fellow classmates - just outside the examroom.
My teacher walks out, looks at me. I run over to him, only to recieve the single most deadly comment I've ever recieved in my life.
He wasn't angry at all, simply looked in my eyes, and said: "I'm disapointed in you."
Litteral tears were in my eyes.
or not quite on the same page as my fellow classmates. I never payed attention, if I was even attending in school.
I'm at my final exam, psychology, a teached I actually respected.
I'm too lazy to prepare for the exam like every other class clown.
Either too proud - felt intellectually superior (clearly a joke), or I was just simply too lazy.
I get in there... Do what I gotta do. Went allright...
I get my verdict; decent grade, the mentor next to him seems pretty proud.
I'm out cheering with my fellow classmates - just outside the examroom.
My teacher walks out, looks at me. I run over to him, only to recieve the single most deadly comment I've ever recieved in my life.
He wasn't angry at all, simply looked in my eyes, and said: "I'm disapointed in you."
Litteral tears were in my eyes.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin.
The best thing you could ever want to do, is prepare. Well, maybe not prepare. Think of it as pre-workout, or shaving your balls before the big night. Hey it might not float your boat at first, but it makes stuff way more convenient, and surely the one touching them will agree. No need to piss against the wind bro, that's for... Well, thats not for you, let me asure you.
You have one job. Your job is to heal. Better put, your job is to keep people alive.
First of, you're gonna want to make your job as easy and quick as possible. This is the minimalistics bracket. Every single freaking split second matters. Speed counts. In fact; speed and reaction time is everything as a healer. We're gonna make your job as convenient as possible.
UI, what is this you might ask? Unit Interface. The cosmetics of how you play your game, and it's subjective of how you wish this to look like. Some have alot of addons, some have wierd keybinds... Whatever. That's how you play, and that suits you. But this is all subjective? NOPE.
This matters: Your party frames. Having golden midgets around you and your teams healthbars might not matter, but HAVING HEALTHBARS SURE DOES. Behold rookie, it's okay, don't be shy. Gonna spread my legs for a moment and let you have a look. Most people have adapted to this kind of UI allready, but if you haven't - fear not. It's still on sale - buy it while its hot! (I'm just kidding, its obviously for free).
While in a party or raid, on the left side of your screen, there is information about you and everyone else in the party or raid.
As far as I'm concerned, this option is a default setting, meaning that you should allready have the basics available. But just incase this is not the situation: Go into options/"Game Menu"(Esc)--> "Interface"--> "Raid Profiles" --> Now all the fields are most likely unclicked, now man up and click them all, by all I mean EVERYTHING except for the "Auto-Activate On" & the "Display Only Dispellable Buffs" - use those with own risk.
EVERYTHING ELSE GETS CLICKED. You're a healer, you want as much information as you can get. Just having small information such as which #/number group you're in, MATTERS. On a slightly advanced level, cordinating with your team which 2 players place the battle standard in each group (yes, if you didn't know, the 15% battle standard only affects 5 people = your group). Get it all.
Now make those frames bigger, the bigger the better. Now here's the important part, and even tho this might once again, feel as if it's a matter of personal preference, I would highly debate the opposite. The SIZE and STRUCTURE of your Raid frames matter. BECAUSE, as a healer, in battles like such, you're gonna be doing alot of 'raid healing', your job is to keep - this is your bible
You have one job. Your job is to heal. Better put, your job is to keep people alive.
First of, you're gonna want to make your job as easy and quick as possible. This is the minimalistics bracket. Every single freaking split second matters. Speed counts. In fact; speed and reaction time is everything as a healer. We're gonna make your job as convenient as possible.
UI, what is this you might ask? Unit Interface. The cosmetics of how you play your game, and it's subjective of how you wish this to look like. Some have alot of addons, some have wierd keybinds... Whatever. That's how you play, and that suits you. But this is all subjective? NOPE.
This matters: Your party frames. Having golden midgets around you and your teams healthbars might not matter, but HAVING HEALTHBARS SURE DOES. Behold rookie, it's okay, don't be shy. Gonna spread my legs for a moment and let you have a look. Most people have adapted to this kind of UI allready, but if you haven't - fear not. It's still on sale - buy it while its hot! (I'm just kidding, its obviously for free).
While in a party or raid, on the left side of your screen, there is information about you and everyone else in the party or raid.
As far as I'm concerned, this option is a default setting, meaning that you should allready have the basics available. But just incase this is not the situation: Go into options/"Game Menu"(Esc)--> "Interface"--> "Raid Profiles" --> Now all the fields are most likely unclicked, now man up and click them all, by all I mean EVERYTHING except for the "Auto-Activate On" & the "Display Only Dispellable Buffs" - use those with own risk.
EVERYTHING ELSE GETS CLICKED. You're a healer, you want as much information as you can get. Just having small information such as which #/number group you're in, MATTERS. On a slightly advanced level, cordinating with your team which 2 players place the battle standard in each group (yes, if you didn't know, the 15% battle standard only affects 5 people = your group). Get it all.
Now make those frames bigger, the bigger the better. Now here's the important part, and even tho this might once again, feel as if it's a matter of personal preference, I would highly debate the opposite. The SIZE and STRUCTURE of your Raid frames matter. BECAUSE, as a healer, in battles like such, you're gonna be doing alot of 'raid healing', your job is to keep - this is your bible
If you've done everything right, you should also have overhealing as a factor on your UI. Or incoming healing, so you won't overcommit potential teammate heals, therefor preserving mana in the longrun, and maybe even turning games around because of this fact.
There are dusins of factors in the game that will block you from doing your job. Opposing enemies are obviously one of them, not just that, but the allied players on your own team actually makes the biggest factor. Prepare yourself aswell as you can for the upcoming situation.
The 2 teams on the battlefield are gonna judge how your whole game will be played. Before the game has even started, you should know who the prime targets are as for healing, and who on the opposite team is gonna stop you from doing your job.
The 2 teams on the battlefield are gonna judge how your whole game will be played. Before the game has even started, you should know who the prime targets are as for healing, and who on the opposite team is gonna stop you from doing your job.
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Riptide
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Riptide
for the situations that might occur. I'm not telling you to visualize the battle field like a good FC would be doing - before the gates have opened. Cutting it out in paper -
How much is there possibly to prepare, you might ask? Well... Alot.
Whenever homework got assigned, I simply put couldn't get myself to do it.
I felt it somehow wasn't needed, and I would with ease be able to finish my studies - half-assing them. And I
How much is there possibly to prepare, you might ask? Well... Alot.
Whenever homework got assigned, I simply put couldn't get myself to do it.
I felt it somehow wasn't needed, and I would with ease be able to finish my studies - half-assing them. And I
My granddad was an odd human being. He had a difficult life I always assumed. I liked him, apperently being one of the only family members who did. I was young when he died. He was intelligent and unwise at the same time.
If there's something that gets through to a young kid, its a dieing mans bad habbits - that you don't want to repeat.
My granddad had issues with money, not the fact of getting it, but he couldn't keep it. He was addicted to a long list of things, that shortened his death a whole lot. If only he had been able to save up, stay alive longer and spend it when it really mattered?
If there's something that gets through to a young kid, its a dieing mans bad habbits - that you don't want to repeat.
My granddad had issues with money, not the fact of getting it, but he couldn't keep it. He was addicted to a long list of things, that shortened his death a whole lot. If only he had been able to save up, stay alive longer and spend it when it really mattered?
Cooldown Usage. If not one of the most important parts, this is what separates a good healer from a great one. Resist the urge to use your 'big' abilities unless it really matters. It's tempting, its hard... - but it's important. You've been in this situation before, something happens, you're stunned, you're kicked, you're CC'd?
Déjà vu is french and means "allready seen".
By being in the same situation before, the future ahead you is likely to be as it has been in the past. In order to change the outcome of the future, you must comprehend of changing the present.
Déjà vu is french and means "allready seen".
By being in the same situation before, the future ahead you is likely to be as it has been in the past. In order to change the outcome of the future, you must comprehend of changing the present.
The most Important cooldown any player has by hands, is the "Insigna", in order to master the idea behind cooldown usage, you need to master the idea of this ability. "The Insigna", more commonly known as the "Trinket"*
*Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character.
This is the single most gamechanging ability in the game. The basics of this, and especially as a healer, this button is a LAST RESORT. It's all about trust. Despite the human racial being granted the name "Every Man for Himself", this is the by far NOT the case, or anything close to how you should use this ability. In fact, it's more like irony.
Think of it this way; you've just been cc'd, yes - you're trinket is off cooldown, pressing that juicy bind will allow your partner to survive and you can continue struggling back and forth with the enemy. Would your partner, or that one person have survived if you were able to save your trinket for a better situation?
This is basic understanding by now, lets speed it up. Think of it this way. You're in a bg, you're in the mist of battle - you're either struggling a 1v1, or in the heat of middle helping your team. Regardless of the situation, YOU HAVE BEEN IN IT BEFORE. Something alters your gameplay, you feel commited to trinket at that current time, if it's either 'cause of instinct or pride of risking your death or whatever the situation might be - THINK TWICE. You spend your trinket, you get the kill, a teammate might stay alive, 1 minute later you're cornered in another situation (let's say mid-field) where your trinket is needed, - woops... It's on cooldown? Someone important in the game dies, or some significant situation happens that loses you the game. You'd NEVER wanna have the feeling of needing something when you don't have it avaible. Oh, you know that feeling? Yeah it sucks. Use your brain, save your trigger happy nerves. Predict the future, will you be in need of your this later? Often sacrificing yourself for the course of saving your trinket can alter the game. Besides from arena - where your life is important, this is most commonly always the case in battlegrounds. Sacrificing your life for the case of having the ability to save others further on in the future.
Think of it this way; you've just been cc'd, yes - you're trinket is off cooldown, pressing that juicy bind will allow your partner to survive and you can continue struggling back and forth with the enemy. Would your partner, or that one person have survived if you were able to save your trinket for a better situation?
This is basic understanding by now, lets speed it up. Think of it this way. You're in a bg, you're in the mist of battle - you're either struggling a 1v1, or in the heat of middle helping your team. Regardless of the situation, YOU HAVE BEEN IN IT BEFORE. Something alters your gameplay, you feel commited to trinket at that current time, if it's either 'cause of instinct or pride of risking your death or whatever the situation might be - THINK TWICE. You spend your trinket, you get the kill, a teammate might stay alive, 1 minute later you're cornered in another situation (let's say mid-field) where your trinket is needed, - woops... It's on cooldown? Someone important in the game dies, or some significant situation happens that loses you the game. You'd NEVER wanna have the feeling of needing something when you don't have it avaible. Oh, you know that feeling? Yeah it sucks. Use your brain, save your trigger happy nerves. Predict the future, will you be in need of your this later? Often sacrificing yourself for the course of saving your trinket can alter the game. Besides from arena - where your life is important, this is most commonly always the case in battlegrounds. Sacrificing your life for the case of having the ability to save others further on in the future.
A rule is made before you - UNLESS there are valuable seconds, and your among heated battle with any flag carrier - you will NEVER EVER EVER trinket while you are alone. NEVER EVER.
Use your money, buy a chair. Save up your money, buy a house.
Use your money, buy a chair. Save up your money, buy a house.
It's all about trust. Trust your teammates to cover your back while you're no longer available to cover theirs. Save what you might need for later.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Be aware of the situation occuring infront of you, what does your teammate have left of defensives? What does your opponent have left of effects that will alter your gameplay in the future? Think ahead, be patient - keep it cool.
Be aware of the situation occuring infront of you, what does your teammate have left of defensives? What does your opponent have left of effects that will alter your gameplay in the future? Think ahead, be patient - keep it cool.
Despite having some not so fortunate memories with my father, there was a list of things I truely appreciate him for.
Passion for strategy. Back then there wasn't worlds like the one we live in, so it was board and card games.
More accurately; Poker and the playing field of chess.
As soon as it hit my veins, I was hooked.
Ancient games of strategy, on so many levels.
Within strategy alot of sub words appear, one of the biggest ones to games like this; Mindgames.
Tricking your enemy, truely requires a set of skills.
Making the people among you believing you're real, when you're not.
Bluffing your opponent.
Nothing is as it appears.
Passion for strategy. Back then there wasn't worlds like the one we live in, so it was board and card games.
More accurately; Poker and the playing field of chess.
As soon as it hit my veins, I was hooked.
Ancient games of strategy, on so many levels.
Within strategy alot of sub words appear, one of the biggest ones to games like this; Mindgames.
Tricking your enemy, truely requires a set of skills.
Making the people among you believing you're real, when you're not.
Bluffing your opponent.
Nothing is as it appears.
Just like cardgames, and ancient board games, that have roamed our existence aslong as numbers have existed. Strategy has been in the blood of mankind, infact even in animals.
Almost everything you do in this game or the next, interacts with strategy. But in order to master it as a whole, we're gonna have to narrow it down a little. Just like the popular cardgame poker, bluffing is half the game. Here we don't call it bluffing. We call it faking.
More specific; fake-casting. You've heard of this I hope? Despite being a term that's been used since the birth of the game. Being back then, slightly unusual, only for people in PvP, who were above the average player among them. Now it's one of the most common mindgames in the entire game. You've most likely been in situations where commonly used phrases like this has been used:
"Faked ya nan, you mad???"
Well no. I aint even mad.
It's become a common term, that the bigger population of players use. But just like all things, there's improvement towards perfection. Something which the fewer players master. You've probably heard of faking between 40-60% of your cast. Without saying this is wrong, I'd rather lay down some groundrules and perfect this situation, as the statement above is meant to be easy on the eyes.
FIRST RULE of faking is that you Fake DEPENDING on the intensity level of the situation*
*(this rule dertermines, and can be controversy to some of the other rules in sertain situations).
This means, that whoever is taking heat, being yourself or the next man, YOU (the healer ... duh?!) should be prepared. Value the situation. The MORE suspense the situation furfills, the more trigger happy opposing players (capable with kicks) are gonna be. Aswell are you gonna be, but stay calm. Despite being on low health, you or the next man, getting kicked is surely not gonna help the situation. You're gonna have to land the fake. Grab that pair of family jewels from your pants, be they there in real life or not, you need to grow the virtual stones for this situation.
Short story; in high suspense matchups your opponent has the blood on his tongue, and wants this kill. So the fingers are ready for your cast. But the brain does not have enough time comprehend the situation. The eye cells see danger before the brain processes it. There will be no thinking, just doing. Make them desperate, make them hunger for the kick to land and lure them in with a quick mindgame.
Land the fake and you save the village!
Almost everything you do in this game or the next, interacts with strategy. But in order to master it as a whole, we're gonna have to narrow it down a little. Just like the popular cardgame poker, bluffing is half the game. Here we don't call it bluffing. We call it faking.
More specific; fake-casting. You've heard of this I hope? Despite being a term that's been used since the birth of the game. Being back then, slightly unusual, only for people in PvP, who were above the average player among them. Now it's one of the most common mindgames in the entire game. You've most likely been in situations where commonly used phrases like this has been used:
"Faked ya nan, you mad???"
Well no. I aint even mad.
It's become a common term, that the bigger population of players use. But just like all things, there's improvement towards perfection. Something which the fewer players master. You've probably heard of faking between 40-60% of your cast. Without saying this is wrong, I'd rather lay down some groundrules and perfect this situation, as the statement above is meant to be easy on the eyes.
FIRST RULE of faking is that you Fake DEPENDING on the intensity level of the situation*
*(this rule dertermines, and can be controversy to some of the other rules in sertain situations).
This means, that whoever is taking heat, being yourself or the next man, YOU (the healer ... duh?!) should be prepared. Value the situation. The MORE suspense the situation furfills, the more trigger happy opposing players (capable with kicks) are gonna be. Aswell are you gonna be, but stay calm. Despite being on low health, you or the next man, getting kicked is surely not gonna help the situation. You're gonna have to land the fake. Grab that pair of family jewels from your pants, be they there in real life or not, you need to grow the virtual stones for this situation.
Short story; in high suspense matchups your opponent has the blood on his tongue, and wants this kill. So the fingers are ready for your cast. But the brain does not have enough time comprehend the situation. The eye cells see danger before the brain processes it. There will be no thinking, just doing. Make them desperate, make them hunger for the kick to land and lure them in with a quick mindgame.
Land the fake and you save the village!
The SECOND MOST IMPORTANT RULE of faking is that you should not just sometimes, but ALWAYS throw a spell during your faking duration.
"Well how about this situation" - NOPE. Not now, not ever. Utilize every single second, if you cast, fake, and cast again - AND get kicked on this cast, you've succesfully waisted atleast 2 seconds trying to juke, and atleast 3-6 more seconds running around like a headless chicken without having ANYTHING positive out of this situation. And you suck. Sorry. Faking into another fake right after interacts with latency. Casting and faking, and then casting straight after, raises the posibility of you banging you ruining your computer because you got kicked while you were not casting. Sounds like fun? No, I didn't think so either.
Cast>STOP>INSTANT ABILITY>cast again, rinse repeat bro.
"Well how about this situation" - NOPE. Not now, not ever. Utilize every single second, if you cast, fake, and cast again - AND get kicked on this cast, you've succesfully waisted atleast 2 seconds trying to juke, and atleast 3-6 more seconds running around like a headless chicken without having ANYTHING positive out of this situation. And you suck. Sorry. Faking into another fake right after interacts with latency. Casting and faking, and then casting straight after, raises the posibility of you banging you ruining your computer because you got kicked while you were not casting. Sounds like fun? No, I didn't think so either.
Cast>STOP>INSTANT ABILITY>cast again, rinse repeat bro.
Just like poker, the THIRD RULE of faking is that you should NEVER EVER show your tell first.
Bluff or die tryin' yo.
Aswell as most things in life, some more unfortunate than others - they are just bound, doomed and inevitable to happen. Eventually the opposing player will catch your poker face, and kick you where it hurts. But it is your job to expand the time before this happens as much as possible. Catch him first!
Bluff or die tryin' yo.
Aswell as most things in life, some more unfortunate than others - they are just bound, doomed and inevitable to happen. Eventually the opposing player will catch your poker face, and kick you where it hurts. But it is your job to expand the time before this happens as much as possible. Catch him first!
Aswell as helping you on the playing field, hindering future embaressments with women, - this might help too?! Make sure you know where you stand before you go in for the kiss. Don't get me wrong, having the balls is a good thing, but don't dive in on strangers you've barely glansed at.
MAKE HIM KICK BEFORE YOU actually land the first real cast. Find his break point, and thereafter, confuse the fuck out of him. Enjoy.
Fourth RULE of faking, is that you will NEVER EVER land your first cast.
In order to succeed with the 3rd rule, you're gonna have to understand this aswell. Touch base. Cast, fake, land the instant spell, and see whats triggered in the meanwhile, touch ground before you stick your dick in the fan, ok?
Like I said, you don't dive in for the kiss within the first 10 seconds. You drug her drink, and take her out back. Then you let me borrow her. Wait.. wat
No, but. You WAIT for your opponent to show his tell. Depending how ballsy you are feeling, there are different ways to do it, but a system is made before you.
YOUR FIRST CAST is the faster one, don't give out your tell, but your opponent will think that you are. Cast and stop @ 30-60%, the average player with awareness of even having the kick button, will kick during this time. You'll stop your cast during this duration, any moment should be fine, and you will succesfully have avoided the interrupt. The slightly smarter player will most commonly wait to kick you @ 70-85% of your cast. Kicking you above this % line runs over in latency, and is rarely, if at all, possible (so the possibility of anyone kicking you @90-99% is out of discussion).
The slightly smarter enemy has not kicked your first cast, and is aware that you have the knowledge of faking. You're gonna take your time and stop your cast at around 60-80%, he will if not always then almost always, every single time go for it during this. During your 2nd cast of bluffing your opponent away, you're most likely standing in a win / win situation. If you're opponent is as active in the mindgames as we want, he is spending almost all his time, and has in the back of his head that you fake in a sertain area, meaning; whenever you go above this point, he is homefree. If he is NOT paying attention, his nerves are gonna react like the hands take off when falling to the ground. When the brain doesnt think, the body does - rutine. If he is going rutine on your ass - you are winning this mindgame, let me tell you that.
In order to succeed with the 3rd rule, you're gonna have to understand this aswell. Touch base. Cast, fake, land the instant spell, and see whats triggered in the meanwhile, touch ground before you stick your dick in the fan, ok?
Like I said, you don't dive in for the kiss within the first 10 seconds. You drug her drink, and take her out back. Then you let me borrow her. Wait.. wat
No, but. You WAIT for your opponent to show his tell. Depending how ballsy you are feeling, there are different ways to do it, but a system is made before you.
YOUR FIRST CAST is the faster one, don't give out your tell, but your opponent will think that you are. Cast and stop @ 30-60%, the average player with awareness of even having the kick button, will kick during this time. You'll stop your cast during this duration, any moment should be fine, and you will succesfully have avoided the interrupt. The slightly smarter player will most commonly wait to kick you @ 70-85% of your cast. Kicking you above this % line runs over in latency, and is rarely, if at all, possible (so the possibility of anyone kicking you @90-99% is out of discussion).
The slightly smarter enemy has not kicked your first cast, and is aware that you have the knowledge of faking. You're gonna take your time and stop your cast at around 60-80%, he will if not always then almost always, every single time go for it during this. During your 2nd cast of bluffing your opponent away, you're most likely standing in a win / win situation. If you're opponent is as active in the mindgames as we want, he is spending almost all his time, and has in the back of his head that you fake in a sertain area, meaning; whenever you go above this point, he is homefree. If he is NOT paying attention, his nerves are gonna react like the hands take off when falling to the ground. When the brain doesnt think, the body does - rutine. If he is going rutine on your ass - you are winning this mindgame, let me tell you that.
So: 30-40% fake>instant spell>60-80% fake(where he kicks)>instant spell-->home free
SPEND YOUR TIME WISELY, don't forget to NOT overlap fakes. Fake into another spell, not fake on top of fake... comprende?!
SPEND YOUR TIME WISELY, don't forget to NOT overlap fakes. Fake into another spell, not fake on top of fake... comprende?!
Bro tip: If you're opponent is rushing towards you,
the intensity level increases,
and the chances of him wanting to kick, become higher.
the intensity level increases,
and the chances of him wanting to kick, become higher.
Last but not least, in longer sustained fights the mindgame is still going on, but you are no secret. Don't go thinking you're james bond or anything, this guy has kicked you, and you've faked him. He's grabbed your sack of potatoes and the other way around. The best way to make him feel uncomfortable about it, is casting in his face. Who da man? That's right - YOU da man. Cast in his face. Land those casts. He's been trying to catch your bluffs the whole game, throw some irl dazes at him. Show him who has the stones.
Be unpredictable.
Be unpredictable.
I have a sister.
Shes beautiful, talented & a smart lady. Besides teasing me half my lifespand alongsides with my other siblings.
There was one thing that I would really admire her for, it would be her ability to handle alot of situations at once.
As a male, multitasking... Well, let's be real, it just doesn't exist.
But she understood the concept.
Not only doing more than one thing at a time, but scheduling assigments, and being productive with everything she did.
She would always position herself, so she had time to do everything.
Being effective with the time between her hands.
Be efficient...
Shes beautiful, talented & a smart lady. Besides teasing me half my lifespand alongsides with my other siblings.
There was one thing that I would really admire her for, it would be her ability to handle alot of situations at once.
As a male, multitasking... Well, let's be real, it just doesn't exist.
But she understood the concept.
Not only doing more than one thing at a time, but scheduling assigments, and being productive with everything she did.
She would always position herself, so she had time to do everything.
Being effective with the time between her hands.
Be efficient...
"Walk and talk", a commonly used phrase, what does this mean? It means you use your time as efficiently as possible. It's all about the details. Whenever you use a spell, you trigger the global cooldown. This ensures that you will not be able to cast, for atleast another second - (depending on your haste procentage). Regardless, there will always be a global cooldown, as a healer you're going to be wanting to maximize / securing the heals that you do get off, won't be interrupted. If there's something that continuesly gets adjusted, its the positioning. Whenever you've casted a spell and the followup is an instant cast, move into another positioning, so you're ready to cast the spell after that, without having to risk injury on yourself, or on your team. Meaning; spending time, aka globals while you're not available to do anything anyway. Utilizing you're travel and journey in the game. You're gonna want to be away from danger when you throw your casts. Moving away to get in position could cost your team a life or maybe even the entire game. Be potent.
Use the scenary to your advantage. Ever heard of LoS*? Big obstacles around the place, infact theese are not obstacles, they are your friends, and they are called pillars! Hug those pillars baby... right there baby, yeah thats the spot. *LoS = an abbreviation/internet slang for Line of Sight.
As a healer positioning yourself makes half the match. If not always, then almost always, should you NEVER PICK a fight directly in the open. You're the team, tell your teammates to pick another spot. You do not wish to be at deficit before the match has even begun. Rather fight another day. And should you be in a position where there are no teammates near by to tell to back off? WELL GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. Stop waisting your time. You multiply your efficiency when you are with your team, you are the team. Go team!
Use the scenary to your advantage. Ever heard of LoS*? Big obstacles around the place, infact theese are not obstacles, they are your friends, and they are called pillars! Hug those pillars baby... right there baby, yeah thats the spot. *LoS = an abbreviation/internet slang for Line of Sight.
As a healer positioning yourself makes half the match. If not always, then almost always, should you NEVER PICK a fight directly in the open. You're the team, tell your teammates to pick another spot. You do not wish to be at deficit before the match has even begun. Rather fight another day. And should you be in a position where there are no teammates near by to tell to back off? WELL GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. Stop waisting your time. You multiply your efficiency when you are with your team, you are the team. Go team!
All the tips and tricks making you the superior force between friends and foe.
Coming soon to theatres near you!
In progress...
In progress...