Stop whining


So, after one day of the new patch it seems almost the entire 70 community has had a panic attack.

It's quite funny that everytime something like this happens people automatically think it's the end, evidently being a WoW player turns you into a drama queen.

Lets look at the real situation shall we?

It's true resilience is quite high at the moment on healers. However i've already seen people with roughly 30% PvP Power. The vast majority of people who have written this bracket off, have yet to try it.

Healing is retarded. Well no argument there. From what i hear though, it isn't just the 70 bracket but also 85 having this problem. Blizzard will probably see how things turn out with healing in early MoP and adjust.

As for the retardedly high damage some classes put out. This is normal for an expantion pre pratch. Actually, all of the above is normal for a pre expantion patch. It's as if none of you have ever been in one, it's almost like an open beta.
At the end of BC we saw godmode paladins and the end of wotlk we saw some retarded shit as well.

You also have to realise that you have to figure out your own class and others all over again. I see rogues complaining subtility is dead. Well have you ever though of the fact you might have to play assassination, and also use a different playstyle? Same goes for every class basically.

(TLDR)It's just the way it is for 1-2 months. Then things change. Wether it will change for the better at 70 is ofcourse not sure, it could go either way. Because afterall the game is not balanced for level 70. One thing is for sure though, the way it is now is not a good representation of what it will be.
Precisely. We have a few months of mayhem every couple of years and people get all frantic.

It will change as ever, the uproar on the Wow forums will see to that. WoW players are the most fickle gaming people in the world, lol.
While "OMG the sky is falling" posts are probably a waste of time and not helpful, I think that people should absolutely be posting on the WoW forums to bring attention to problems they see, whether they're real or just perceived. The attitude that we should all just shut up and wait for Blizzard to fix things is just as bad.

Blizzard made major changes to the PvP dynamic with 5.0.4 and they absolutely should have reviewed the effects of that change from 1-90. That's what a beta release is for. This idea that the game should not or will not be balanced under the level cap is ridiculous. While it doesn't surprise me that fanboys and forum trolls wave that idea like a banner, Blizzard allowing this level of imbalance to make it live indicates that they're either willfully ignorant or just completely apathetic.

At the end of the day, it's a game and I play it for fun. I hope you're right and Blizzard makes a fix.
Will agree to some extent. My initial view was that it was completely broken.
(aimed/chim critting for 800, auto shoot/steady shoot hitting for less than 100dmg).
^^ this was in almost full agi /25% resi.

Its not too bad now that I have stacked pvp power, gave up mm tho (it just does not offer anything anymore).
I would advice people to do just that, try with atleast 300+ pvp power and test out different specs (some are really gimped).
Holy pala damage are causing issues at 85 too tho so I dont think we will be stuck with that forever.
The attitude that we should all just shut up and wait for Blizzard to fix things is just as bad.

Don't get me wrong i said nothing about shutting up. But simply stating it's the end and it's over etc, doesn't help anything. Post constructive criticism in a proper way on the WoW forums instead of making thread after thread about how the game is ruined.
Yeah, i agree it's overacting but imo the bracket is not fun at all anymore when healers are immortal even with full pvp power, (damage to non resi stacking ppl is fine)
Adding pvp power to brutal wont help it because pvp power also increases healing in pvp, i mean it would increase damage to resi stackers but theyr healing will increase even more.

if u understand what i mean xd
Will agree to some extent. My initial view was that it was completely broken.
(aimed/chim critting for 800, auto shoot/steady shoot hitting for less than 100dmg).
^^ this was in almost full agi /25% resi.

Its not too bad now that I have stacked pvp power, gave up mm tho (it just does not offer anything anymore).
I would advice people to do just that, try with atleast 300+ pvp power and test out different specs (some are really gimped).
Holy pala damage are causing issues at 85 too tho so I dont think we will be stuck with that forever.


But unless there are some major changes the bracket will be pretty much unplayable. Eventually people realise that the resi stacking is the way to go, and soon all we see is resi stacked people.
Will agree to some extent. My initial view was that it was completely broken.
(aimed/chim critting for 800, auto shoot/steady shoot hitting for less than 100dmg).
^^ this was in almost full agi /25% resi.

Its not too bad now that I have stacked pvp power, gave up mm tho (it just does not offer anything anymore).
I would advice people to do just that, try with atleast 300+ pvp power and test out different specs (some are really gimped).
Holy pala damage are causing issues at 85 too tho so I dont think we will be stuck with that forever.

how was you hitting so low before you stacked pvp power? i dueled a resto shaman my steady shots were hitting 500 with 2k crits, my chimera and aimed was hitting 1k with 6k crits.
personally ive found BM alot better now, having a stun and silence as well as dire beast it rocks on burst, been deicmating dps with it nice to get own back on some frost mages and blood dks

85's is messed up aswell so i think this will change before mop release, was on my 85 resto druid which is badly geared 3.4k resi before patch which is like 59% now i think, and its in boomkin 4 part set, i managed to out heal everything in a duel without a single hardcast or swiftmend, the only ones i had to use swiftmend and the odd hardcast on was a fire mage and rogue burst. with the new glyphs my lifebloom and regrowth heal 50k+ each time, regrowth always being a crit and applying living seed, friend is disc and she can throw a bunch of bubbles absorbing 150-200k damage.
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Pretty hard when whole bracket is fucked up and Hpalas keep 2 shotting you. You must be one of them.
maybe this is just blizzards way of shutting down twinking. hope not, but i will give it a couple of weeks before I quit 70twinking completely.

I thought about the same thing as you. Just did a wsg on my blood DK. I was paired with a resto druid and we kept flag in our flagroom with around 7-10 players on my ass. I checked my log: only 100 til 400ish, with balance druid starfiring at 1k5. This is with 23k hp, 64% reduc armor, 65% reduc resi. I was getting back 600ish with the new hot for runic power talent per sec. Never got down 17k :s

This is soo boring. Not killing anything and not dying either. I felt like I switched from DS 900 crits (was 8k crits last week...) to absorb, absorb, absob....etc etc

I am concerned because it's balanced around 90, and we will probably not see any back step based on low lvl feedbacks :(

Just got a friend who never did pvp going all 34 kills 2 deaths in WsG (HPally 85) :s
same thing happened at start of WOTLK....anyone remember the ret-pal and unholy DKs?

all brackets are jacked now, not just 70 and 85
Why is everyone complaining and whining, blizz are preparing for a new expansion. Everything will be unbalanced 70 is almost more balanced then 85, for example holy paladins(lvl 85) are doing 25-30 k dps in pve does that sound legit? or like 30-0 killing blows in battle grounds they will fix it the patch has been out for a few days and people go crazy.

All I want to say is stop whining and give them a chance to balance it out
I crit mages for 10k with aimed and rogues for 12k warriors for 7k only bad think in the bracket is the healing and dmg by hpalas and priests:p
only funny thing are the paladins that used to be as shit as fuark, now dare to emote cus reroll holypala thinkin dey be guud. cya next patch /silly

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