Thanks to everyone.


Ey b0ss
Hello tinks, just wanted to say something real quick and would be appreciated if you took a moment to hear me out.. super srs stuff.

So, as only a really small handful of you know.. REALLY small handful, I'm going to be sent off for basic training on the 4th of November.. having said that, i'd like to publicly thank everyone in every bracket that I've been so lucky to be apart of for an amazing experience.

I may not be known by many, or loved, shit I might even be hated by most, I don't really know/care to know. Regardless, friend or foe, I thank each and every one of you for such a great experience within the twinking community, whether it be 20-29's, 19's, and 70's. You're all apart of something that is very slowing and painfully trying to be killed off, and still stick to it as strong as ever.. and it's hard to find that sort of drive in people to keep up something despite a higher upper trying so hard to put it down.

I know this may seem sappy, but seeing as I may not be online for very much longer, I just felt it was right to speak my mind and thank everyone for such a rare/amazing experience in WoW, even the people that I have had issues with in the past.. you're all great people and have made WoW that much more enjoyable to spend my time on. Twinking would be nothing without the support of everyone involved in it, and you people are a prime example of a close-knit, almost family-like, community.

I'd love to come back at some point, but I don't see that being possible for a good amount of time.. so let's hope these last two months are as great as the past years have been!

[Basement] has earned the achievement [Seaman]!

A WoW player friend of mine is also leaving this Monday to serve his conscription for the Russian army.
I believe for him it is mandatory.

Good luck to YOU my friend :)
Basement, I wish you the best and hope to see you back again soon.

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